Why the alt-right is unstoppable at this point

This thread is for all the stupid shills that still think there is some way to take us down, there really isn't desu
>the right is now a sustainable counter-culture
And although we are only second in manpower (to the alt-lite) our cultural power flows within all right-wing movements, all of our memes are utilized by every member of the newer groups
>for instance, although he hates us, PJW still uses the terms soyboy and cuck, terms we made, and he and the rest of the magapedes/alt-lite/skeptic TM us pepe
We are growing by the hundreds everyday while the left shrinks, more white people are waking up to the fact that the j-left (as Eric Striker likes to say) is out to kill off all white people through mass immigration and other anti-white policies
>"hahaha, mass migration will kill you since more people will vote for our side."
First of all by than, this will never be able to happen since the alt-right will already have taken control of large parts of the government and will have a massive support, if this happens the alt-right will most likely due what Mussolini did and overthrow the existing government for white peoples sake.
>"so you would undermine our democracy, but I thought you were against violence! ahaha nazi!'
I am, a lot of the Alt-right is, but at that point we would have to resort to an overthrow to save our people, even now the weakened left always talks about overthrowing the government and commits violence against the people who even slightly disagree with them
>so as the an older shill would say, checkmate niggers, it will be 1933 in a couple years, at least in Europe it will, must suck to be a kike in 2017.

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Bump for the fact that this thread is nice and whitepilling

There is no altright.

Is the point of this thread to suck each other off?

> lost popular presidential vote, squeezed by on EC
> lost congressional seats.
> lost every major congressional race since trump, + governors and state legs.
> worst presidential rating since polls started.


It would be but that would make us degenerate fags user.
Personally I do not consider myself to be "alt-right" I am a National Bolshevik, but whatever the kikes wanna label us as, I will take it and gladly adopt the term, and turn it's negative connotation around.

Here comes the shills who do not realize that none of this is important at all
>you also seem to forget who won the election last year
But you are a shill so none of it matters to you.

It hasn't sink in yet how bad the jews fucked up their position in power. ((((((They))))))) had everything, domination in media, banking, politics, the internet... historians will look back and point at the ((((Iraq war)))) as the moment jewry collapsed.

I think you forgot to change your flag from the other thread, comrade. I agree that the alt right will prevail but I can’t come out as alt right yet because I don’t want to get in trouble from my parents + I’m not ready to tell the girl I like that I’m alt right yet. Hopefully the alt right reaches a critical mass in my area soon. I have been trying to redpill some normies, and have had success in a few cases.

The alt right can never win an election in the United States. Niggers+Spics+Shitty whites is >50% of the population. Uncle Adolf didn't have to win 50% and never did until he consolidated power.

Our democratic system itself has to fall before the Alt Right wins.

Now a Nationalist party practicing a good bit of white Taqqiya could possibly win on a "black independence" platform.

55% of white think they are being discriminated you can now speak freeely with your white acquistances ,dont be shy and make the first step

when my normie family is agreeing with my quasinazi views, i can only concur

hide and seek, we'll begin the purge soon

Quite. Have half-bent mine

The ideas of the Alt Right are undeniably unkillable

Read up on the DNVP in Wiemar Germany. Their activities from 1924 to 1933 are an amazing parallel to what is happening now in multiple ways.
>main reactionary party in Germany for most of that time (alt-right)
>not ideologically uniform, more like a broad coalition of groups united against a corrupt status quo (like Sup Forums)
>literal shitposters; they were known for sending politicians feces in the mail
>financed and directed for a large part of its existence by an inept but wealthy businessman (sound familiar?)
>same businessman presided over inflammatory antics that helped polarize and radicalize the population (exactly the process occurring in the US)
>gradually lost ground as the situation evolved, to the even more virulently anti-Semitic NSDAP (alt-lite to alt-right evolution)

The fire rises!

>>"hahaha, mass migration will kill you since more people will vote for our side."
There's another side to this that the left has completely left out of their calculations. Given a chance to vote between a nig and a white, a significant portion of the lesser races (spics, asians, etc) - many would vote for the white man. The left, in their zeal for marxist equality, has ignored (to their own peril) that spics and asians are generally far more racist than the avg white.

Whats funny is that the spics and asians, being naturally subservient, have generally been hiding their racism because they thought thats what whites wanted to hear. Once they start to find out that its ok to have a preference, it will unleash a wave of pro-white votes in mixed contest. Often with deciding votes coming from spic / asian communities. . Further the asian trust the white candidate more than the spic, and vice-versa. The SJW gambit has probably set back 'colored' political candidates by 100 years

my zio-cuck father just became aware of jewish agenda on christmas after many years of my broaching the subject to no avail. the stars are aligned for victory of the human race

Another reason why a lot of asians and latinos vote for us is because they know that life will be better if they live under us
>4th of latinos for trump
>29 percent of asians
>lefties on sucide watch

Glad tons of people have not been demoralized by the shill lies, the end for the left is near, 1933 will commence again!

plus Generation Zyklon is coming and they’ll gas us for not being conservative enough

Except the (((media))) is controlled by the Jews. They're trying to make it ok to be against whites. And they've already convinced 45% of us at most. How many asians and nigs have they convinced that its good to be against us?

Trump was merely a signal of the growing identity consciousness of white folks around the world. Trump himself may be a kike puppet and "The Goodest Goy" but look at the campaign he ran, the push against mass-migration, against entrenched political elites, against swampcreatures in our governments.

People will not long put up with false flag candidates. What has happened is that the alt-right is now on the political map, and that these ideas are becoming less and less "fringe" as time goes on. It's becoming cool to be a Nazi again. Enjoy having the embassy in Jerusalem... for now.

Oh sorry. I think I'm at the wrong event.

Be proud, take Kek into your heart and sing with pure autism! Our time has come.

You're fighting an uphill battle. There's an interesting section on the Identity Evropa page, which discusses all the corporations that have blocked, deleted, or refused accounts of alt-right members. How do you fight when you have such overwhelming odds against you? How do you communicate the message to the masses, change the narrative, get the truth out there? Normies only look on Facebook and the like, I doubt you'll get the average person digging into real research until it's far too late.

Honestly probably the best option is sleeper agents. Seriously. People who are amazing politicians, who will say whatever to get elected, but secretly carry an alt-right agenda and do whatever they can, quietly and behind the scenes, to further the agenda.

the real reason is because Hispanics are not like white and black Americans. The separate European identities for white Americans died out over the decades, with German Americans being the most recent death (WW1 and WW2 made many German american ashamed of their lineage and drop it all together), while Black Americans had their cultural ties removed. Hispanics, and to an extent East Asians, still have their cultural ties. Very few people will honestly describe themselves as "Hispanic" to other people, but instead will say "I'm Mexican" or "I'm Colombian" or "I'm Portuguese", each of them with their own values and culture.
The problem with leftists is that they ironically believe that all Hispanics think alike, when in actuality they are one of the most politically and ideologically diverse people in America. Hell don't get a Legal Mexican who payed their dues to get legal started on their opinions on an illegal Mexican.

Bumping the catalog is utter shit right now.

>I am a National Bolshevik

fuck off dont take the kikes label if you accept a lable you let them dictate the terms of what you are and how you function. It allows the media to showcase you as extremist by cherry picking the retards in your group.

Alt right is a kike term anyone who says they are alt right is a kike. Fuck kikes.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Not even close. There were literal right-wing death squads years before Hitler became active. antisemitism was the status quo for most Germans. They had been too blatant in their commie uprisings. We are a long way from that. We need at least a depression to get the ball rolling.

Right now is when the vanguard forms. When we create our founding principles. We'll probably be old men when things run their course.

I'm saying this not to shit on your enthusiasm, but to make sure you don't burnout. Expecting the whole population to go 1488 in a couple of years isn't realistic. We need to play the long game. Luckily, time is on our side.

agreed user, I am ready to do anything to save our people, I know a lot of you fags have the same thoughts and resolve as me.

Honestly user you are correct.

I know, we need to time it right. Just saying we have a real chance, that's all. We need a real crisis to start it, and lucky for us, automation will force economic change--which never comes without some group suffering. Unemployed masses of angry young men, plus a bunch of violent and entitled foreigners in your land. What could possibly go wrong?

This is going to happen soon user, also we only need the angry entitled foreigners desu, and we have niggers so we don't need to many more of em'.

>he fell for the nazbol meme

The 'alt-right' image is too extreme as well, for the majority of people. The fact that the ideas are being discussed more openly is the first step towards normalizing them, but there are significant problems with the way people view the alt-right, and the way they're painted in the media. At least there are some media sources that cover alt-right news favorably, but they need to become more mainstream. And you're right, things would have to get much worse before you see major systemic change. A depression, a major war, famine, something severe.

How about this flag, better user?

>plus Generation Zyklon is coming and they’ll gas us for not being conservative enough
God I hope so

I don't think you can count on automation. Despite all the doom and gloom you read, it doesn't actually remove that many jobs. In some cases, it even creates jobs - robotic technicians, operates, etc. Plus, it's a slow process since automating a task is a capital-intensive undertaking, so most businesses opt to only do a few automated improvements at a time.

Agreed OP. The shills should just give up at this point. All their hours and hours of effort were just a big waste of time. They cannot stop what is inevitable. The fire rises...

It creates almost nothing compared to what it can do, and it demands higher skill/training than its preceding jobs, meaning a large portion of those displaced won't see the new benefit.
It's already placing out some legal work, for example. Our current economic structure is already more focused on part-time jobs, which are the most vulnerable to automation if the initial cost lowers enough. All it takes is just a little more pressure brought on to shrink the job pool, and you'll have far more intolerable conditions created. We can get that from a combination of automation and immigration.

Most of my normie apolitical friends are at least aware that Islam is a genuine threat and that immigration in general needs reducing. And things are only moving in our direction.

I'm pretty whitepilled long term. When we fight back we'll win, it's as simple as that.

You're destined to lose.

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight you on the seas and oceans, we shall fight you in the air, we shall defend our Homeland, whatever the cost may be, we shall you fight on the beaches, we shall fight you in the hidden tunnels under Comet Pizza, we shall dox you in the streets, we shall slide you in the threads.

We shall never surrender.
t. David Brock

My biggest concern is that the big shakeup never happens. You have a narrow elite doing everything in their power to maintain the status quo, and humanity slowly slips away into a bunch of couch potatoes.

The alt-right would remain as internet trolls and isolated homesteaders waiting for the collapse that will never come, becoming more and more irrelevant every day.

We can't assume that some disaster is going to change everything. We have to be present in all levels of society. I can't emphasize enough that we need as many people in to be well-established in society as possible.

That's not saying the traditionalists aren't also vital, but we can't give the Jews a free hand with legions of drones.

Good post. I've been trying to get through to people that going all-or-nothing on full blown ethnonationalism would be a strategic error at this point. The fires need stoking more.

You're probably correct, people think of Charlottesville or at best - Richard Spencer, when they think of the alt-right.

I don't feel the need to REEEEEEEEEEEE whenever someone calls this movement the alt-right though

Best timeline



Nietzsche's last man is what liberalism and the current ruling powers are aiming for yes. I think its aimed out of a sort of nihilistic necessity from their viewpoint. In their view, its we either mix humanity together and dumb it down into consumer, identity-less bugmen or its war.

Its part of the reason tech advancment has slowed down so dramatically and it seems we are just recycling technology at this point with every iphone release the difference is minimal. Very little in the way of "advancing humanity" because we are entirely atomised and no one knows what the point of our existence is. So the only rational thing is to just be. But to the elite and to the modern west, anything is better than difference and conflict.

The current state of affairs is completely unsustainable. The establishment stooges are never going to admit they were wrong about open borders and the shitskins are not going to stop behaving the way they do.

We absolutely will need to organising properly, and the sooner the better, which I think will happen. It's still early days.

Yes, it would take an economic depression as the far left would agitate and cause the far right to increase in popularity

We just explain what everyone's thinking. We're one happening away from things turning ugly and our way.

Hate trump and civic nationalism but if the alt right becomes completely race realist then I could maybe accept them as equals.

Time? What time do you think we have? The satanists can not yet walk in the daylight, but their rituals go on more fervently than ever. Concealed within their fortresses, the (((lords of darkness))) see all--their gaze pierces vpn, proxy, walls, and flesh. You know of what I speak, user.

God I hope a collapse comes soon and hard. I'm so tired of this shit. I'm home from Christmas and we have five leftover pies rotting in the fridge. Big pile of candy sitting in the living room. Half empty bottles of $30 cider, because someone was too lazy to check if the other one was finished. People aren't made to live like this. We didn't even have a good time. Plenty of gifts, but we just ignored each other after.

Go on facebook and see people turning into fat fucks. None of my old friends want to do anything other than smoke and play video games. And here I am sitting on my ass. Bitching and putting all my hopes in the future. Too lazy to do anything with some candy wrappers on my desk.

I don't think it's possible for a minority outgroup to get a majority ingroup to commit multiple major suicidal actions for very long.
Minor subversions for a long time, sure, but many major ones? It's too fast, too far.

Also tech has always been a double edged sword. Every MS mouthpiece also has a wiki page with a link to their heritage.

Finally, never underestimate hubris.

The left is in clear control of the establishment. As the lives of the younger generation mature into something worse than they grew up in, theyll in turn blame the establishment, just like the snowflakes of the past did to the right while conservatism was the establishment.

Right now is a sort of dangerous mix of trust fun babies whining about things not being fair, however most have a good life due to conservative principles of their parents and the wealth they were able to accumulate. Once that fades and more and more millenials realize what life is life with college debt and a 30k a year shit tier job theyll change their outlook...and look to blame those in charge.

The pendulum swings....alt right/light is the edgy counter culture....and the thing is the left is so much more reactive to culture counter theirs that it just plays right into troll culture....we have it far better than the leftists trolling religious people did in the 80s and 90s.

Before your boyfriend sucks you off, tell me what you really do for anyone? Not that I like your kissing cousins on the left either but you're both a joke who won't even stand up for yourselves because you have a menorah up your assholes. You're a joke!

the alt right being a purerly conservative movement is a lie.

all it is,id s bunch of kids on welfare who secretly get angry at immigrants takiing their jobs and shout jew and shiit.

all the new world order and the illuminati is just another version of muh scary jew or powertrip so people disassociate with their own power.

this is not power this is pathetic.

you will fuck off back to stormfront and foz news and we can have a new old Sup Forums back.

Cuck is a tumblr insult

Hey share blue

so you responded to eachother and convinced reddit to say soyboy. by posting on reddit. you talked to media groups about the onion juice "meme", and got them to pretend you were the alt right. impressive, so, we are your personal army now. okay. and that means, what? you reading this are supposed to respond how? you aren't from Sup Forums, what are you absorbing? (((you))) are developing student debt, by shillposting on Sup Forums for a degree in afro america. what are you creating? do you think this will last? this isn't the first shutdown, its never finished. and no, astroturf will never be cool. how does this work? something doesn't. lets break this down one more time, you made a meme by getting burgers posting under leftypol flags to respond to eachother, from the same computer room they were all assigned to, they were all posting from at their local "college". and this will make you hip?

no new posts. this thread was hHot hshit by the time i got here. i guess i own it now.
if your from reddit i wont attack you, but i got the dank shit if thats what your lurking for. it ain't here anymore.

Ethnic nationalism also tends to increase during times of turmoil as it’s an organic formulation that people fall back on (eg in prison, in schools, really anywhere multiculturalism isn’t enforced)

>in control
>silence all dissenting opinion within your own circles
>see! everyone agrees with us!


You're playing a game of power-dynamics. Nobody can stop your ideas - nobody ever will, jkust like nobody can ever stop any Idea. Your autism leads you to believe you're operating in a vacuum, where no other foreign factors will be at play. In truth, any power-plays you make on any of our governments will result in a serious power shift, and immediately afterward for such callous civil rights atrocities?? a full-on war!

You're never going to win, and when you think you do, we will all die. Boom. The end. The powers that be have their hands everywhere, you're a bunch of autists on an anonymous web board most of you too afraid to make a public show of yourselves,

>the powers that be
That's the golden question.
Who has power, and are they willing to employ it?

congratulation, you are from four chan. how does it feel?


whats your football team? i have best team.

Well thought out, user. Too much faggotry and irrationality plagues all of 2x2chan, most of all Sup Forums

we need to set ablaze the Reichstag again

>>literal shitposters; they were known for sending politicians feces in the mail
Top kekkels

but its not our idea. you forgot to accept national loyalty. the masses. the conditions for unity. thats what cant be suppressed. only cultivated.

I'll put it like this:

>2015: We let the lefties/SJWs push us back without fighting back, because we were patient, understanding, and wanted to give them a chance
>2016: We decided it was time to stop letting them push us back. We anchored down, and they couldn't budge us
>2017: We elected Donald Trump, and the lefties/SJWs began to retreat by themselves
>2018: This is the year we begin to fight back VICIOUSLY and go on offense instead of defense.

It's over. No more Mr. Nice Christians. 2018 is going to be the year where we violently push back against the Lefties degenerates. And we are going to win.

Time to bring back Christian values, morality, sound economics, and prosperity. Anyone who gets in our way will get destroyed.


At this point, after 2 years redpilling my family and friends there is nobody in my circle,people with whom I often talk that are not right-wing and aware of the cultural marxism and the social engineering, everything made by the bankers of the elite, who control the financial system like the Rohschild family. Every day, in some part of the World there is someone who awakes, we growth every day and it's unstoppable at this point. Enjoy this thing fellas.

I dunno about that.

well what about us here in america?

The Lefties thought it was tough in 2017 when we didn't advance.

Now imagine when WE begin to be the active oppressors and begin to retake our land and bring back morality.

>christians think this is their thing
I'm sorry user.

dude how? you realize how many niggers live in america? you realize how hard it will be especially since americans are niggerized at this point?

It's going to be grand

Sup Forums might have seeded it, but Sup Forums will take it out back and put it down, like the sick and corrupted husk it is

As happy as i am that the right wing is winning this nascent culture war.

The pendulum is always swinging, gotta some how parlay this political movement into something serious before it comes swinging back.


Yeah mate well Stalin was likely a tsarist agent but it didn’t do them much good

Isn´t it strange how small it was when it began?
Now I have never been much of a gamer, but it is there it all began, did it not?
>Many years of girls calling gamers nerds
>no one noticing the girls
>girls want in
And through their own forceful insertion of themselves, feminists rose:
>being angry at fictional characters
>not being angry at actual oppression
Through their own hypocracy "we" got angry.

Just a thought.

If you want to provoke a fight with the alt left just call yourself a fascist. It's 100% guaranteed to get them riled up and maybe to attack you. It works for me pretty well. Over the past year I've gotten into a dozen fights with antifa cucks.

Please regale us with a tale or two

don't consider this alt right at all. weird how americans think the lefft/right thing is still a thing. ah well keep electing one then the other and wonder why you have economic cycles

i capped this post
what a comfortable hell has been created

Severly underrated


>Luckily, time is on our side.
Guess you missed the memo then. Have you ever heard of the demographic crisis?



How should we be living? In poverty having to hunt for our food or something you pathetic faggot

do you still think you're winning the culture war?

It's a strange thing Sven, not that long ago common sense had it to just let a productive man have his pool room, classic car project, tool shed or fishing boat so he would not lose it at the general immaturity of those around him and become unproductive. Women knew to just let him have his cave man time and everything would continue to be fine.

When a concerted effort was made to disrupt this activity in modern day form in vidya, when a subset of men were yet to work to achieve the family/career post college, it weaponized a swathe of >tfw no gf

To the point of making an educated movement to return to conservative values as well as re-examining the pros of Nazi Germany. Also Trump.