Little Witch Academia

I really hope Trigger delivers on Sucymom. I absolutely love her design.

Other urls found in this thread:

>LWA Shindol doujin
>Sucymom decides that she's going to have some fun with loli sucy
>She goes up to her and tells her that she's going to teach her what grownups do when they love each other very much
>She doesn't fuck her, not yet, but she passionately makes out with her
>this continues for a while, with Sucy's mouth being repeatedly invaded at basically any time
>then Sucymom sees loli Sucy get wet to it for the first time
>She begins to let loli sucy hump her as they kiss, and eventually she cums
>Sucymom decides that it's time to get serious
>She starts fucking her in all kinds of ways
>sometimes she'll stick so many massive heavy dildoes into Sucy that the skin of her torso begins to tear, and she can't walk because of the weight
>sometimes Sucymom will strangle her while pounding her with an magic dick she put onto herself
>eventually loli sucy becomes obsessed with it and actively eats her mother out whenever she can, hurting herself to entertain her, and other degenerate things
>as things go on, we start to see the mental effects of these events
>doujin or not, it's still child abuse and there's a reason we don't let people do it
>loli Sucy starts to torture animals, self mutilate in strange and cringe inducing ways, and slowly loses her empathy for others
>She eventually kills another child her age and nibbles off bits of the body over time
>Sucy becomes a serial killer, or at least mentally she is
>real life serial killers were often abused hard as kids, and she's become the same kind of person
>eventually the girl she killed is discovered, and she gets found out as the culprit
>an investigation is launched into Sucy's life
>Sucymom is arrested and is sentenced to death for child abuse and pedophilia
>Sucy is put into a orphanage/mental asylum
>final pages are of a modern day Sucy as we know her, a psych report stating that she still has no empathy but can safely meet new people now and is recommended to attend Luna Nova

>I'm gonna start using a trip
>doesn't use a trip

>ywn have a 3some with Sucy and her mom

Why live?

stop this forced meme

A happy Constanze is a cute Constanze!

I enjoy sucking dick.

reminder that tattun confirmed this to be canon.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little "sales academia" post up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" "little sales academia" guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you post it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a fuckin fictonal guy on a fictional show. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic waifufag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "I REALLY REALLY HATE ANDREW AND FRANK." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

But why?
Don't you want more Andrew?
Why would you waste an episode on anybody else when you could get MORE ANDREW EPISODE?!


The only thing he confirmed is that Akko wouldn't fuck Andrew and Diana really doesn't care about Andrew that way.



When did he confirm that?

Just a reminder that I post this unironically.
They should have stuck to the formula of the OVAs,whoever decided to add Andrew and Frank needs fired, if not executed.
I've loved every episode aside from the ones where they appear, and the episodes they were in would have been good if they weren't in it.
Trigger honestly deserves to go bankrupt for this shit, I went in expecting a TV version of the OVAs, instead I get shoehorned faggy boys and shoehorned romance.
I was gonna buy the BDs but decided to wait after the first Andrew episode in case they continued to fuck up, and unfortunately for them they did. They lost a few hundred dollars from me and many other people for the shoehorning.
>No Sales Academia
>Little Sales Academia
>Little Andrew Shoehornemia
That said, I pre ordered the Akko nendo, I'll just pretend she is the Akko from the OVAs and not Romance Shoehorn Academia.

Reminder to report, not reply.
Carry on, and have a good day.




I want to make Costanze sad!

delet this

It's also a Black Sabbath reference!

Are we really going to have to deal with this autistic copy pasta every thread?

>LWA generals

How sad?

cry more, dragonnigger

To one day experience having 3p with sucy and her mom in vr or tulpa form

A grumpy Costanze is also a cute Costanze!

Eh, switch to the new one, this pasta is stale already.

>/u/ still clinging onto this show

>impersonating that guy when he literally said in this thread he's using a trip now because people are impersonating him

Just post more Sucy

I want Amanda to invite Constanze into her family house to meet Amanda's family so they can all gang up on Constanze and blow raspberries into her tummy

Hello, everyone. I love sucking dicks by the way.

Reminder that impersonating an autist makes you an even bigger autist


>pre-ordering sluts


Why is Tattun such a based man?




>wake up
>Sucy still isn't real

Why is the universe like this?

He's acting like LWA will do any better.



She's real on the other side

Why would you want her to be real instead of wanting yourself to be anime?

Sounds good

Wasn't this shit supposed to save anime? , i don't really see people talking about it all that much

How do I get loaded into the Anime?

Feels bad bros.

>Dragonfucker is still baiting for (you)s
We get it already. Your favorite show is more popular. So what?
Time to fuck off from this thread.

If you weren't such a newfag, you will know that "saving anime" is a meme.

And yes, people are talking about it.


I don't think he's baiting. He's actually serious.

He happily falls on every hook the moment someone makes a sidewards comment about Maid dragon or his toddler waifu.


>that moment you realize Chumlee's 2D persona gets to exists in the same universe as Sucy

Its not fair.

>I don't think he's baiting. He's actually serious.
God help him if that is the case.
Why can't we just have fun LWA threads like back in the old days instead of this constant shitflinging show wars?

>it didn't save anime
>people aren't really talking about it anymore than any other semi popular show
>i i i iiiiit was a joke you n n n nnnn newf f f f fffa ag
All right buddy. It's ok to be wrong sometimes.


Are you implying there's no shitflinging coming out of the LWA camp? Hell, there's shitflinging within the threads themselves.


It's all just fun bantz, user. Not this comparison shit.

Where do you think you're going, wizard boy?


Speaks the truth. Kyoanuscucks once again rekt.

To hang out with my girlfriend Akko.

>MDfags saying MD is better than LWA is shitflinging
>LWAfags saying LWA is better than MD is fun bantz

Stop bullying me for being a virgin


Tour around the house

He's talking about in thread discussions, not about other shows

Bully the for being Virgins

Has it occurred to you that there wasn't shitflinging at dragonfags from LWA until they sperged out at the thought of being in third place of a shitty strawpoll, started whining about rigging and yelling about Tattun being a "slated eye attention whore"?

MDfags started shit, are continuing shit, and are refusing to leave LWA threads and end shit.

Which is just as well, given that their favorite show is shit.


What would it be like?

More popular and successful shit.

Nasty, brutish, and short.

Funny LWA was third in the poll until someone said they'd rig it, then it shot up to first with more than double its votes. Then when someone pointed out it was rigged, LWAfags started going "LOL UR SHOW IS JUST SHIT DEAL WITH IT XD", and now we're here. Stop being retarded.

That's actually the reson. For some reason we have not reported them yet

You wanna go,bitch?

Exhilarating and passion filled, but also frightening

I don't think I'm a great fighter, but I guarantee I've been in more fights than you and I wouldn't have to try to kick the fucking shit out of you.

Akko is SMART

Why are you so insecure?

They're both insane and probably have acidic bodily fluids, you'd almost definitely die a horrible death.

Somebody make this fight happen, I wanna see these two go.

Tattun was posting until some Dragonfags came and insulted him. What a sad little fags

>and are refusing to leave LWA threads and end shit
Can you blame them?

Have you seen how garbage the MD threads are?

90% of posts are either about Quetzel pedophilia or Kanna pedophilia.

I'm surprised anyone other than toddlercons are willing to admit they watch the show, for fear of being mistaken for the posters in the threads.

To the range. Would you like to join me?

>if you correct someone you're insecure
How petulant can you be?

When can we expect more Andrew? He pushes Akko's buttons the right way, and they bounce off each other well.

Threads were already shit, and now Maid Dragon boys are gonna be shitposting in them from now on. How does it keep getting worse?

To cast as spell on you, but I see that's not needed

Personally, I blame it on Diana.

Sounds like a good way to die

I've noticed the number of tumblr filenames in these threads has increased quite a bit lately with no one commenting on it.

Please stop that. These drawings are shit too. Not postworthy.
