i know people say it was shit but fuck i enjoyed it and it was comfy af
A show that literally only you watched
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Fan #2 reporting in, they say that when all 5 fans appear in one thread we'll finally figure out if Hell Boy was bullshitting about escaping Hell or not.
Season 4 was announced recently if you didn't catch it, OP. Expect a boom in popularity soon, weekly threads at least.
OP here
what a time to be alive i couldn't believe it when they announced season 4 it came out of nowhere
also hell girl threads are all welcome.
can we get 5 fans or that stretching it too far lol
Fan #3 reporting in. I'm a sadistic fuck, so I enjoyed the series despite how repetitive and formulaic it was.
I wanted to rewatch some episodes and I'm trying to recall which ones were the best. What were your favorite episodes, anons? I'm going to rewatch season 1, ep 18 next (the one featuring the dog killer).
Fan #4 here.
I have ai as my wallpaper.
OP here
in season i love episode 14\16\17\21 and especially 23 that episode was creepy af man
OP here
i listen to the soundtrack every now and then it was amazing and atmospheric
OP here
It wasn't as much shit as it was the same shit over and over again. I would have kept watching if only for that cute girl, but alas I have ADHD.
There is a season 4 is coming though
It was edgy trash and you should feel bad for liking it.
Every thread.
i liked it
I'm pretty sure this was fairly talked about when it was airing.
>literally only you watched
Really? It was pretty popular about 10 years ago or so.
I kinda liked it.
Not enough to be fan #5 but I thought it was fine.
OP here
you would think that i know what was anime back then jesus i was 12 lol
Was even localized on your area too.
People say that Mitsuganae is horseshit though.
I had a crush on Enma Ai
>Mitsuganae is horseshit though.
will i kinda agree
I know. It was pretty popular here back in the day. I still like Sakasama no Chou and Nightmare to this day, and I'm still upset SNoW went into semi-retirement.
Don't know, I never watched it since Animax never aired it to my recollection. Also, SNoW didn't sing the OP so it just wouldn't have been the same.
The charm of Jigoku Shoujo really weakened when they were pushing this "next Enma Ai" shit way back during Futakomori.
I want to cum inside of Enma Ai.
OP here
i'm actually on the opposite side i really like Karinui and Aizome Noto Mamiko is angel
OP here
for me 2>1>>
This is an anime that you should not watch with Sup Forums
OP here
are you optimistic or pessimist for the new season? for me i'm between just thinking we get a new season makes so happy but at the same time i can't forget the horeshit Mitsuganae was... so your thoughts?
Not really. In fact, it would probably be more enjoyable ranting with the rest of Sup Forums about each episode.
That said, the rage-inducing charm will get stale quick.