I don't want my kid growing up to become a SJW, Leftist Liberal, hipster or hash-tagging following fool...

I don't want my kid growing up to become a SJW, Leftist Liberal, hipster or hash-tagging following fool. He must red pilled! Granted he's not even a year old, but in a few years, who the fuck knows what's this country gonna be like.
I don't want me going to school and being corrupted by the leftist culture that seems to thrive where I live.

>How young should I start red-pilling my kid?
>What red pill should I start with?

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you join a church, whether you believe in religion or not. and you send your kid to the church school oryou homeschool. that's what everybody does.

his friends will be kinds from teh church. millinos of people do this and it works fine

During her impressionable years, live in a socialist shithole like Cuba or Venezuela. That will teach her to appreciate the first world.

I consider myself agnostic while my wife is non practicing Lutheran and we have no decided, if any, what religion the baby will be. Why is joining a church the way to go? Religion seems to be dying in the US, especially with the younger crowd. And the church for her faith where we live has less than 50 people attending a weekly mass.

Right because Cuba won't be over run ina few years to be made a "property" of the US like Puerto Rico is. No thanks.

I feel sorry for you buddy, I wouldn't have a kid these days, too fucking crazy. The world is either going to end soon or go through such a shitstorm that it will get rid of half of the population. Its unfortunate but a necessary thing that needs to happen. Anyway the one piece of advice I would give is to not give him whatever he wants and make him work for what he gets. I think most of the leftist sjw shit comes from first world comforts that make people lazy degenerates. Just don't fall into the everyone gets a trophy mentality with him. I wish you luck, the next generation needs to be different if we are to have any hope

You missed the point, cretin.

Home school your kids.

The biggest advice I can give is you cannot indoctrinate. I know this goes against the instinct, since the feeling is you are trying to protect them from grave evil (and you are).
But you must make them feel that they are figuring this out, not you telling them what to think. Ultimately kids respond really well to having "conversations" about things and really bad to being "lectured". So your first job is to figure out how you can tone down your natural passion about these subjects from a 10, down to a 5 or 6...toned-down enough so you can have a back and forth discussion with your kid and don't pretend like you know all the answers, act like your accepting of different view points, but let them lead you the obvious answers that you've cleverly laid out for them.

>consider myself agnostic while my wife is non practicing Lutheran and we have no decided, if any, what religion the baby will be. Why is joining a church the way to go? Religion seems to be dying in the US, especially with the younger crowd. And the church for her faith where we live has less than 50 people attending a weekly mass.

poor kid's got no hope, then. user, if you're so gung-ho on redpilling your kid and you don't understand the importance of Christianity in achieving your goal, it ain't gonna work. As it is, you sound like you're probably (((socially liberal; fiscally conservative))).

Churches are a waste of time anyway, since progressive thought is just an elaborate Christian heresy (See Moldbug, et al.) and Christian teachings are invariably going to bluepill your kid.

Honestly? Send him to public school. Show him the world and let him naturally become discontent with it. Make sure he's taking everything with a grain of salt, and don't be afraid to push back against whatever he's being taught if you think it's stupid. Kids trust their parents over their teachers, and you want to use that bond to make sure that he's learning the right lessons from school.

I dont as the kid was planned for a while and it finally happened. This is how me and my wife were raised. You earn shit and work for it. Not everyone is special, gets an award or becomes someone important. No free hand outs. Life is tough. That kind of shit.

Does this actually work, or will they just go on the internet and discover this place?

Give it to them straight but in a diet format.

Why? Because I'm not religious, but my wife is? Why is Christianity considered "the" religion?" I never understood that. And if you believe I'm "socially liberal; fiscally conservative" from three posts, don't quit your day job kiddo.

Holy shit

I wouldn't consider them a waste of time, but more like a thing of the past that should remain in the past. People today hardly care about religion like they did in say 1950 where it was practically mandated growing up to be Catholic/Christian in the US

So agree with the guy that said do not indoctrinate. Very tempting for blue collar dads to try indoctrinating because they feel powerless as they struggle financially to support a kid that they feel is being taken away from them by the ideologies of the rich elite and manipulators

If my father approached me in a nicer way and suggestively led me to ideologies instead of telling me I can have no other view than his, I wouldn't have been a rebellious hippy druggy from 13-20. The only thing that saved me was my own curiosity and the internet.

Also try homeschooling as much as you can with quick maths teach him his timestables give him hard-to-comprehend classics from socrates, paine, other thinkers that are important to the american ideals of freedom and logic. Let him know he is an intellectual elite by telling him he is very smart and that he can comprehend all this stuff most people older than him can't - books books books books books books books books.

Between my friends and I who all became hard drug addicts in our teens and dropped out of school, I was the only one who came back to get a STEM degree partially because I was previously enlightened even during elementary school by reading the correspondences between jefferson and washington, boyle and huygens, newton's diaries etc all pushed on me by my father and bought for me for christmas, birthdays etc.

Don't underestimate the advantage of telling your kid times tables repeatedly until he knows all the way up to 16x16 by like 7 yrs old, really not hard asians do it all the time. Piano or guitar is also a great way to encourage expressive creativity and a great reminder he has an individual soul that deserves liberty

> Having a kid

Also I as well am not religious but will tell my child there is a creator that loves him and made all the world and that evil is attempting to make it a bad place and to look out for it. Let him know how subversive and evil people can be and never to underestimate the trickery and degeneracy of the world

Even if it isn't your belief that there is a benevolent creator, tell him so, as it will give him hope and he will be more resistant to the hedonistic "we're on a rock and are stupid monkeys who care what ur life amounts to" ideology of the common north american subspecies.

By the time he's ready to be home schooled, the Internet will be in every device, TV, handheld, picture frame, watch and anything electronic it seems.

How the hell do I put my values against the World's? Just because I'm the parent, I'm right mentality?

Yep. I did my part!

I feel this is going to be difficult to do because I shudder to think what this leftist world will be in five years time.

At this point in existence, we need religion whether the deity exists, or not. People need a solid foundation to achieve their potential.

I second this. If you have a son you will want him to bang as many church sluts as possible.

How can I find a solid base in religion when each has their own answers to every question? Kid gonna ask which one is right, then what?

I'm sure you speak from first hand experience...

Same fear and my solution will be - absolutely no internet except for consoles and games I've vetted until about 10 years old allowed. No tablet, nothing, whine all you want.

I got to the internet at 7 y/o and was masturbating and discovering beastiality and shit by 8. Today it'd be worse; there was no feminization and sissification porn when I was a kid (and the first thing boys go to is porn). Now there is a distinct possibility that if left unchecked he will be tranified. Just be extra aware of that, do NOT let him get to the internet or spend any time alone on it until atleast nearing the end of elementary school man, like closer to 11 years old than 7; internet's not a safe space anymore

They have algorithms to detect underage users and direct them down rabbit holes to alter their minds

And obviously that's just the tip of the iceberg considering it's admitted on the guardian

>Christian teachings are invariably going to bluepill your kid.

lol WHAT? user, don't listen to this shill kike. He's wrong and sadly & unfortunately, you may be going about this very wrongly, too. But regardless, I wish you & your family luck.

Didn't most Millennials come from religious families?

then raise them right and if they're male make sure you keep their T levels high

The Internet will only get bigger and reach more depths in the years coming. All memes aside, it will be everywhere and anywhere, much like all the religion people have suggested to go with here.

We both were born 1981, both families were practicing religion. Mine was Catholic, but I lost touch with that the moment I reached high school in the early 90s.

No soyboy here

Be a good parent who neither abuses nor spoils them. Spend time with them. When they're teens you can drop some indirect red pills like the news. I had it easy since my kid watched the news in the morning and it was always some black shit committed some crime.

Once they're an adult you should be able to talk to them more directly and tell them about how society and the system is twisted in general. Hard work and not falling for jewish tricks is key in life. Internet so far is the way to find a more clear path Guide them well user.

Fuck these posters. Don't lay it on thick because it'll just force them quicker to the other side. You have to be very tactful and reactionary to their lives. Don't try and top down lay it out for them. Be like a good teacher and have them come to the conclusion on their own with your guidance.

I do. They are like all other girls and sleep around when they can. The male members of church do it to.

Going to church doesnt make you less human and humans get urges. Sometimes those urges are for someone whose not your wife of 5 years. No big deal if you dont get caught and if you do blame them "You didnt suck my cock enough!"

>why is christianity "the religion"

because you are an idiot OP

do you really want to redpill your kid?
its basically just like the matrix
ignorance is bliss as long as you have a good life in the matrix.
if you have a shitty life in there, then whatever. you got nothing to lose.

red-pilling is seeing the world as it is objectively.
you can give them certain views just by planning ahead. dont live in a big city. make sure your son gets white friends. etc.
lead him in the right direction and hope for the best.

That's the nightmare of every parent. "My friend has it, why can't I?" My friend gets to go, why can't I?" It's hard to find the middle ground these days with anything.

I get that part. Never go full red pill, it leads to bitterness and ultimately dark times. But at the same time, if the kid gets more blue in him, I'm afraid he'll develop the snowflake mentality or whatever it will be called by the time he's old enough to understand this. In today's world, especially where i live, it's all to easy to take the blue pill and all the "free" hand outs that come with it at other's expenses

Did somebody say...


If you go extreme black pill it ends up becoming somewhat blue. But instead of "Do what you want, people will love you for it" it becomes "People will hate you either way. Be yourself and do what you want".

I unironically think this meme is hilarious.

I feel as though there will be a time when the red pill will become the blue and the black will become the red. It's a world of extremes now and the leftists are making it that way. It's on every news outlet, except Fox and few others, damn near every tv show shoehorns leftist crap into itself and people cheer. Movies are full left now...and at the end of the day. No one, not even Trump himself can steer the country back from the left.. He can just slow it down or give it a little bit less left angle

Beat him if he ever says anything remotely related to social justice or leftism

The only way to get the kid to adopt your views is to be a good role model. Do just that, and it's enough. Anything else, and he'll do the reverse of what you want.

I forgot to add that in my eyes, Facebook is a big part of the leftist movement, at least here in the US. It's amazing the shit that people post, lap up and believe because it's on Facebook. Just like their "fake news flag" got pulled because it had the opposite effect and got more people to click on the links they're not supposed to. They are the new, younger generations religion if you will. That and snapchat, Instagram. No one knows how to socialize anymore without a phone in public. I've always wondered what if Facebook went right, where this world would be today...

>Just because I'm the parent, I'm right mentality?
That's right. Be a good parent, and the child will seek to adopt your views against all odds.

I want to believe this way, I really do but this isn't 1980 something or earlier. The Internet and the Left really fucked this place up. I just don't see how two parents can be held higher than that. Believe me, I want it to be, but I just don't see how.

My parents did this, and im p redpilled

Don't indoctrinate your child. It is as likely to backfire as anything. Just look at glorious generation zyklon. Teach them to value rational evidence driven thinking and make information available to them as they become old enough to understand it. They will naturally gravitate towards these philosophies. Be sure to also teach them how and when to hold their tongue so they aren't shamed as a nazi for shouting the truth to people who refuse to listen.

Yes, how did this become a thing? You speak out against the left, you are nazi. How did this become the legal and accepted norm?

What about indoctrinating the child in the opposite of your belief? If you want a conservative child be indoctrinating extreme SJW like the ones on Tumblr?

There is no need to play games with upbringing of children. The risk is not worth it.

Just wanted to say thanks all that took the time to respond to my little thread. I have much to think about. Off to bed. Doubt it will last the night. Thanks again.

I'm being honest with you user.

Homeschool your kid. If you can't homeschool then send them to a private school. Whatever you do make sure your kid never sets foot in a public school (state indoctrination center). As long as you don't send your kid to commie daycare and show them examples of WASP values growing up you should be fine.

I think Sup Forums is/was working on a children's book. This should be good inspiration.

What could go wrong?

Good luck keeping your kids. You teach your kids something besides hate and the Nazi bull dyke will want to keep you from your kids to they will be vulnerable to wanna be nazi Brain washing. Teach your kids its there fault for being white and they will be below pound scum for denying their own purpose of self. Your headed down a road of making enemy's on both sides giving them intelligent moral foundations. Best luck the world needs him.

Fuck off im 18 years old and i dropped out of high school when i was 15 because my dad had a big business in mexico and here you dont have to go to school even though the educational system here is faster and bettet but whatever. Anyway i got my education through. Sup Forums and online pdf books about European history and of course Algebra, and never went to school after 15. So my answer to you is go fuck off stop complaining like a little nigger and make you're kid work and get a job. Me on the other hand i dont have too my dad mad alot of good money so i pretty much stay here and browse Sup Forums all day and debate with people here who think that you have to be blonde hair and blue eyes in order to be a National Socialist

Lead with the (good)example, always. That's the best way to convince people about whatever you believe in.

keep your kid out of public school, be a parent not a friend, stay married, get a philosophy or sane religion, community matters kids soak everything in around them so what they see is how they will act, keep them off computers and TV, have them play an instrument around 7 y/o, always have good music around them, seasonally: cook bake garden can build things camp, don't buy the shitty plastic toys, have quality like minded friends. remember. what you feel, how you react to situation is what they will pick up, they will rebel eventually, but with a solid foundation the first 9 years they will bounce back later.

A fundamental, Bible-believing church (aka not the Catholic church of satan or the any of the pussy mainstream protestant churches) is the only place where your child will be redpilled with an entire community of people to support you.

Uh no! I recommend the man's kid to go to Sup Forums just like i went to Sup Forums before Sup Forums existed back in my teenage days

The kid will learn

>Why is joining a church the way to go?
You can either try to redpill your child alone while the entire world tells him that you're crazy, or you can have a community of people who also don't believe the world's bullshit to back you up.

Watch Conan the Barbarian with him and explain all the red-pilling that is going on in that movie.

I do find it troubling you want to red pill a kid. you want to teach your child the world is a good place so they know when something is bad. all the studies show positivity in the first 14 years, two cycles of 7, make a person more self-sufficient. learning to overcome obstetrical in a well tempered way, and following through on tasks. reading good books (classics) art and music allow kids ways to cope with life as adults and develop their finer skills in areas they enjoy. In the first 7 years their physical development and imagination are most important. In the 2nd 7 years comprehension through listening skills is most important. don't intellectualize too early otherwise they fall into survival mode and that's not what you want to nurture. Find a philosophy and learn what works best for your family. Being honest, trustworthy, dedication and loyalty is what they want and need from you. Wife With a Purpose on youtube might be someone who can give you good idea.

try that again, but this time use proper grammar and complete sentences to get your point across.