Boku no Hero Academia

She's been getting more creepy as time goes on. What's her deal?

Other urls found in this thread:


No she hasn't you goddamn autist.

i think that was toga in that scene that smile is so weird desu

What's the name of this background character again?

asui or some shit

Serious question: why hasn't deku at least put on some mass since the start of the manga? It's like he's not even trying to become a better vessel for OfA. He could be a lot bigger if he had been seriously lifting since the start of the manga.

He hasn't had time.

He should drop out and lift 24/7 desu

I like how people who obviously don't even read the manga bother posting in these threads. As if they aren't shitty enough as-is with the grapefag

It's clearly bait.

>becoming more cute
>thinking she's becoming creepy
no, she's not, she's just falling in love

I'd add to that pic her chibi appearance on top too.
But heck, the whole page is worth saving

No dude look at her the frame before too Creepy af. She's taking after toga and going full yandere

You're trolling, right? No one could be this stupid.

>He couldn't wait until Monday
>Posts shitty bait as the OP in a desperate bid to keep the thread alive
>Posts the same bait that he's used in the last few threads as replies thinking no one will notice
>13 posts, 7 IPs

Stop it.

I bet he wanted to post some cute Ochako, that's all


hope she turns evil

because fuck her

yeah fuck her
deku will do it
at the end of the series

Fuck off

is he masturbating in that gif?

Bakugo is going to hit that shit.

Deku is getting nothing or his hand.

>still no /anime generals/ board

Ururuka needs a costume upgrade or change.

Their color schemes compliment one another nicely in this shot.

In a surprise twist, Ochako murders Toga, turns to villany, and becomes the Sasuke of the series

>That plus ultra everytime

>Plus ultra fading into the background

of course all he cares about is if deku marked his territory lmao

Deku does need a catwoman

Toga doesn't count, she's too fucked in the head

so the first episode is coming on 25 ?

Why does it say literally everywhere else that its on april 1st ?

>Your face when you realize AllMight is now effectively castrated
>Your face when you realize that Deku is still a pussy WHO JUST MIGHT ONE DAY BE GOOD ENOUGH TO USE 25% OF OFA ONE DAY in a shitty costume.
>Your face when none of the other heroes do any thing and there are no relevant easy to use throwaway villians to have cool battle against and be the antagonist and thrust of interesting adventures


I wonder if we're getting a another mass deletion today.

I've never cared for her. She's just a completely boring heroine. Toga should defect from the villain side and become Deku's gf.

I love Ochako!

>one month left for it to come out with volume 8

What's wrong? Can't handle a little banter? If so, this not the place for you.

I dont read the manga, but thats ochako isnt it; the main lead female?

Whats happening to make her creepy??

losing to a frog will making anyone get creepy

she's turning yandere

She was the female lead, now she is non existent.

God, you're such a joke Miriokuck. Last thread you were pretending "h-haha he doesn't trigger me anymore guys! it's funny to me now h-h-hah". And here you are again, posting your cancerous gaijin trash reaction pics (since you're a redditkuck you have no idea it used to be against the rules before troiskuck the redditkuck became the pretend mod, after all the actual mods abandoned nu-Sup Forums) and getting triggered over some posters that you think are me, just because you detected that they got a higher IQ than you. A low test no life numale who spends his days on MHA generals 24/7, looking for his boogeyman instead of looking for a job IRL.


>Mineta gets one of these
>traitor Aoyama too

>fugly Jirou gets nothing (this was the last time)
fujos=btfo, based anime team gives 0 shits about their poll rigging.

It's actually quite funny, if you only added a green text about how Deku should fearfully give up OfA to the cowardly Togata, then the Miriokuck would've gilded your post instead of reporting it (whatever that means).

Reminder that this doujin is literally canon.

Mineta WILL fuck Momo in a cheerleader outfit, like he did here & Bakusperg WILL impregnate the Ochaco & Deku will still marry her and raise his wife's son with her, even tho she gonna keep fucking Bake only.

So I finished the fuckhuge theory you were all pestering me about.

Put it on imgur. Did it in MS paint.

Sup Forumsustism at its finest

Is this boku no frog-chan academia series any good?
Does the qt frog girl show up often enough to justify reading it?

I just scrolled through that.

Holy fuck user. When I get the time to read it fully you bet your ass I will.

you are weird. That's what's going on.

>121 views already
Guess you shared it with your redditfriends first.

Don't bother reading it, the manga fell from a fucking cliff in the last two arcs. Just watch season 2 of the anime coming up soon and then season 3 next year.

Ochako is fat and has man fingers

Here's the TL;DR:
>I can't handle the fact that Ochaco is a realistic female character (only meant for sexual & then becoming a mother), I want her to be a strong independent feminist...
>I know how to accomplish that! Let's killing Deku!!!!!!

You never get bored do you grapefag?

She's Toga in disguise.


Here's a question. Who's bigger edgelord: Bakugou or Tokoyami?

>Level 5s in hero academia

trick question, tokoyami's not an edgelord.

>being calm and having a deep voice = edgelord

But he likes darkness, swords, looking like he doesn't care, and looks down on cheerful friendly interactions.

Someone should make an edit like this for her.

OK I've noticed this in anime post 2013 but why do some scenes seem to have sunglasses put over them? Is it so the brightness doesn't fuck with televisions or something?

>Don't bother reading it
>Just watch the anime of the exact same plot and characters
What kind of shit advice is this?

Every time I see this word in a post in these threads, I know it's you grapefag. I can actually attribute a voice to your posts now.

I'm bracing myself for this autism user.

>Did it in MS Paint
Obligatory download GIMP if all you need to do is mux pictures recommendation.


The recap episode is the 25th, the actual first episode is April 1st.

It's not a post 2013 thing, it's a seizure prevention regulation after the Pokemon debacle. For example, the KLK Blurays are significantly more vibrant than the TV broadcasts.

>it's a seizure prevention regulation after the Pokemon debacle
Makes sense than

That's the show I first noticed it on. Don't know why I can't remember seeing filters like that prior to then.

Top tier autism, user. Thanks.

Here's a scene that you may remember being washed out when the show was airing.

I still think it's bullshit, but I admire the amount of work and autism you put into this. By the way, why did you write that there may not be time to wait for the Viz translations? I don't really see what the hurry is.

Rate my pairings theory

Bad fan fiction.


Did you read that one fundraiser orgy doujin and base it on that?

Stale bait desu senpai

Name something not canon supported in it

Part 1: Huh? We Ochako now?

Part 2: Cool Deku is an unreliable narrator and this story is being followed as he was adding entries to his journal. I can dig this

Part 2.5: You can explain why the framing is on another person whenever the Narrator uses 'I' because they are showing us the state of that other person and in particular for Ilda, how disturbed he actually was despite saying he was "fine".

Part 3: No comment, all stuff we know.

Part 4: Interesting comparison between Bakugou and AfO
>Dat score comparison between Deku, Baku, and Ochako
You're starting to win me over

Also remember that Endeavor has the highest number of completed cases. He's technically the better hero.

>Side effects of Unparalleled idealism.
This is the shit I've been saying for weeks. I'm worried that his reflex to jump in and save everyone is going to get him killed (although I don't think he'll actually die)

Part 5: You are using Windows 10. I'm sorry
>Observant Ochako
>Hori subverting typical love interest shenanigans
I'm still liking this

Part 6:
I'm still with you on the Ochako/Deku thing, Not sold but I can see this conspiracy start to outline itself. Although just cherrypicking scenes doesn't make a full case.

All in all I don't think Hori is going to kill off Deku but everything related to the narration and comparisons between Deku/Bakugou I dig.

Yep, pretty much any time the series gets very sparkly is when I noticed the screen dim.

Teacher/Frog: head canon. I don't think these two characters ever talk to each other.

Momo/Grapes is not canon. Only that one Itou Eight doujin supports this. And by volume MomoxTails has more doujin going for it.

DekuxGravity is pretty much the canon ship.

PinkxKirishima: What?

JirouxPikachu: Not seeing this on either but makes sense

>all the other text
No other sources. Kinnikuman can pull women with his baking skills so he'll get laid eventually.

How about all of them, apart from DekuxOchako?

>tfw their smiles will be gone soon

Deku and Ochako are given, of course, but Jirou and Kaminari are shipped pretty often too.

The rest is meme

This will happen in your lifetime


I want to rub my penis on ochako's thick thighs

I can't wait for Ochako and Tsuyu and Iida too to come back in the frontlines, I want them to fight the Eight Precepts of Death.

It's might be too soon, but I don't care

Flat as fuck

Why so much hate for her? I have only seen the anime and I ship her with the MC, after frog.

What has she done in the manga?

Literally nothing wrong
they're just trying to be edgy because everyone loves her

It's not that the character did something wrong, it's that Hori forgot about her.

>I have only seen the anime and I ship her with the MC,

But I've read the manga as well

I'm in the same situation as the guy here.

Still in the middle of it though. This next fucking season has a fuckton of sequels

Just got through reading the chapter.

Yknow, I really thought I could handle nobody having faith in Deku. Bakugou, Aizawa, Gran Torino...I could handle them not believing in the kid to have what it takes. But this? This crosses the line.

You have a young boy that has listened to every word that came out of your mouth as it were gospel. A boy that took the opportunity you gave him and ran to the end of his chain with. A boy who subjected himself to physical trauma that will no doubt make his twilight years a living hell just to emulate you. A boy who fought villains who murder grown adults because he knew you would do the same.

And you didn't fucking care.

>I didn't tell you because you were my fan
And therein lies the goddamn problem. You never saw Deku as anything more than a crummy otaku fanboy. Not once did you look at this kid's sacrifices and compassion and think he'd be the right person to be the symbol of peace. Not once did you see this guy influence his peers for the better and believe he could be the inspiration for all. Never did you see how incorruptible, how comically good-hearted fucking Steve Rogers of a good person he was and think he could be the one shining beacon of all things good and kind people could find solace with in the cold, soulless assembly line society that is Japan.

No, you wanted the smiling faggot with the beady eyes and stupid haircut to be your successor. You legitimately thought that cornball dipshit with a fucking hot topic belt buckle was the best choice to be the face of herodom.

I'm not even surprised you'd think giving the guy who can go intangible your super strength formula would be a good idea because of course it would take a nigga that overpowered to maintain your bloated ego. That's what that one line revealed: you don't care about being a symbol of peace. You care about All Might: the icon. You, like every other one of your weasel kind are more concerned about how you look to the adoring public.

she's been hanging with dumbpire

Him believing in deku is why he gave him OfA in the first place

All this time I thought you were above the showboaters jerking off to themselves in the mirror. I really thought you were different than glory chasers like Endeavor and Mount Lady, above the elitism. At least Endeavor was straight to his son when he was beating his ass for not cutting the mustard. You just lied to everybody in the span of a single sentence. You are literally no different to every single one of these faggoty vain LOOK AT MEEEE Booster Gold cunts in costume pulling cats out of trees for a signal boost. That's you.

And the worst part is that everyone expected the rest not to believe in Deku. We all knew everyone would see him as a disappointment. You were supposed to be different. You were supposed to treat him like one of your own. But you treated him like a charity case. You gave him a piece of your abilities just so you could go back to the clubhouse and tell everyone how you helped the poor widdle quirkless kid in between shots at hookers and blow or whatever you fucking degenerates do in your spare time.

You believed in mirio over deku. Style over substance. You wanted a goofball to sell merch instead of a guy who will go into the shit and come out the other end broken but happy because he saved lives.

You miserable fucking cripple. I hope Chisaki butchers you like a fucking goose. Fuck you. Fuck you.

>ass tros

>I'm sorry I didn't tell you how much we were looking for a succesor. But all you really needed to know Is that you're the perfect choice.
>I'm sorry I didn't tell you I had another candidates, really didn't think it was that important, since I had already picked you.
>I mean, yeah, I was told that this Mirio Kid was cool, but I saw potential in you for becoming the symbol of peace. And I gave you my powers and I've helped you this far because I believe that.
Honestly, All Might has done nothing wrong.
Deku is a faggot if he feels bad.

Now I know it's legit autism.

Iida will end up the best girl (Mei).