Why aren't you watching superior Chinese Cartoons?

They have better Waifus.

Other urls found in this thread:


where is this from?

Can't be worse than Kimchi shit at least.

>wanting chinese sluts

any sugesstions

>Chinese Waifus
Pick one. Chinese women will only marry you for your money. Why should their waifus be any different.
If youre a poorfag chasing after a chink waifu, you better off yourself because youre only chasing a fleeting figure.

Chinese is vomit to the ears


I know I sound like an ignorant asshole but why does Chinese and Japanese sound so different? From what I understand they use the a lot of the same characters in their writing system and they share other cultural similarities I guess. But why does Chinese sound so weirdly different?

1. They're not animated in Japan/by Japanese.
2. They're poorly animated.

The characters are pretty much where the similarities end. Chinese and Japanese are mutually unintelligible and IIRC come from two entirely different language families. About the only similarities between the two are the characters and some words.

Much cuter than Nippon Waifus.

But I am
Sadly the chink voices ruin a fucking awesome anime and yet make it hilarious

Too bad the Cultural Revolution happened to them. They were doing some pretty interesting animation back then.

Because Chinese was invented first. Koreans used to based their language off Chinese. Kanji is a rip off of Chinese.

The big guy sounds like Jabba the hut to me.

What kind of Chinese voices do you listen to?


Their songs are awesome.

At least Island China has made some things that aren't total garbage.

Last time I started a xhinese anime threas I got a 3m ban
Don't forget this shit belong to hiroshima, a weeb xhink of leaking western pig data


I'm still ticked at the ending.

Superior couple.

If chinese sound good and show is good, why not.

From this thread, I can tell China really likes their CGI animation. Looks like a cheap knockoff.

There are plenty of 2D chinese animations.

I don't watch any with CGI.

What part of "theyll ONLY squat on your dick if you arent a poorfag" dont you get user? Not only that but theyll jump to the next dick if you are somehow less rich then them.

Mandarin and Cantonese are tonal languages. Japanese is not.

Sup Forums is dead and gone

Uh, the MC of this series is poorer than Saitama from OPM and still has a Waifu.

Don't insult my Waifu. She has a hard life.

these people are literally more evil than jews



This guy writes English Subs. You can find him over at Kissanime insulting people if you search it.

Mandarin is in no way a sexy language.

Now, I'm chinese and I read, speak and write mandarin on a daily basis, but I can't stand listening to it in anime.

If you really want the subtitles. The first 40 Episodes subbed by the same guy can be found at his previous sub group Bayi Subs.

How did more than 1 billion people reproduce speaking that language then?

fuck off chink


Play this scene for a minute or two. If you think this guy has a terrible voice then we can't agree on anything.

Skip to 6:52. Then play it for 1 minute or 2.

Universal mods were a mistake.

Their story is shit. Their direction is shit.
They can draw but have same problem like Russia - they don't have animators who can train others except those Ghibli like guys who don't cares about haremtrash

Looks watchable, I just don't like how they use same tropes as in japanese anime.

It isn't a harem. It's more Wu Xia Tropes and heavy Journey to the West references if you are familiar with that. Otherwise It doesn't follow standard anime conventions.

Animation and art works look decent but I can't stand chinks speaking and they sound amateurish as well.

Looks like the average shonen with twice the namedropping.


Skip to 6m52sec and play it for a minute. If you think he sounds bad then you really cannot watch Chinese anime.


Try watching it. It's 30minutes, This is a compressed version of one of the stories. It isn't a shonen. It's one of those really ironic stories about true love.

>cool gary stu with calm voice and candy in mouth, punches swords with his fingers

Better than the Gary Stus in Japanese anime.

He's not invincible. He gets stabbed in PT3.

youtube.com/watch?v=cxY_BzqQcTo - If you want to see him get stabbed.

He's based off the Ultimate Gary Stu in Anime Sun Wukong. The one Goku Ripped off.

Are you same guy who create webtoons threads?
I understand praising something like this
But their TV anime is utter "hello from 2003" trash

The same way African clicking tribes and phlegmy middle easterners did.

I'm not saying Avatar:TLAB looks bad, but this shit makes it look Akira-tier.

He sounds awful

I haven't been to Sup Forums for months dude.

Did the previous guy mention this series?

This is the only chinese anime I really enjoy, mainly for the story.

He sounds ok at best. If that is one example of the best voice acting from chinese anime then you just proved my point.

Personal preference.

Yeah that why every chink/gook thread you created look the same right?
>woo better waifu chinkcahngchong
>wooo muh chink beautiful language
Are you that chinky australian?

Not choosing best Chinese cartoon Waifu

>They have better Waifus
Based on what?
Sound like shit, am i supposed to be impressed or something?

>this gary stu is better than that gary stu
>he gets stabbed so he can't be gary stu
Fucking retard chink cockroach, do you even know what is the meaning of gary stu/ mary sue?


>It's year of 2017
>chink and gook still ripoff nip art

That's the Chinese, they are able the cram the same 5 minutes long add every 10 minutes for an entire week on some regional channel.

The guy spamming webtoon thread is from Yuropoor while the chink spamming chink thread is from australia, chinese australian actually.

Double the cancer, no wonder that faggot is so obsessed with shitposting.

Stop insulting French language.

Is there a communist country with language that sounds worse than chinese?

>People are complaining about the Chinese language
Man, it sounds perfectly fine to me. Vietnamese was my first language and I still think it sounds like pig hurl.

vietnam maybe, but they are equally shit.

>Vietnamese was my first language
hello little chink, unlike you seamonkey not everyone can stomach gibberish language like chinky or any of those seanigger language.

>All this shilling with chink cartoons
I'll be honest, user. This shit doesn't belong on Sup Forums, but it also doesn't belong on Sup Forums, hell /jp/ won't accept it either.
Technically, I don't know any board where you can discuss this thing, except for Sup Forums.
You should ask HiroMoot to create a new board for this.

>i think it fine
>therefore anyone must think it fine like me

LMAO, what a waste of dubs.

I might be wrong but I feel like vietnamese has some accent to it, chinese sounds all the same whether it's coming out of a man or woman's mouth.

Every chink thread is the same
>muh better waifu but i can't explain why it's better
>muh chinese is not ugly it beautiful
>muh chink marysue is better than nip marysue

Chink has one of the worst phonetics I've ever heard in a language. Only gookshit is almost as bad as that.

>it on page 10 just 5 minutes ago
Turn your sage on, faglord.

You haven't heard Arabic yet. Well at least their nasheed sound kind of cool.

This shit happened to me aswell and i back today posting in Sup Forums

what the fuck

>Why isn't in superior Japanese?

what show is it?

>dat chingchangchong

what is it about chinese that makes it sound so disgusting?

nvm, got it, Shuangsheng Lingtan

they speak so fast it's hard to keep up with the subs.


anybody here watched chinese robotech?

It's the mongoloid accent. Southern mandarin can't be compared to the gibberish given off by the grating mongol tongue.

Here's a comparison to what song the chinks ripped-off.


What the fuck? i want to vomit.

Wuxia is just the bullshit fights of battle shounen and the bullshit angsty romance of shojo combined aka the worst of both worlds.

Gu Long > Jin Yong = Liang Yusheng
If you disagree, you're on the same level as Jump plebs.

>Shuangsheng Lingtan
Even the fucking name is gibberish.

>Better than the Gary Stus in Japanese anime.
>He's based off the Ultimate Gary Stu in Anime Sun Wukong.
You do realized you just contradicted yourself, right? Also, chink Gary Stus are actually worse than nip ones.

It belongs on /qa/. That's where all the tangentially related Sup Forums rejected crap goes.

way too butthurt

Just send it all to /trash/. Where they all belong.

In fact, if /qa/ could go there as well things would just be grand.

Chinks are subhuman and I will never watch their muck. And I'm not even a Jap.

This. There's a reason the Japanaese stop at Gooks and Charlies when outsourcing their anime.

This. It's really pathetic and obvious. Funny how they sometimes like to cry about hypocrisy by pointing at how chill Thunderbolt Fantasy threads are. No, it's not hypocrisy. Puppet threads are people actually talking about the show which actually is different, content wise. The chink cartoons so far are just cheaper versions of the same generic battle harems and yet they have the galls to act like they're different.

Taiwan and Hong Kong are the only cool ones. Mainland is rubbish.

Yeah, Mao fucked them up really hard.

AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, as expected of thirdworlder, not even so bad it good tier, it plain shit


you grammar like thirdworlder

It sound like shit though, why are you keep defending that crap?


Learn the difference, it could save your life.

They are gommunist

>keep defending
>haven't even said anything