Stupid sexy spider.
Also it was all just a dream right? Who cares what you do in a dream, just mess around all you want and kill stuff etc. It'll be a fun thing to remember when it's all over. RIP Natsume.
Stupid sexy spider.
Also it was all just a dream right? Who cares what you do in a dream, just mess around all you want and kill stuff etc. It'll be a fun thing to remember when it's all over. RIP Natsume.
Commando Kumo
Mahou Kumo
Love her new knee socks legs.
Ok LN fags
Is this where it jumps the shark?
7 deadly kumos
Nah, it's a bit after she finishes this zone.
Also, the shark jumping really happens once she leaves the labyrinth. Not that bad ti
Also, nobody TL's the LN so this is more based off what comes from the WN. The LN has better pacing.
You think the next adaptation will involve an evil mc? Minus Overlord. We already have sort of a neutral mc here.
>plain multiplier on prof and exp received
stupid spider should have got that before the monkey fight
Maybe appraisal wasn't high enough level to check the skill list yet or she didn't have enough skill points.
Do you think if I asked the spider for sex she'd say yes?
No, Shiro is pure.
Just a quick threadjob?
When is she going to become a demi-human? Gotta drop the mango until then.
she would faint and you could impregnate her while she is unconcious
stupid sexy spider
See you in 3 years, user.
I wonder where I'll be in my 30s.
Talese more like neutral evil or law-full evil
reaction image goldmine
Would have thought she'd go for gluttony, or sloth.
Gluttony is taken, but she gets sloth later.
>praying to Appraisal-sama
All is as it should be.
I think the other seven sins and seven virtue skills cost like 5000-10 000, it's only pride that's this cheap. But it does give 2 levels of taboo.
I didn't have a problem with that, sure by that time she was pretty strong but compared to other characters in the world she was still mid tier at best. The shark jumping for me was when she did the underground facility thing. That's when she just stopped adventuring and the whole thing became a grand strategy novel.
Talese works within the confines of the law, so he's somewhat lawful evil in that aspect. Ultimately, it's his selfish desire that inevitably makes him a neutral evil to which he is willing to sacrifice both law and anyone else if he has to. He is selfish, but has some conduct in his work.
is there a summary of what happens after she got all edgy? I lost interest at taboo 10
I also only read her chapters
No. Just read it. Or do you want a short summary?
i keep seeing this shit in these threads, the fuck is it called?
>inb4 google
fuck off
a short summary would be nice
unless that short summary is "go read it"
Shouldn't the side story chapters start soon? I wonder how they will handle them.
Ouroboros something something. Dont remember.
Check novelupdates for full name.
Taboo lv 10 gave her the knowledge of the current status of the world, how fucked up its current condition is, and how it will self destruct soon if someone doesn't do something.
Kumoko then goes on to try to get power as much as possible to save the world from self destructing or at least save the reincarnators
She then learns of her origin that she's actually not a human originally, but an actual spider in the classroom, got a fight with the current demon lord, gains the demon lord and the current world's administrator cooperation, achieved Godhood, and made a plan to stop the BBEG that fucks up the world in the first place.
You can say that the first part of the novel is how Kumoko survive in the harsh world, and the second part is after Godhood, where she now moves in the shadow making plans and keikakuing like some kind of cute white batman
There is no outside summary, but she gets better. read the demon king side chapters.
>she's not actually a human girl
that's disappointing
guess it's not dungeon survival for long huh
like I said, I skipped all the side chapters because I wasn't really interested in them
anyway thanks, I'll read them if I have free time
Wanna hear her origin story?
So, the BBEG wants to achieve Godhood, manipulated the previous Demon lord and Hero at the time to direct their attack to the God that administrates their world. That God is currently living as a JK, and that attack destroys the classroom where she was attending.
The God is fine, but feels bad for her classmates and teacher that got killed, so she reincarnates all of them to the other world where the BBEG is. She then realize 1 more soul, which belongs to a spider in the corner of the classroom. The God then also reincarnates the spider, injecting the God's memory as a JK, and thus Kumoko is born.
I have no idea what those abbreviations mean user
Sorry, I thought those are common knowledge around here. At least you know what JK means right?
BBEG is Big Bad Evil Guy. It's a commonly used abbreviations in /tg/.
no I do not
You make D sound too benevolent. She tricked the spider into thinking she was a JK to be her decoy so she could fuck off and NEET out a while longer while her subordinates were fooled by her ruse.
>lurking Sup Forums
>doesn't know what JK is
yeah I don't come here much if you can't tell
>like I said, I skipped all the side chapters because I wasn't really interested in them
They're not side chapters. Fucking hell. You're not supposed to skip those. You have to read them
You're not supposed to skip those. Those are not side chapters. They are important part of the Storytelling, Once you get to a certain parts they reveal a huge plot twist
wasn't she only depressed for like, 3 chapters? 'edgy' has completely lost its meaning
Kumo a cute.
Much thanks.
Mahou Shojo Arachni
This panel better lead into Maou Shoujo..
is that a ghost buster reference?
>Is this where it jumps the shark?
I was hoping it wouldn't
But, from getting Pride and all its' god-stuff, I'm guessing she leads some sort of unholy war against the system admin?
Fucking knife ears, is that an original character?
>all this LN talk about how it jumps the shark and stops being about spider dungeon crawling
What a shame. I'm really enjoying this manga, even if the menu system is kind of clunky.
Probably Potty
She was not happy about finding out her entire existence was a cruel joke to allow a shitty goddess to skive off actually doing her job for a few weeks.
There's still a while to go. I'm probably going to drop it for a while after she changes form, too, and pick it up again for a bulk read. I prefer cute spooder to stay full spooder.
Truly a great character design. I was slightly disappointed with the last one, but the mangaka's on point again.
I'm glad that she tried to humanize Natsume, but it felt more like an excuse than character development. I also felt like the title implied Shun talking to Sariel, so I felt let down the chapter wasn't about that./spoiler]
stupid sexy spider, wearing stockings and long gloves at the same time on each arm
I don't know what you all have against the "shark jump" the series is a comedy through and through and I don't think what happens later takes away from how funny the series consistently manages to be.
I think the main reason people stopped reading there was because of the large streak of chapters from other characters perspectives that were admittedly not as funny but were necessary to make sure the story could still move forward without falling into the stagnation trap that most of these stories end up in.
That said, the newer chapters from those other perspectives are now much more consistently entertaining mostly due to the dramatic irony of our mostly mute but very opinionated Kumoko.
>even her magical girl avatar evolved
>she took her top off in the evolved form
Peronally, I just dislike how many jumps to other characters happen, it's all very fascinating but I care about Shiro, not chapters and chapters of bloody side characters.
Coming from someone who loves the changes in the narrative after she turns into a god I can see why most people would be ancy with it.
First, the story feels a bit aimless after the introduction of Sophia. it takes quite a few chapters to connect with her, and during that time the reader is wondering 'when do I get back to that giant cliff'. It takes a very long time to reach Elf Village again, and that impatience might make the chapters seem less fun (personally, I wanted at least 50 or more chapters than we got dealing with Sophia's relationship to Shiro before the war, but hopefully that's alleviated in the LN). Shiro's voice being largely absent for a while doesn't help either, because she is the best source of comedy for the series.
Second, there are far too many people who skip the side chapters because the main chapters seem better. If you don't have the side chapters, then you never realize how well crafted the series are and don't get excited for the reveals.
Lastly, there is far less action in the second half compared to the first. While Oni vs Oni is the best battle in the series, battles do not happen nearly as frequently as they did in the dungeon, and may of the battles are just there to illustrate how powerful Shiro's side is. I'm really looking forward to what happens now that Sue has Greed. Will she be able to steal Shiro's god power?
I agree that everything between the Elf Village Battle and Oni vs Oni is a massive slog, but it did need to happen to set the stage for the next part of the story without devolving into mindless fluff.
And after that it does go back to the same old antics of our Friendly Neibourhood Spidergirl that we all know and love. The one thing that I do really miss from the early dungeon days though is all the weird inside jokes that she had with her own skills and the multiple personality thing though because they were all great. Praise Appraisal-sama!
Potty's clone most likely, but I don't remember him seeing arachne.
Totally. Good call. Same stupid blank look + O face.
Cost changes from person to person though. Who knows if pride would have been cheap for anyone else. After all She got to buy skills before anyone else
I don't feel that it jumps the shark but it does take a sudden veer in tone/goals.
Here's my advice to take the change well. Right now it's a weird spider dungeon crawler with gamer skills right? That makes no sense. We both know gamer skills don't make sense. We also know in many stories we just need to suspend disbelief about this and move on. Don't suspend disbelieve. Why on earth are there gamer skills? What's this system? What's really going on?
Enjoy the story as it goes on but ask yourself those questions. If you do that it shouldn't feel shark jumpy.
As for spider dungeon crawling. Once she gets strong enough there's a limit to how long the story could stay that way if there's powerlevels and leveling up. Eventually she'd either become/usurp "last boss" or the story would have to go in a different direction.
Well she monologues internally then externally says only a single sentence. To the confusion and aggravation of others.
I'm personally really hoping that during all her internal monologues (way later in the story) she does it in spider form.
I'm inclined to agree with you and I'm unsure where the shark jump is in other's minds. I feel like the character jumps are a bigger deal. They actually explain what's going on which is rare for a story line this. As I said above in the spoiler section, I think the later parts of the story can transfer very well to a manga format.
Honestly if the mangaka decides to keep drawing her in cute spooder form most of the time, whether it's just inner monologue or otherwise, I might not drop it. Spooder for life.
God damn it, those spider eyes are creepy
I want to be fucked by it
Being D?
>now Ive done it!
anime when?
At least the author is massively extending the amount of time she's an Arachne in the LN.
Though that begs the question of when she's going to ascend then. She's in god form during the battle at the elf village still so she has to do it before that.
>Don't suspend disbelief. Why on earth are there gamer skills? What's this system? What's really going on?
>Don't suspend disbelief
Well damn, that's what I've been doing the entire time. To be honest I've only read about two or three other Isekai but I figured skill systems were inherent to most of them.
To be honest there's still no really good reason for the entire thing to operate like a stereotypical RPG other than a certain evil god's personal preference.
>no more elf waifus
What a sad world to live in.
it's not genocide if they're not human
>no more extra crispy elf babies
That's even worse
Kumo just has to run breeding programs with sensei to bring back the elf race, this time under her control.
Potimas was best boy and should have won.
RIP great granddaddy.
Elves >>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>>> humans
Sometimes it's just a dude who's got more magic power than god or just former knowledge. It's not always menus
Like... the one with the fat neet who dies and comes back to seduce big-boobed prepubescent girls
The one with the doctor who reincarnates in no-medicine times as someone who can create any material he knows the molecular composition of
But I'd say menus abound
Overlord is basically "Guy inhabits his DnD character", but menus still exist because DnD was an MMO
Human skeletons vs elf skeletons
Who wins?
>Overlord S2 announced
>meanwhile still no Kumo anime