
Casca's rape in Berserk felt like such lazy writing.

Yes, I get it, the world of Berserk is "dark." But there are other ways to victimize a person and make a villain out of someone else (the rest of the Eclipse showed that).

People like to defend all the rape scenes in Berserk as showing how BRUTAL the world is, because "that's how it was in the medieval ages!" But I'm pretty sure the medieval ages weren't filled with demon horses consciously raping women.

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Berserk without the rape isn't worth the read

It wasn't rape if she enjoyed it.

She enjoyed it.

Well then what the fuck would you replace it with?
Killing her doesn't make her a drooling burden on Guts, and just "destroying her mind" some other way isn't nearly as personal as raping his lover. If anything the eclipse was the most appropriate use of rape in Berserk.

>Casca's rape in Berserk felt like such lazy writing.

Stop speed reading. I'm not going to point out the massive plot point you are not acknowledging.

Does rape trigger you?

what is the plot point

she was begging for it

Guts chose her, not him so he rapes her in front of him.
Gotta assert dominance u kno

Did you get offended by Guts getting raped as well? I bet you didn't

Rape and sexuality is well written in Berserk, even Griffith sold his body to an old man to get funds for his army. I don't see where the problem is in the case of Caska's rape, that's what happen to women who get caught by the enemy everywhere in the world, plus it's Griffith personal vengeance towards Gutts. He wanted to hurt him by showing him what he was doing, and it worked. This was not only well written, it was logical and necessary for the plot. Stop to get triggered every time you see women victims of violence. A lot of men get horribly tortured in this show too. Violence is violence, sexual or not.

You still haven't really explained why it is lazy writing though. Bait threads aside, there is a lot more compelling arguments for the the includes of rape making the scene more powerful than not.

>lazy writing
gutts really cared about casca raping her was the only thing that made gutts go full RIP AND TEAR griffith simply killing her wouldn't have enraged gutts as much its not lazy writing its proper writing

her being raped made gutts suffer she's the only woman he cared about and thought of as an equal

Femto's evil sperm mutates Guts and Cascas baby and he is born with defects

He could have just mutilated her but I guess Miura had to fulfill his rape quotas for the volume


Femto wanted to create a son.

No he didn't.

HHe just wanted to torture guts and lay claim to casca

the fact that casca was carrying guts child at the time was incidental
His corruption damned it before it was born and the egg allowed him to steal its body and destroy its soul

Favourite rape scene, all version of berserk everyone?

the soul of the baby it still there

raping her and then throwing her away to be eaten by the dogs is far worse she dies being used garbage

straight up mutilated her would have been edgy as fuck and stupid griffith owned caska for saving her life gutts had no right to take what was rightfully his

Berserk is edgy as fuck though

>Casca's rape

ya the good kind edgy which means you have to be careful on how you write the story it aint a gore manga

fuck off frogposter

What the fuck are you talking about

>Casca obviously lusted after Griffith since her rescue
>He knows and used this to manipulate her and keep her loyal while never actually acting on her romantically or sexually
>She's frustrated and knows she won't get anywhere with Griffith so she settles for Guts
>After everything falls apart, Griffith is desperate and spiteful and reaching for any power he can
>By raping Casca he's not only able to further break her mentally, making her feel conflicted as the person she lusted after for much of her life is finally acting on her sexually after she had already resigned herself to being with Guts, but is also able to hurt guts in a unique and powerful way, on top of the physical damage everyone involved has already sustained

What would you rather them do? Just have Casca get gnawed on by some monsters again? The rape ties into how the characters interacted emotionally. There's already more than enough physical pain being seen, something like Femto raping Casca isn't just shocking visually, it's meant to have a deeper and devastating effect on the characters in a way other than physically, set up by their relationships and interactions that were shown throughout the Golden Age arc.

i think you underestimate the rate at which women get raped and how much that scares the shit out of them

demons are sexual as fuck in any case, so what is a evil sexual thing going to do? fuck. and fuck without any cares at all

as for griffith, of course he's gonna rape casca in the stiuation. he's fucked up sexually because he's a psycopath. he's never had a normal sexual experiencel, it's always a means to an end or a twisted emotional impulse

it adds to his character.
>dicks princess over guts leaving
>cucks guts to take revenge

Why did Guts even fall for her anyway?

He admitted her body wasn't bad when she was sick, but aside from that he didn't even seem the type to go for romance with anyone.

I also disliked that part. not for the rape itself but because it felt like miura tried to make it look "hot" and fanservice-y. To me it only made it more awful but you can bet some people had a good fap on casca's tits. Kinda gross

Rape, or the threat of it, is frequently used as an easy method of generating horror, sympathy or concern for the reader and to provide motivation for characters. This is, as you term it, often "lazy writing."

However, it does not follow that *all* rape, or that this rape in particular is lazy writing.

You haven't offered any reasons why you feel this way. What you seem to be saying here is "I didn't like this; it made me uncomfortable" which - fair enough, but - doesn't make the scene lazily written. In fact, there are quite a number points that could be offered to the contrary. This isn't just some throw away scene; their events of the last few episodes, and the entirety of the characters' past interactions leads up to it.

I could say more, but for now I would urge you to think a little more critically about why this scene is in there and what it represents. It certainly isn't some way to get a response from the reader the way, say, the troll orgy is.

>she won't get anywhere with Griffith so she settles for Guts
Hold the fuck up.
You're making it sound as if she only chose Guts because Griffith was unavailable. She settles for Guts because her love for him was stronger. The moment Guts abandoned the Band, she realized it, but was too stubborn to admit it.

Casca's rape wasn't lazy writing. Miura just overuses rape/the threat of rape and it loses its effectiveness.

>rape is lazy writing
But it's realistic. People like sex, and the bad guy has a hot chick in front of him, why not get his dick wet?

Did Griffith like it when he got his anus ravaged twice?

Griffith's jealousy. It's all about various levels of taking things away from each other. He feels very upset when he realizes that Guts likes Casca when he looks at them in from the horsecart. So he needs to rape her to stick it to Guts who's attracted to her instead of him. Beind a demon has nothing to do with it either, he wanted to do it in the horsecart but couldn't.

He was only 18 years old, it wasn't hard for him to fall for the only woman he interacted with in a meaningful way (also she can swing a sword and that's the only thing he cared about). The reason he cares so much though is because she let him feel closenes to another person. Because she didn't push him away when he started PTSDing and choking her he was able to move past the whole Donovan affair. It healed him. I don't think it will ever be possible for him to become that close to someone again. And Griffith feels it and he hates it.

Griffith realises that he lost control and in the losing that control for a second he lost himself and it led to his downfall.

To take Guts woman is to take back that control and show that he is back in control and Guts cant stop him.

Also; demon child.

Used control too much.

I need a thesaurus.

>had a good fap
way more than one

Rape in Berserk has gotten boring at this point. I almost don't blame the people who keep saying that it just happens for the sake of cheap shock factor at this point. Though this sorta thing isn't something specific to Berserk I guess.

>People like sex, and the bad guy has a hot chick in front of him, why not get his dick wet?
Why do people comment on shit that they clearly aren't reading?

The rape is Guts's entire motivation

Also, Berserk has gotten significantly less edgy

>Casca's rape in Berserk felt like such lazy writing.

According to what lazy theory?

I had to google the OP post to see if it's not a copypasta.

You are just typical puritan retard that reeeeeeeeees about sexual violence being too bad to portray

It's not like she idolised Griffith after he saved her from rape when they first met; it was the ultimate betrayal of her trust and adoration while also spiting Guts.

Griffith raped Caska to spite both her and Guts. Both of them had history with sexual assault and were traumatized by them, so Griffith was basically hurting them in a way that'd affect them the most.

The real question is would Griffith have raped Guts too if the Skull Knight hadn't interrupted?

> Both of them had history with sexual assault
Casca didn't.

>Casca gets her clothes torn off by a noble
>about to get sum non-consensual dicking
>gets saved by griffith
>also, the multiple times in war she'd nearly been raped

Did you even read Berserk?

She has several near misses, and it was Griffith's arrival that tended to prevent them. Throwing her his sword when she was a child for the first and probably most important, then later showing up with Judeau and the Hawks after she runs from the 100 man incident. She saw him as her saviour, especially when it came to would-be rapists.

so basically berserk's writing is shit

>The real question is would Griffith have raped Guts too if the Skull Knight hadn't interrupted?
No, way. Doing that would make it impossible to ever do it consensually. Of course, he wouldn't really think that consciously, but he must feel it in his heart of hearts since he likes him all too much. Besides, that would basically mean coming out of the closet.

>Doing that would make it impossible to ever do it consensually.
That's why it's called rape.
>Besides, that would basically mean coming out of the closet.
I don't think demons in the company of other demons would give a fuck about social norms.

The betrayal works on multiple levels.

>Femto betrays Guts by killing all of his friends and then raping the woman he loves
>Femto betrays Casca, his most loyal follower by raping her to the point of insanity
>Casca's unborn child being corrupted by Femto is symbolic of any chance of Casca and Guts settling down and having a normal life being taken away from them
>Minutes earlier, Femto was still Griffith, a man who had the undying loyalty of all of his followers, which he traded away for more power

I thought it wasn't rape if you yelled surprise

>Casca's unborn child being corrupted by Femto is symbolic of any chance of Casca and Guts settling down and having a normal life being taken away from them

It's also a really sick, roundabout way of trying to realise his pre-suicide attempt dream of a normal life with Casca and their child in the most nightmarishly corrupted way.

>People are STILL arguing over a plot point that is TWENTY-FIVE (25) FUCKING YEARS OLD




And what about Guts' rape? Are you a mythical pedo sjw?

Because the question was about victimizing people in ways other than rape.
