Who is the most FUCK YEAH AMERICA character in manga?

Who is the most FUCK YEAH AMERICA character in manga?

Funny Valantine


Oh Japan.


the artist actually spent time in an American high school growing up. His older series Ketchup Ninja is totally over the top but also somehow the most realistic depiction of what an american high school looks like in manga.

>Who is the most FUCK YEAH AMERICA character in manga?
American Anons.

Prove me wrong.

That one guy from Guilty Crown.


That must've been during the 90s or something because Jim Carrey references are not something I would expect out of chinese comics.

Bandit Keith


Who the fuck is JIm carrey?
Cowabunga is from Ninja tortoise

Isn't there some racist Getter Robo Character who is a cowboy piloting a cowboy robot who hates the Japanese because his grandad died in WWII to Japanese forces and Japanese companies drove his father out of business too? And then he falls for a Japanese girl anyway? Certainly worthy of note, if not the most FUCK YEAH AMERICA.

Talking about the B E AU TIFUL

cory from cory in the house pic related

You're mixing a few people together there.
Cowboy piloting a cowboy robot was Jack, who piloted the Texas Mack.
Racist guy was Schwartz Koff, a US soldier who also hated pretty much anyone who wasn't white, particularly Japanese, but ended up falling for a Japanese girl anyway. He piloted a big stealth bomber robot.

>wannabe nazi falls for an asian girl

This seems unsurprising

Michelle is the literal miracle of the universe so she is credit to the USA.

Oh yeah.


Can a 2who be a real American?


All other answers are wrong


Based president.

Who actually says this?

>non-American spotted
I bet you don't even say Wang Wednesday either.

Someone's never been around for Manlove Thursdays

I bet you haven't been around for Grab-Ass Friday

Someone's never experienced the joy of Sodomy Saturdays

And they say that Kenga Ashura isn't a masterpiece

Who can forget this man?

>Mfw when he doesnt celebrate pusscrush sunday








>mfw non-Americans don't even celebrate Man Hole Monday

Everyone go home, murrica is here.

>he haven't been around /f/ for Thursgay


Is this achievable natty?

All Might.