‘Mathematics Itself Operates as Whiteness’

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No, cunt, mathematics operates as logic

I guess they're right. Whiteness + No Blacks = a functioning society.


So why is Terrence Tao a god?


You're just not considering what different symbols can mean to different people. And besides, mathematics are a really western concept. It's not like Africans had math, so considering it important is like implying that Africans aren't as advanced. That's a pretty Nazi-tier opinion, so I'm sure you didn't mean to phrase it like that.

3 is just two curves, turned on their side, and stuck together. The meaning behind it is entirely constructed culturally. The belief that 3 has a value beyond our social concepts (reinforced and indoctrinated through schools at a young age) is really an imperialistic viewpoint that needs to be unpacked. Systems of value are already really problematic on many levels. Money, for instance, is tallied using this series of symbols. Money is used to traffic young African slave women, which ultimately promotes a system of white privilege. These are all age-old concepts that our society hasn't stopped to rethink, and collectively, I know we can do better.

So let's abandon that kind of mathematical primacy talk and work towards justice, equity, and a world where everyone has access to the freedoms and luxuries that white people have bathed in for centuries. And let's not forget that the level of privilege they'd created for themselves was done, not insignificantly, with the help of these so-called 'numbers'.

1+1=2 if you disagree your a fucking moron.

go back to school
math is the universal language

>white people have bathed in for centuries.

between blacks and whites, white people are the only ones who live that long. that s probably why.

Oh Jesus Christ, I quickly wrote that up to mimic the kind of garbage thinking that leftist college students employ. I didn't even read the article yet, and I'm sad to say that my joke wasn't that far from the quotes in that article. I'm sorry.

Technically it is correct. There are 3 characters.

It is an equation and has nothing to do
with how many characters there are.

She can't teach if no one takes her class.


>counting isn't maths

I don't think you should try to argue here until you've proven yourself over at 7chan

Funny, all of her ratings were terrible, then in a one week span she got 4 high ratings out of nowhere. It's so awesome that her students stepped up and served a little restorative justice for their comra- teacher.

Poe’s Law is the only law. Welcome to the Current Year.

>You're just not considering what different symbols can mean to different people.

You are 100% correct. Math is just a social construct, and being a social construct is subject to that societies standpoint - according to Stand Point Theory.

I agree with her that math is implicitly white. I just don't see it as a bad thing.

The plus sign is a symbol used to denote an addition ooperation.
It has nothing to do with how many characters there are.

In my country, the belief that white = bad by proxy is becoming inherent.

Is that why Trump won the election?

The plus sign can be redefined to whatever the fuck you want, there are many systems where a plus isn't 'adding things together because that operation doesn't exist.

However, in that case you're in a different mathematical system which should be mentioned, so it's pedantic as fuck to pretend it's not normal Euclidean geometry addition

Wrong. The plus symbol is part of the eqution. The equation is a function. Think of it like a machine.
You input a value, process the value and you end up with the result.
Insert the value 1 and then insert another value of 1 do the process of addition and the result is 2.
The plus sign does not fucking take part in the processing!
This stupid woman deserves to be laughed at.

Yep. People are fed up.

>>there are many systems where a plus isn't 'adding things together because that operation doesn't exist.

We use the plus sign in chemistry when writing chemical equations.
Are you telling me that in this simple reaction,
Na + Cl => NaCl
Makes two things?

If you’re going to use that logic then you are wrong too. The equation 1+1= contains 4 characters. But if you include the answer then it would have 5 characters. Hold 1 finger up and then hold 1 additional finger up. You’re now holding up 2 fingers. Because 1+1=2, not 3 or 4 or 5, fucking 2. This whole “math is racist” is complete bullshit. Math is not racist, it’s logical.

Logic is definitely racist in their eyes.

No I'm not, and that is a perfect example of a different definition of the plus sign. Another one is set theory, where {1, 2} + {2, 3} = {1, 2, 3}.

What the fuck are you even talking about
Besides, the professor quoted never even mentions 1+1=3, it's a dumb title thought of by the self-proclaimed genius English major

Black science guy stop answering to a bait

>Wrong. The plus symbol is part of the eqution. The equation is a function.

Says the white male westerner invoking his patriarchal oppression.

This. Why should some kid who studies math get better grades and a better job than someone who studies crystal healing energies? It's racism.

>logic is not racist

did you live under a rock this entire millennium?

God I really thought getting a math major meant I’d be as far from the Marxist brainwashing as possible in college.

Very true. It is why western society resides in the current shithole. All I know is that I’m going to do everything within my means to ensure my kids do not fall into that cancerous trap.

Piper approves

How am I baiting?

It actually makes 3 things because all reactions exist as equilibriums.

4 things if you wanna count nacl2 and nacl3 species which exist very briefly before dissociating.

T chemist

this is well written. really hits a lot of the current day edumacation high-notes. we're going to be so fucked when all these miseducated morons take full control.

>Logic is definitely racist in their eyes.

There's evidence for that Whitey

How Does Race Affect a Student's Math Education?
A new paper examines the ways “whiteness” reproduces racial advantages and disadvantages.

A new paper disrupts those narratives by examining an unaddressed element of the equation—namely, the ways in which “whiteness” in math education reproduces racial advantages for white students and disadvantages historically marginalized students of color.


>"Confused? Think that math is just math? Well, you’re wrong; math might as well be called “white math,” because as Gutierrez explained, ..."


I'm literally dying
this is a joke article right

it's certainly part of the reason. but our (((cultural and educational))) betters will deny it up and down the street.

5-chan is best chan faggot

Yes it makes the product, heat, and entropy. Fucking brainlet.


This is what leftists do. They drag everyone down to the lowest tiers of society. If one group can't do math, nobody can.

Even though modern math was invented by a fucking dune coon in the middle ages.

>people are this retarded and portray it as "intelligence"


>Even though modern math was invented by a fucking dune coon in the middle ages.

Yes I agree, all math was developed by Muslims. We owe them a great debt and would be better off if we had them as part of our society.

Grammar is racist.


I should have become desensitized to this bullshit by now, but sadly I am not.

>Grammar is racist.

I agree, which is why I rely on the BBC Pidgin service for my news

Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window

I'm wanting to believe this is satire. Preddy pleez...

>this is a joke article right
No, this is a professor at a prominent state university.

Princeton gave Piper Haron, pictured in ,a math PhD for a thesis full of basic calc and informal random thoughts after admitting her with a fucking BA in French.

STEM is compromised, be surprised at nothing.

Read the article nigga, read!
Math gets more grants, has more status, and a social privilege in the academia.
Also, when teaching math you hit a lot of European history, from the ancient Greeks to sir Newton.

Idk about the first, but the second is sort of an issue, because we lose sight of how other peoples used maths. It's not that bad tho, because overall it wasn't as well built, it was more of a collection of practical tricks.

Well yes, but she's unironically admitting niggers can't do logical thinking. We all know why ofc, their inherent lack of IQ, if she tries a little bit harder she will see it too.

This "professor" betrays her own racism by ignoring the fact that mathematical concepts like algebra and algorithms were invented in the Middle East.

Also: If mathematics should be subjective, I hope she doesn't expect any sort of objective accuracy the next time she checks whether she's over the speed limit.

It's good that you aren't. If her kind of "thinking" gains traction, then we're well and truly fucked.

that retarded. jews can do math just fine. chinks arent bad at it. hispanics are ok at it. illegal immigration actually helped female math test scores. only nigs have a sever problem with math on average

Isn't National Review supposed to be conservative? Looks like they are going full commie to me.

There's only 3 types of people in this world... Those that can do math, and those that can't.

But 1+1=0 is just as true?

It really is not universal in any way.

Nothing is stopping them from reporting on something, I don't see the part in the article where they say they agree with any of that.

>“things cannot be known objectively; they must be known subjectively”

Pack it up people, all of empiricism is just another white lie.

Correct. The other type can spell maths correctly.