Seiyuu thread

11th seiyu awards

Anyone watching or following

Other urls found in this thread:

>Rookie award

Ari Ozawa
Sayaka Senbongi
Minami Tanaka

>male rookie

Setsuo Ito
Yuma Uchida
Yusuke Kobayashi

>Singing award


>Ozawa Ari

This shit is rigged as fuck but it can show who are and will be pushed.

You mean the awards that gave Natsuki Hanae an award for his performance as pic related out of all things?

>Personality award

Hanae Natsuki

Fucking rigged hard.

Next SuzuKen.

>Synergy Award

Kimi no Na wa.

And no one is surprised

>Rookie award
>no Minoringo

Sasuga Minyami

Ari Ozawa is a rookie? Wut?
Chiyo is like 2014 and her boatsluts roles were like years ago

>Lifetime Achievement Award

Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Mari Shimizu
Junko Hori

>kids family award

The Secret Life of Pets

Shitty gaijin shit again

>best supporting actress

Han Megumi


>best supporting actor

Hochu Otsuka

I bet it's for Hatman.

>Special award

Non (Nonen Rena)

>best actor

Kamiki Ryunosuke

Your Name shrilling

>best actress

Mone Kamishiraishi

More Your Name shit

Oh come on, it's too obvious.

Late night anime seiyuu utterly btfo

kek I though it's SEIYU awards.

Only Non showed up to accept her award. No show from best actor or actress.

She should have gotten best actress not Your Name shit.

Nips are complaining about the winners..

He deserves it.

>Sayaka Senbongi
>started in 2013 as Claire from KKK
I guess she DID only make her break with Girlish Number, but still.

Which nips? 2ch-nips? 2chan-nips? Normalfag-nips?

Different user, but 2ch nips are definitely complaining.
They're always complaining.

Twitter nips, they're saying it only a popularity award and that the winners aren't seiyuu.

>rookie award
>ari ozawa
What. She's been active for a while and is better than 90% of the other seiyuu.

It's stupid to award non seiyuu. I can get giving the synergy award whatever it means but not for seiyuu.

Well, the shows over. They removed the popularity award. No more Kamiyan dick sucking.

You guys can have make it into usual seiyuu thread if you want.

How many years does one get treated as a rookie voice actor?

kek he might have lost some fangirls after his marriage was exposed. Too bad they don't want to give the prize to someone else.

Well deserved

Obviously rigged and shouldn't even be nominated.





I'm glad the nips are mad.

I thought it was the seiyuu awards.

>It's another we give awards based on the industry fuckery and not on whether someone gave the best performance in their category episode

This time the nips are mad since the two main prizes were given to non seiyuu.

Nice! His performance in Ajin is just one of the most memorable.

The nips will have forgotten that stuff next season.

>Minami Tanaka
/our/ girl

>not Ishida Akira
Really now.


What a fucking joke
I'm glad for Yuma Uchida, Ari Ozawa and Megumi Han, but. Come the fuck on.

>Sayaka Senbongi

>Yusuke Kobayashi
>Debuted 2010
Show again last year Lead actress award was for shilling

But they appear in the photo, but unlike previous seiyuu who won Lead award Mone doesn't bother wearing Kimono


They all look the same.

Kamiki didn't show up but yeah her not wearing kimon and the winner for the male actor not being around is pissing the nips off.

I'll be disturbed if Walkure was up for this and lost to them


It's still trending with disgruntled seiyuufags.

Good. The awards was always rigged but at least they kept within the VAs. This year is fucking bad except for the supporting awards and some rookies.

Have a video of Aoi winning best lead actress to wash away the bad taste of this year's ceremony.
To this day, she is the youngest actress to be awarded that title. Look at how humble and nervous she is.

>Yusuke Kobayashi
I can understand that but goddamn he really broke out as Subaru.

I hope he wins, the acting he brought to Subaru was legitimately the best voice acting i've heard last year.

Rookie award is given to seiyuu who have debuted in the past 5 years. Kobayashi voiced background characters in 2013 and his first main roles started in 2014.



Their definition of rookie is "any seiyuu that started at most five years ago".


>Debuted 2010
He didn't. He did in 2013.


Post cute Minami.

Holy shit, he's Mr. Deep Darkness?



So I guess she's the only Kitakubu rookie whose career caught fire? Ibuki doesn't count since she didn't debut with KKK.

Pretty sure she only has one anime role so far, though.



Nah, that was just for tv anime, it is actually 2009 according to, they fucked up with that, because they need to give him something for her breakthrough year


So it's basically a Your Name wank fest?

He did game, web anime, dubbing before that year, they just want to put him into something

Pretty much. Both winners have only 1 voice work last year while actual seiyuu have a bunch to be judged from.

He was strong contender for Best Male Lead with Irino Miyu, oh but we have our popular actor so they put him there for some other award for his breakthrough year

>they just want to put him into something

Yeah he should have gotten best actor but the award was taken up by Kimi no Na wa MC so they gave him the rookie award as a consolation.

Hold up. I thought recipients of the Seiyuu Awards are supposed to be wearing formal kimono. Why are these ladies wearing dresses?

They're not best actress nominees.

>Irino Miyu

No wonder he went on hiatus this year. He knew he was going to be BTFO by Your Name anyway.

Did they even show up in the ceremony?

Yusuke voicing Subaru is my 2nd best performance of the year after Ishida's Kiku in Rakugo. Still salty he didn't get anything.

>Did they even show up in the ceremony?

Mone did but Kamiki didn't.

>no kimono
The nerve.

His profile in his agency doesn't list those and for all intents and purposes he officially debuted 2013. And the awards focus on anime rather than games or CMs

kek Hayami too. Your Name and In This Corner of the World took all the attention.

He might have been from another agency so the new one don't list the work he did under another agency.

His 2009 roles were projects he did in workshops while he was in seiyuu school (Amusement Media Academy in Tokyo). He graduated in 2010 and joined his current agency in that year.

She rather win some normalfag award than some niche one.

How big is she now as an actress I wonder.
They Aimi Tanaka game role last year

Hayami is like 99% nips choice to win the Lead Actress award, it always her combination with other actors, with 1% being Kurosawa Tomoyo.
It is also because the fact that Koe no Katachi is the only big hits maintream anime movie in recent year with seiyuu as leads. I see nips are mad with Mone that even Shinkai tries to defend her on twitter.