Are you brave enough to have sex with a Lovecraft abomination?

Are you brave enough to have sex with a Lovecraft abomination?

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If it has tits it can be fucked.

I'd go insane on her ass


My standards are pretty low, but even I wouldn't fuck that Frenchman.

Someone post the page.

I found it on the archive but everything 403s. Fuck.

I don't believe you

Hell yes I am.

She is so fuckable


I'm brave enough to kill it.

>Killing the Crawling Chaos

user, that would only just turn her on.

At least post the sample of sex with a Lovecraft abomination from the LN so people can make an informed decision.

Good luck Lelouch

>implying you can kill it
Forks only work if you have the requisite affinity.

>girl on girl
Why does this turn me on?

When will you learn?

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.

They're not girls, user. Don't be fooled.

Du dunn du dunn du dunn du dunn

Yes but I choose the superior one.

Sure, why not, I mean, she gave me most of my fetishes.

Like what?

Don't you mean the dead one?

W-what? But they look like girl, so soft and gentle

Terrible Frenchmen can't die, user
fuck you though

God this show was such trash but the girls were unbelievably good.

Of course.

Just to name a few:

Petitite girls
Medium boobs

You might be gay.

This image is a goddamn work of art
>Yuri in general
>Legs fully spread open
>Kuuko's fat butt
>Knee socks on both of them

Whoever drew this deserves a Nobel prize

don't forget Nyaruko's black pantsu

But I'm not a girl

>He's not a little girl

You don't belong on Sup Forums

I'd rather Kuuko's Ctukos

>Virtual boy

I always knew she was shit.

>medium boobs
jesus christ

It's the thing I want most in life

Also known as "realistic tits fetish"

I want to perform cunnilingus on Kuuko.

Liking primary sexual characteristics isn't a fetish, it's called "entering puberty"

I want Nyaruko and all her friends to forcibly take turns sitting on my face and using my tongue as a sex toy for a whole day

I think this is actually the dumbest and most insulting reaction image to ever come out of that trash

There wasn't a single likable character in this shit

I kind of miss this show despite it being garbage.

I really miss Kuuko and her antics.

I have a breast (female) and vagina (female) fetish.
How fucked up am I?


but boobs are fake asses from an evolutionary standpoint

I guess I'm fapping to her tonight.

I remember this show having no good porn though.

I have that dakimakura

I haven't used it in awhile since I got her wedding dress one though. I never understood how anyone thought wedding dresses were attractive until I held this in person.

depends on what you're into

Why is the art of this so totally different for every season and OVA?

No. I'm not insane enough

>Lovecraft abomination

Why doesn't japan stop drawing it demons, angels, robots, monsters, animals, boys and dragons as little girls...and just admit they want to fug little girls.

there, problem solved.


Excellent Taste my good sir.


is this yuri?

what are you? gay?

It's an unrequited yuri/het/yaoi love pentagon

Kuuko wants to fuck Nyaruko who wants to fuck Mahiro who is gay for Hastur who wants to give Shantak the SUCC

>Mahiro who is gay for Hastur who wants to give Shantak the SUCC
u wot m8

>not gay


I wanna fork Mahiro's mom!


>Ordinary little girls are gross

>when you realize the other one's a bigger pervert than you

Kuuko x Mahiro OTP.



>that one episode featuring their relationship yet fukking nyaruko stole the scene

>best episodes were episodes involving Kuuko being straight and Nyaruko getting cucked
>worst episodes were Nyaruko episodes with Kuuko being treated as a comic relief

Really joggles the mind




her voice literally gives me a boner

do you have that song about sisters, it featured as one of the ED in S2

>have sex with a Lovecraft abomination

Sure, it was my favourite ending ;_;


Probably not, I can't really get an erection on command anymore.

Her voice is DEEEEAAAD

don't bully pls

Never again will shonen be uttered in the same way in this reality ever again.

Reminder that she canonically mindbreaks and fucks him while he cries for help in the final novel


>The male tsundere turns into her fucktoy


>Necrophilia on a cosmic horror

Please stop.

The operative word here would be somewhere between stupid and suicidal, not brave.

that's element of bravery, to dare no one dare

I dunno about brave but I'm sure desperate enough.

No, he just dies.


I don't get it, what's the dangerous part? Just fuck her, how hard can it be?

I would g'lkkien eered nyarlathotep, sa'un tge a-vmir, n'gai nyarlathotep, qll'ibi tomr u xix her

You would burn your tongue


Small price to pay.