>Guys are highly sexualized.
>Women walking with their tits out is the norm
>Job roles are flipped on its head and women are seen as strong breadwinners
>Men having their asses grabbed in the workplace by wimminz
>Everyone is a tomboy
My fucking dick can only get so hard. Why is this year so good?
The World of Moral Reversal
what is this?
The name is literally the title..
It's a non-h adaption of a hentai manga.
>premise is reversed gender roles
>the entire doujinshi is just standard guy fucks girl and she likes it, nothing more
Boring. Why go with a premise and then immediately forget about it? It's like femdom doujinshi with one page before
>can't beat the cock
chimes in.
Smooth move, Amahara.
Even smoother
What you wanted a male version of emergence?
I don't know. Amahara's shittyass art kind of grew on me. Without sex the whole series feels like nothing is happening
This is such a japanese thing. They're so used to girls prostituting themselves that it's the first thought they get.
You'd think it would get better now that they're economically ok, but no.
Setting it in a reverse world was just an excuse to make really horny girls without it being seen as "weird" or something. Though I wouldn't complain if a later installment was about Chad-ettes.
It's in the same magazine as Aur-sama, they will show sex happening eventually.
This is literally my fetish.
I'd pay to live an a world like this. Women have it so easy and in the end they even have the real poswer.
The way your describing it makaes it sound sjw as hell honestly.
I love this premise but the hentai had better story telling. Everything that wasn't directly ripped from the hentai was not fun to read.
fuck that was good
Are you retarded
>A loli will never grope your doctor dick
You can't make this shit up
I like the original art better. It's rougher, but it has more personality.
I'll appreciate it for giving a better look at the place the two MCs were dumped into, but sometimes Amahara's opposite ideas can get out of hand.
>Warlord cafe
The non-H manga is lame. All the interest originally was from the idea of putting a regular guy in a world where women lust over men the same way men lust over women in our world and how he takes advantage of it. If you change the MC into a girl instead, of course shes just gonna be grossed out about how pervy all the women in this world are and then proceed to not do much of anything about it other than just be grossed out all the time. Its just the same shit over and over with no actual sex in it. Its pointless and boring
I kind of agree but I'm gonna give it some time before giving up on it, since I love the original so much.
>Left Page
What the fuck is wrong with the aaaaaaaaaaaaart ?
>>Women walking with their tits out is the norm
Don't see any of it.
It's better than the right page.
The genderswapped plot idea is catching fire with some artists. It's only a matter of time.
So its just retarded non-logical pandering. If they would atleast give a reason why the physically superior is the one being submissive, but no just brainless beta male pandering with the occasional boob so they can pretend their readerbase isn't completely composed of nu-males.
It isn't from technical perspective.
>why the physically superior is the one being submissive
Because of the personality shift, my little troll.
No, but art isn't purely technical.
>personality shift
>what are hormones
Fuck you people and fuck this delusional writing
So that's a new artist doing it while the original author is just writing it?
it's a fetish comic, stop being such a buttmad MRA retard
Sure, why would anyone care about fundamentals, right? It's all about drawing porn badly.
What about clothing? wouldn't the "style" of like uniforms get swapped too to fit the moral reversal?
Fundamentals are good, but they don't automatically make your art appealing.
Source, pretty please?
The art here is definitely appealing though, the expressions are good too.
Its called suspension of disbelief. You use it to differentiate from fiction and reality you austist.
generic weebshit isn't appealing for anyone not retarded
>MRA boogieman
I just want a realistic setting for this as i do like the idea, but not the way its presented and how its framing being the submissive gender in society. Its extremly delusional and quite frankly just retarded.
What, like tighter shirts on the boys? I'm not exactly sure what non-dick things on a guy you could accentuate with a gakuran or standard blazer/slacks combo.
while I appreciate an autistic level of evolutionary psychology in my pornography, sometimes "just because" is fine enough
though I didn't like the doujin because it was way too vanilla for my degenerate sexuality
Do you have to be such a special snowflake, user?
In the h-version he's unable to draw a straight lines.
EGO DANCE's twitter. Sadly only that one page.
Do you even know where you are?
>MC in the original h-manga doesn't get gang-raped by girls and humiliated for being a slut
Well, thanks anyways.
I agree, it is pretty superficial even for manga levels of retardation.
It could've easily been addressed just by making the average women taller and stronger than the average man, and having the male characters look like shotas/bishounen or something.
just because the japs make some quality cartoons and comics doesn't mean that I have to mindlessly eat up all the mediocre shit they put out
yeah but it's more lively
the non-h version is just derivative, plus look at that fucking trash male anatomy in the op image lol, he has klinefelters hips
Who cares about the art style, the whole premise gets my dick ROCK SOLID
>by having sex with 2 or more women at the same time
He would literally be asking for it, they wouldn't even need to rape him.
>he has klinefelters hips
It's good anatomy for manlets, and nips are manlets so I don't see the problem.
Read some clover.
Yeah but it would be better if he made an original manga like KAWASAKI Tadataka did
Slacks have to be tighter around the rear, shirts might have to be downsized 2 sizes too small, and collarbones should be visible. Like how serafuku need to have that "wanna tear it open" factor to get to the prizes inside. They're designed that way in a lot of girl manga.
Exactly, also just making new hormones up or genreally arguing with homones in mind would have been a much simpler and more satisfying resolution. I think if you come up with such a scenario that would have to be the least they should've implemented.
This feels like complaining that the magic in a fantasy story doesn't uphold the principle of conservation of energy. For the premise to work in the first place, any presumptions about male physiology and how it affects behaviour go out of the window anyway, so there's little point in bringing it up.
With the difference that this isn't isekai or fantasy shit, it's claiming to be a realistic but gender reversed society. So there is definitely a point to be made about logic, as you could imagine a world like this if the premise fits atleast atleast around 80-90% with the realistic portrail of both gender.
>this butthurt when 50% of all manga has some type of magical energy in it
You must really have a fragile ego.
Does this manga have magic as a major plot point? What is your point?
It's bland and mediocre. The orginals, while certainly inferior from a technical standpoint, have far more personality. Better use of contrast too.
Look, I have an amazoness fetish just like any red-blooded male, but the point here is to have the world nearly be the same. If males are inferior women physically in that world, then the muscle-based attraction wouldn't make sense, you'd just be replacing men with traps pretty much.
Well, that would have not only be more accurate but also objectively better.
It would also have a completely different appeal. Your fetish isn't inherently better than the author's, user.
No, the submissive gender has to be muscleless otherwise a gender reversed society just caters to delusional opinions.
>then the muscle-based attraction wouldn't make sense
1. sure it could, it would just be a niche thing. similar to how there's a fetish for virtually every kind of woman in our world.
2. there's no reason the world would be radically different, you'd just have that the slender bishounen body in our world is the mainstream standard for attractiveness in their world. and women would be expected to work out. otherwise you'd have the same story as this one, and keeping both genders recognizable.
If you're just asking for women to lust over muscled men, well, how different is that from our world? It's basically just your average bara comic, but without the gay.
>warlord cafe
Just like my american cartoons
>well, how different is that from our world?
It's not supposed to be, outside the fact tath women are the ones who are assertive and sexually aggressive, whereas the men are sexually passive. This ultimately puts the women at the disadvantage, anyway, which is WHY the concept is interesting in the first place.
But the better question is will we get to see slut-kun corrupt her?
It's not high fantasy, but it is fantasy. And it makes no claims of realism beyond being set in a world that greatly resembles ours except for this one small tweak. Of course, realistically speaking, this one small tweak would greatly affect the culture and physiology of that world's inhabitants and the fact that that world resembles ours at all is far less believable than the notion of the physically stronger sex being submissive to the physically weaker one (which isn't even unprecedented in our world).
Out of curiosity, do you expect Urusei Yatsura, which is mostly set in 70s-80s Japan, to explain what organ Lum is using to generate electricity and what mechanism is involved in her avoiding getting electrically shocked by herself or do you simply accept the explanation of "she's an alien"?
But if it doesn't do a worthwhile protrail of both genders by disregarding the most important factors responsible for being in that position of power, it reaches a point where it becomes just fanfiction with no credibility whatsoever.
> the legendary "original with shit art" that is somehow way better than the new art because buzzwords
Yeah, and Murata's art is super bland while ONE's is the ultimate work of art right?
>It's not supposed to be
I'm talking about the appeal of the comic. I mean, why read this when there are already women lusting after muscled men in other manga? The interesting thing would be that the power dynamics are reversed, you'd really be put into the average woman's shoes as being highly desirable but also vulnerable.
What bothers me is less the internal logic of the world, and more that it just doesn't really do anything with this interesting idea.
>comparing murata with this mediocre hack
>But if it doesn't do a worthwhile protrail of both genders by disregarding the most important factors responsible for being in that position of power
And yet it makes the situation much more interesting for it. If you had it your way, the only difference would be women would have a penis and men would have a vagina.
No, Murata is a fantastic artist in technique and style that blows ONE's art away, even though ONE's scribbles do have certain qualities to them and can be enjoyed on their own.
Try again.
As i wrote it doesn't even have to be 100% accurate, i just want the basic premise to not be dogshit. And sure there are people attracted to phisically weaker personalities, but does that warrant this kind of premise for society as a whole especially when considering how attraction works in the first place?
What, where did i write shit about genitals?
Can you quote me on that?
If you turn women into the evolutionarily dominant, muscled gender, and turn men into the physically weaker, evolutionary submissive gender, then you're changing everything to the point where the only thing that's different is the genitals of each gender. Women would be men in all ways but the penis, men would be women in all ways but the vagina, and the world would be literally the same.
No like another user said, amazones are probably the best way to solve this. It also would make the story far MORE interesting to read, so i guess we can agree to disagree here.
Eh, I think we're just going to have to disagree about what we find interesting.
I feel like this is telling me to check my privilege.
This would all be solved is the FeMC was a perv too, and then compares and contrasts her perversions with the perversions in this world.
I was actually referring to matriarchies, not individual men that happen to have submissive personalities, when I mentioned that it was not unprecedented in our world.
It's just fans complaining that it isn't their specific fetishist that is being cattered.
>warlord Cafe
You could do so much better than that. An onnagata cafe, a reverse trap cafe, host clubs are overwhelmingly the norm, literally anything but warlords.
That's my biggest problem with it, aside from the male anatomy in this world being pure shite. It's kind of exploring the world as it applies to boys as well, but more than anything it's about the girls. You could literally make any other story if you wanted to do that.
I LOVE this premise. I only ever found one doujin series with that theme. The art was low-tier and it had a fucking mosaic, but it was translated and holy shit was it fun both in the sexual and comedic sense.
If someone gives a list of material, both hentai and not, I would be super grateful. There isn't even a tag for this on panda.
That was the opposite to the applied reasoning i did, but i guess the shit posting has to start again at some point in this thread.
So I suppose this manga is gonna have male tsunderes beating the shit out of women for being "perverts", right?
Yah, this discussion was way to civil for Sup Forums standards
Amahara's writing compensates for his drawing skills.
I think in some cases matriarchies have women in the political positions of power, where the men are just expected to do the heavy lifting and protect their kin. Or they could just reduce them to sperm factories, which is where all the sexualization could come from.
This is the spinoff of that doujin dude.
>that one tsundere who keeps getting accidentally groped by the FeMC
>that one genderswapped fujoshi who keeps fantasizing about the FeMC making out with other girls
>that one boy with the huge cock who's completely unaware that the girls are always checking out his package at the pool
I hope so.
But in the H-version, the delinquent girls didn't show a violent reaction/rape. Still, I hope there's some boy gyaru out there.
Yeah, I noticed already, but are you telling me there's nothing like it out there? There has to be! I've read a few stories on the subject that were more or less OK, but I had real trouble finding any more manga like that.
>slutty blond, tanned Jaapnese boy
I want this.