This is a vampire

This is a vampire

Where is the nipples?

Why is she so smug?

Because she knows you wouldn't last a minute inside her.

Who is she being pissed on by?

I thought vampires didn't like running water?

She bounces between way too powerful to care about the inconvenience, and not having powers or weaknesses.


I'd be smug if I had a body(s) like her.

Boring show

Don't worry. It happens to plenty of people.

I'd let her drain some fluids from my body.

In a different shot.

Kanbaru is a cutie.

Easily the best scene in the entire series.

It had double the waifu pandering, but I wouldn't call it best.

I love naked little girls

Intellectually, of course

This is a fuckboy.

That scene was actually fucking great for intellectual reasons. Shinobu rehearsed that conversation hard.

Is that shooped?



The nips come off

Really makes you think.

Poor nips.

This is also a vampire.

This is a miracle.


They can't keep getting away with it.

Well, they stopped. So I guess you're right.

Did they, though?

I don't see any nipples.

Lord have mercy

They've migrated the nipple budget to increase the instances of bare ass and alternative fetish exploration.

I swear it's their penchant for blood. Even the males are sexual objects for humanfolk

God bless monogatari for being a well animated show that panders to footfags.

Would you Araragi's boipucci?

I wonder what that design is for, a unused design for Koyomimonogatari or maybe something that'll be used in future season?

I don't recall him ever cutting his hair short but maybe he's going to do that in the anime version of Owari or Zokuowari. Then again, he has super long and messy hair only a month later in Hana. Do vampires have super hair growth like the phoenix?

I'm pretty sure it's just merch. There's a Kiss-Shot one with her not wearing anything she's been described in before.

Well, they've gotta get around the censors somehow.

Anime Japan 2017, there's a bunch of promo art featuring characters in casual wear and stuff. Weirdly Koyomi got a piece representing Monogatari as a whole and Shinobu also got one representing Kizumonogatari

this show is well animated but the animation in this webm looks awful. the movement to stand on the desk and the pirouette are stilted and unnatural. nice butt though.

This is a japanese goblin.

This. They do a ton of unique designs for merch.

Do japanese goblins smell bad?

If you lost your nips in some weird accident, would they grow back or just get covered over in skin?

Thats my boyfriend

No, because they wash themselves.

Its weird how much nips just love goverment censorship.

they wouldn't grow back.

should female goblins be allowed in the same sauna as male humans? I think that's too risky...



it shocks me that the pedo demagogic is big enough to be profitable

Sure, there are no gender exclusive saunas.

Why is this shit series so popular? Honestly it's mediocre poo. I could say that about a lot of the shit people worship on this board 2bh tho. If it's just pure American-sitcom-garbage """(((entertainment)))""", then okay that makes sense but you're still plebs. But what else could be the reason?

I don't know user, maybe it's just a charming series that isn't as bad as you make it out tobe? I will admit it tends to be on the overrated side.

Charming in what sense? I like the production of the anime, but the characters are such annoying and fake cunts.

Not him, but you need to settle down. You're allowed to dislike it, but surely there must be some redeemable qualities if so many people enjoy it.

That's actually what I am trying to get to the bottom of, look at the first question I asked
>Why is this shit series so popular?
I actually would like to know.

>This is a vampire
>this is vampire
>vamapirua desu

The girls are cute and in terms of quality and substance it's much better than the average harem.

The conversation in that scene was really good though.

time to cut off my nipples

Ah okay, fair enough. I guess there is some reason people watch it for then. Not really my thing, that's probably why I found it boring.

This is a better vampire

no. no, don't do that

Oh, thanks for correcting me.

I thought she was a semen demon

Vampires don't have breast milk, their babies just suck blood, no need for nips.

Vampires are a form of demon you feel

Doubt you're still here. But I'm glad this didn't end in a shitstorm.

I meant fool

I was watching the new Kizu trailer for part three. It got me thinking how the fuck is Oshino so strong? He effortlessly blocks exorcists and managed to steal Kiss Shots Heart. Kagenui seems comparable but didn't her strength come from the curse? Is it ever mentioned in the books?

I feel you.

iirc kagenui's curse was just not touching the ground, and that was only because she made ononoki. she trained a lot to get her strength.