Why aren't you watching AOTS, Sup Forums?
Ao no exorcist
Because eyebrows is the only good thing about it.
>when the side characters are more interesting than the main ones
Wait, so is this a continuation of the anime or is this like brotherhood?
Of filler in first season?
No it follows the novel.
There's at least 2 of us user
That's nearly every shounen series.
What an interesting way to spell fucking nothing this season is so shit holy fuck
12 episodes
Terrible pace
Have to continue reading the manga again anyway
WHAT was the fucking point?
To promote manga sales.
because it's the same shonen shit i've seen over and over again. Might as well stick with the classics that are now coming back from the grave.
Beginning was slow but the last episodes were based
>being this contrarian
you have this new shit anime and older 2 times shittier animes and you choose those 2x as shit series solely for the sake of going
>hurr nothing new
>dat S1 insert song
Based Sawano is still based.
Thanked God his tracks had been used correctly this time unlike that underutilized series Seraph.
>Shit one-dimensional foil to Shiemi
Pick one, faggot.
No, they ignored the filler, and picked up from about halfway through the first anime to adapt the next manga arc.
You know the Manga must be bad if the anime original content at the end of season 1 was the best content they produced.
This season is Nothing Happens: Electric Boogaloo 2
Such a terrible adaptation.
Well, yeah, I meant what was the point in watching it, the point of making it was obvious.
are you watching this shit in 360p or something?
No, but I figured a lesser resolution would make loading times faster.
Because I'm reading the manga cause the manga is fucking amazing. can't wait for Izumo's arc to be in anime form though
Daily reminder that Shiemi is absolute dog shit.
>because it's the same shonen shit i've seen over and over again.
Do you know how I know you haven't even watched or read Ao No Exorcist?
Why did they wait 6 fucking years for this?
Ao No Exorcist is a monthly manga, so like with attack on titan they take a long time before making another season. Expect the next season to be 3-4 years from now.
I somehow don't see them making a third season, but then again I didn't expect a second season either, especially 6 years later.
Is it even popular in Japan?
The manga? Yes. The anime? I'm pretty sure the first season didn't do very well so that added to how long the time between the first and second seasons was.
She started off well but then went nowhere. Even snake bitch has more character.
Not him, but I'm up to date on the manga, and it's the same shonen shit i've seen over and over again.
>ss1 was okay with some shit fillers
>ss2 is just a borefest
jesus what the fuck is this show's director doing?
>She started off well but then went nowhere
Did you even read the manga?
It's pretty different but sure, whatever you say. The only generic shit in it is Shiemi. Her entire character is generic Hinata,Orihime,ect insert.
She started as shitty tsundere but grew on me afterword
>It's fucking nothing: the anime
>3-4 years from now
But there's a lot of material already they could use for a 3rd season.
I fucking love it, man.
Do you know any other anime that deal with demons and church shit like this? I love the theme
Yeah, just like with attack on titan they already had enough material for a season 2. But they usually let the manga get far ahead before working on the next season.
It would have made more sense to to do 2 cours, do Impure King at a faster pace, and be in the setup for the next arc right now.
This season was such a fucking waste of time. The arc wasnt compelling and introduced a bunch of characters you dont have any reason to give a shit about. As a whodunnit it was subpar. Action was nonexistent for half the season, and so much time was wasted on longing looks, training candle scenes, and flashbacks.
This maybe was fine for pacing for a manga but as an anime it was fucking shit.
They shot themselves in the foot by only doing 1 cour, and dedicating it to an arc that could be easily done in less than that. Though even then, if I remember right the manga has a short school story between this and starting the next arc. They could've finished Impure King by episode 10, and used the last 2 episodes for that.
Can't stand the main charatcers and the fujo pandering. I like the side characters but they get little time.
>I'm pretty sure the first season didn't do very well
It averaged over 12k, it did very well for some odd reason as well as the movie it took too long because the manga has slow as shit pacing even by monthly standards and Aniplex didn't immediately follow it up once it was done. The first volume of the second season sold 3k which is a huge step down.
Shit girl.
Genuinely thinking about picking up the manga because I was disappointed as hell with this season.
It looked like it could have been really good but came out to be pretty average
>It looked like it could have been really good but came out to be pretty average
Welcome to Blue Exorcist!
it's been a while since I watched the first season but I remember enjoying the majority of it
way more than this season at least
>this truly is the birth of the ao no exorcist
goddamnit Mephisto
I guess they didn't know season 1 would be so popular. that's why it had an anime original ending
ao no exorcist was a huge international hit 6 years ago
with the pacing of the second season, I'm guessing season 3 will be this year
you were younger then
the last 5 episodes of season 1 were super shit
What the fuck is even his agenda? He's just popping up everywhere going "according to plan" or some shit.
gets off by watching his brothers fight
you are supposed to question who's side he is on
but nobody gives a shit
it's more of a problem because blue exorcist couldn't tell a story to save its life. info dumping in the middle of fights has been horrendous.
also, this villain sucks ass
he looks retarded and isn't cool at all
>All of the suffering in that arc
And the ending is like as minimally a happy ending as it can be.
You're seriously telling me they couldn't keep one brother normal, but are instead also resorting to power levels for him as well?
reminder season 1 had way better music
how will yukio compete with the escalating power levels?
same problem dbz ran into with super saiyans
>Yukio win popularity poll in a landslide and fans want to know what's up with his satan power
>yea, let's waste all year on this new guy and this old looking highschool side character dude
does the author even realize he's on a monthly magazine? his pacing suck...
I actually forgot what a completely different kid of show first season's couple of episodes were hinting at before the whole exorcist high school bullshit took over.
I still love that first OP
I should have dropped it as soon as the high school shit started
I was young and naive back then
What is the guitar ost that plays when he becomes super flameman blue?
The author never made a manga with good pacing. This is normal for him. this is normal for Kato.
His big bro Lucifer is an edgelord that wants to wipes out existence because he's salty that he's too powerful to keep a physical body without it rotting in a short amount of time.
Mephisto's endgoal is preserving the continued existence of Earth and humanity, so he can continue getting enjoyment from life and observing them. Whether he achieves it through human experiments to create more suitable possession hosts and immortality elixir, or by lil bro Rin becoming strong enough to kill Lucifer, it doesn't matter.
the anime should fix the pacing, not replicate it
the first season wasn't shit because it didn't follow the manga. it was shit because A-1 can't write for shit
still the best character
>dat feel when he had the willpower to wrestle back the control of his body from motherfucking satan
paladin of the true cross order, indeed