>tfw someone accidentally calls you "she"
Tfw someone accidentally calls you "she"
Other urls found in this thread:
>accidentally say "I wish" out loud
>awkward silence
But I look like an orc
>tfw someone calls you "they"
This happened to me when I had long hair.
>tfw someone called you "it"
did you look sugoku kawaii or did they just see your back?
>They slap your boi pussy
>Not growing a beard as well
You dun fucked up.
>tfw someone calls you "anta"
>get called ma'am
>tfw someone accidentally calls you "fag"
I meant it from the bottom of my heart, fag
>tfw someone accidentally calls you
Not kawaii. I'm lean and taller than most girls. I think they saw me from the front or side.
But then how would I look like my bishounen anime heroes?
yep nightmares again
>constantly got mistaken for a girl all the way up until early high school
fuck, I miss that.
feels good man
i don't even bother correcting them
>tfw you think one of your friends call you so you do the stupid inside joke phone thing but it turns out to be the phone company
i'm still not over it
That feels nice though
>tfw someone accidentally you
>tfw someone accidentally cums inside you
Did this and she started freaking out so I had to call a taxi.
>tfw someone accidentally calls you the bourgoisie
How did your asshole feel when it was full of her cum? Why didn't your let her take responsibility?
I've had dark spots (I don't know the exact word for those in English) below my eyes for as long as I remember myself. I've had them in my childhood, I've had them in my teens, and now, I have them in my adulthood. If I had a cent for each time I was asked whether I had slept enough last night I'd be a bloody millionaire.
>now, I have them in my adulthood
Don't get ahead of yourself
maybe its allergies?
>tfw you accidently start cleaning their cock with your mouth afterwards
Accidentally? That's common courtesy, user.
>be a 23 year-old man
>the customer service reps on the phone still mistake me for a girl
Send help.
>tfw couldn't be any further away from achieving trap aesthetics
Iron defficiency?
>you wake up with blood in your panties
>it's leaking out your anus
>tfw someone accidentally calls you a monster
lmao Chad here
All of you fat lonely losers have gone so long without a girlfriend that you are willing to sell your boipucci just for some kind of love.
You're absolutely pathetic homosexuals. People like you don't even deserve to be called men. You should be forced to dress as girls, be locked into chasity, and then be made to cum like little girls with your prostate, you fucking shame to the human race.
>not roleplaying along
>get mistaken for a girl half the time over the phone
>my voice isn't even feminine
i look like one of those old faceless men / orc hybrids
I bet most people here are too tall for that and look like caveman.
>my voice isn't even feminine
Post vocaroo.
Your voice sounds deeper to you because it vibrates through your skull.
that sounds way too sexy to be true
do you have proof?
Although I've never gone and checked for sure, I don't think it is. I'm not a vegetarian or something like that, either.
What foods contain high amounts of iron, just so I can try this out?
Bullshit, to me my voice doesn't sounds pretty normal at all but when I hear it on vocaroo it's deep as fuck.
>tfw started crossdressing to find out how does a dick in the ass feels
>tfw can't stop now
And according to google:
Squash and Pumpkin Seeds
Liver (Chicken)
Seafood (Oysters, Mussels, Clams)
Nuts (Cashew, Pine, Hazelnut, Peanut, Almond)
Beef and Lamb (Lean Chuck Roast)
Spinach goes well with mozzerella, try it.
I do, because I'm too embarrassed to correct them.
Maybe you have some weird form of social anxiety where your voice pitches up without you realizing it.
You sound like a girl.
You sound like a homosexual.
You just sound nasally as fuck. I have that problem too.
Appreciate this, user.
you sound like afucking loser
bottom text
>started crossdressing just to see how I look in girly clothes
>can't stop
panty bulge or gtfo
Delete this.
>Hungry skeletons wearing gaudy kneesocks calling themselves "traps"
Cute boys >>>>> "traps"
might be cause i'm sick
Irl or on the internet? Anyway, that's nothing special at all.
DELET! I am not fat!
one of most awkward experiences in the outside world.
Are you negging us to get us to throw our boipuccies at your disappointing dick?
>correcting them at all
>not playing along
>not loving it everytime
>almost 30
>going by voice people give me 40
>going by looks 20
>until I grew facial hair people were mistaking me for a woman
The best part was some hobo cheerfully yelling "nice ass but grow some boobs" at me
I bet your fat apron covers your dick, user.
why do we allow these threads again?
Not necessarily I'm sure some people have done worse
>Call out female teacher "ma" while trying to wake me up during class
>Answer to a girl's phone call wanting to ask me about a someone I'm friends with
>Whenever someone tries to fight me or is asking for it I stop talking to not explode and people think I'm scared followed by them getting scared of me for beating someone up to the point of humiliation
I eventually stopped giving a fuck and I think it's better If I should just imitate anime characters like Dio
if i shaved my beard to null and applied some make up it could work by a slim chance, i can't see it otherwise.
>The best part was some hobo cheerfully yelling "nice ass but grow some boobs" at me
>but grow some boobs
Well, did you?
>29 and still mistaken for a woman on the phone
>will never shave my facial hair because it used to happen in person too
do some of you really enjoy this shit?
It's the best feeling
>not having done this already
what are you waiting for
>not enjoying looking good enough too be called a woman
>hair is 30% WHITE (not even gray)
>have an okay body due to cycling and running
>can cook for myself, I can control everything and get the absolute best nutrients for myself (and it's all for me, I don't have to worry about other people's tastes)
What am I supposed to do? Act like an old, mature lady trap?
situation where i can end myself right after.
>The best part was some hobo cheerfully yelling "nice ass but grow some boobs" at me
this thread needs more vocaroo posting
>puberty started way early
>hairy as fuck with deep voice
>no chance ever to pull off being a cute trap
>tfw someone calls you "m'lady"
>not dying hair completely white and passing as an albino babe
>implying that doesnt give you reason to go on
You realize men look good too, right?
m o r e
>Sup Forums is trying to put gay thoughts in your head again
I wonder if you can check time on her eye clock.
>turn 21 today
>still look 14
I've had a manager think I was a 16yo coworkers younger brother and drove by a middle school the other day and saw that all the boys looked older than me.
>dying hair completely white
Don't think that's a good idea. Completely white hair doesn't match me at all (yet); I'd rather let it turn white naturally over a couple of years. Might as well go for the Lawrence look when I'm there.
You can't become gay. I do jizz to traps and futanari but at the end of the day, having sex with a man is still repulsive.
How tall?
>tfw someone accidentally makes a thread in Sup Forums about you
5'8", It's like I half went through puberty. Got a little taller, voice a little deeper, a little facial hair, and then nothing.
>tfw someone tells you that you are kawaii
I wish I could go to high school again.