Just admit it Sup Forums you want more of his character archtype in your anime

Just admit it Sup Forums you want more of his character archtype in your anime

Why is Japan trying so hard to make me jerk off to a dude

Nothing lewd has happened with him so far though.

>dumb as a pile of bricks
Best boy
But no seriously, aside from the sparkly eyes he doesn't really come off as feminine. He's just a pretty boy. A really pretty one, mind you, but still. He also happens to be a great bro to MC so he's a pretty damn likable character even without looking he belongs in a boyband or underwear ad.

Not really. I like more boyish girls than girly boys.

Yeah but get Saori off these characters what the fuck.

Still cute regardless.


I dunno, trap friends in harems are pretty generic.

That's what his character archtype is; effeminate bishounen, mc's best friend, whatever he does is cute, into girls

>effeminate bishounen

Imaging being this type of ppl, we would rule the world and get all the pussy/boipussy

Oh yes, we live during the age of the mainstream fuccboi/trap.

But Kojuro isn't a trap

>girls acting like a guy
And I assume you like girly boys.

girly boy is GIRLY and FUCKABLE
boyish girl is BOYISH and UNFUCKABLE

No, I want more of this archetype in anime.

>effeminate bishonen
they (also you) can call that a guy all they want, but fact remains that they drew a girl

>I like this kinda girls
>you're gay

"Shuuri Kojuro is also biologically male."

I want to fuck this girly boy.

Kill yourself faggot


Will traps ever be able to compete in the MC-bowl, or are they forever doomed to be comic relief/side characters?

As with most media (especially anime) an anime is either built around the gayness (like YOI) or just has it as a side element that doesn't really affect much probably just to bait fujos and insecure Sup Forumsutists. What you are suggesting would be something between of those 2 categories and I can't really think of an anime that fits your description.

The problem is that people who like gayness and want to see gayness as a central element in their anime, at the expense of heterosexual relationships, and people who are the opposite, are two incompatible demographics. Gay-pandering anime alienates people who want to see straight stuff and that's just the way it is. A show where the trap won would piss off everybody that isn't into traps, and if the trap is only one character in a diverse, mostly female cast, then the show's demographic is obviously not primarily comprised of trapfags.

only if they win, and aren't pointless background characters

>boyish girl is BOYISH and UNFUCKABLE
Jeez this board gets gayer every day.

A man of true taste

I want a trap character who by every account should be gay (extremely feminine, teases guys, etc.) but ends up being in a committed relationship or having a harem of girls who chase after him.

Sort of like a genderswapped version of Momoyo from Majikoi?


Pretty much every anime now a days has a boy-girl character though

Wouldn't even be "unrealistic" since it's my understanding that girls like metrosexual/twink/bishonen looking guys.

It's not done often tho.

Why can't there be more fanart of this pairing? Instead of pairing him Shitbaru.

I think there is more of that than FerriXSubaru.

Who was the first boy you fell in love with?

I think there is more of this than Ferri x Subaru.

Actually by looking at gelbooru, that seems true. But both pairings only have a single page worth of content when you search for them.

The rest is all gay stuff

You have to use Pixiv and Twitter and you will find more.

Kaname is top tier smug. Too bad he's a degenerate who has sex with random men for money.

Stop calling Kojuro a trap. He's a boy, he wears boys uniform, he never crossdresses, he's not gay.

He is NOT a trap

Being trap doesn't mean that one is gay. Kojuro is a trap, he looks like a girl.

A trap means a boy wearing a skirt or a dress. Which kojuro doesn't do

Being a trap means looking like a girl while being a boy.

I want his feminine dick inside me.

You don't know what he does on weekends

Sounds like shit

Doki doki for Neko is exactly the proper level of lewdness for such a character.