Goblin Slayer

What is her endgame?

Goblin rape.

>Goblin Slayer is NTR'ed by a big goblin orgy
please let this be a thing.

Goblins are the weakest, just a reminder.

"Goblin Hunter" is just a weak shit.

To become GS.



How exactly?
Seeing GS dying, or something?

Once she's mindbroken enough, she'll become the next Goblin Slayer. Then she'll save another adventurer and raise the next one. This thing is like Batman

But he killed a Greater Demon though?

>This thing is like Batman
it even has a year 1 back story like batman

>This thing is like Batman
So GS will never go away no matter the pretensions of his proteges to take his place?

Exactly that, GS dying on her would made her go NUCLEAR. Hell, that artist that somehow has inside info already played with that idea.

>looking down on goblins

They same ignorance in every verse, GS goblins are the only goblins that are portrayed right.

Complete her destiny of becoming the "Melia".



Goblin bump

That guy was just attack by some gobs and he couldnt do shit to save himself


Would you let your daughter dress like this?

Is a ceremonial dress for a dance in a festival.

My dick.



Hi Yen Press.

I would read a serie about cute crusader girls removing kebob.

An oni is a greater demon.

You mean getting kebabed

There's no need to make up a story for this.

Green lives matter.

>Implying she wouldn't be a Jihadi fanatic purging gobbo manlets all day