Gon sacrifies all of his nen and health

>Gon sacrifies all of his nen and health
>He became as powerful as Meruem
>Netero sacrifies all of his nen (+ a lot of his health too since he became older and blind) in a condesated shot
>Barely injure Meruem
Despite I love HxH more than any manga, I was pretty disappointed.

Other urls found in this thread:


>He became as powerful as Meruem

Was he?

Just look at what Pitou said.

Netero didn't sacrifice his nen the way gon did, and even in that state gon couldn't have killed meruem, at most injure him. It would have been worse if gon would have ended up killing meruem with the power of rage, the rose solution was better.

That's not what Netero did.

He did the equivalent of emptying his entire Nen tank at Meruem.

What Gon did was the equivalent of bursting his Nen tank for power.

gon sacrificed his ability to ever use nen again, plus his health

netero just exerted himself really hard

plus netero is like ten times gon's age, he doesn't have much of a future to sacrifice

Indeed, it seems more logical now.

I need to start watching this.
I watched the first season with the greed island ova.
Where do I start with this?

She said "his fangs could reach the king's throat"
that doesn't mean he was as powerful as Meruem.
Just that he was a serious threat from the point of view of a royal guard.

The traduction is lousy. What Pitou said is that his fangs could reach the king, and you know how overprotective royal guard were.

The chimera ant arc starts right after the greed island arc and it goes on for about 60 episodes, but anyways I would start the 2011 version from the beginning.

Didn't Gon sacrifice his "potential" Nen as well?

Yes, he spent all his future nen, that's why even after he's cured he can't release his aura. I guess they will fix this in the dark continent arc.

>I would start the 2011 version from the beginning.
Any particular reason?

Gon-san's body did not have the durability that would allow him to fight against Meruem. The only thing that let Netero fight against him was his insane speed. Once Meruem touches you, you are pretty much finished.

Also even if Pitou did say that that Gon-san's power is equal to that of Meruem, it doesn't mean she's correct.

>The only thing that let Netero fight against him was his insane speed.
That plus the fact that his hatsu allowed him to fight at mid-range and keep the king in check by attacking from any direction and slapping him away. Gon-san would have little choice but to trade blows.

so the subs in the OP are wrong?

It's the most complete and the pacing is pretty fast which is a good thing for a long running show.
If you liked it, watch the 99 version. It's slower paced but it's more atmospheric.

what if he had higher firepower than netero ?

High enough that a trade of blows wouldn't be the way to go about it even for Meruem

Read the manga

It was never stated he was as powerful as Meruem, there was just a big mistranslation in the anime.

>interpreting a deeper meaning into shit tier translations

Pitou says exactly this:
Which could be translated something along the lines that Gon had the potential to harm the king.

Which is wrong anyways, because Gon was mad at the murderer of one of the persons dearest to him, Kite was basically like a father to him.

The other thing is, Netero never did any sacrifice according to the nen rules. He had the bomb as a worst case scenario, but he never intended to die against Meruem. The original plan was to not even fighting Meruem straight up, but to drain his nen with Potclean. Gon, on the other hand, couldn't care less about anything else, as long as he could kill Pitou.


>The original plan was to not even fighting Meruem straight up, but to drain his nen with Potclean.
Nah that's just something the other hunters wanted to try because of Meleoron's power.
The plan was always distract the royal guards with Morel/Knov/Shoot/Knuckle/Gon/Killua while Netero and Zeno get to the King and bring him to the desert.

I don't think Netero intended to die, but he clearly went into the fight knowing he almost certainly would considering he made his video/will just before the mission.

and also considering he had a nuke planted inside him

It's hard to say if the nuke was something recent or not.
The video on the other hand is guaranteed to have been made after he saved his beard and cut his hair.

will Gon ever recover?


I don't think netero is such a sore loser that he would implant a nuke in himself just in case that some strong guy beat him in a duel, meruem was a threat to humanity

>sore loser
It's not being a sore loser. He had a job to do and all he wanted was a good fight. But combining the video with his willingness to have the bomb put in him even if he went in there confident in victory, he considered his loss a possibility.

you misunderstand
he had the nuke implanted in case he lost to meruem, becuase if he did all of mankind would be enslaved
if he had the nuke implanted before the whole chimera ant thing, what would be the purpose? If he was targeted by assassins or challenged to a fight by an up and comer or something, what would be the point in detonating a fucking nuke in case he was killed?

Netero didn't have a lot of life left in him compared to Gon.

In that case yes I would assume the nuke is a fairly recent introduction probably after the king was born and he went to to get zeno.

Yeah, Gon is kind of stupid.

I love Hisoka.

I love Pitou.

>yet another thread made by a retard that doesn't understand the story and it's events
Why is every fucking HxH thread like this?

Gon just had a lot to improve.
Netero was already at his limits, he already reached the top of his power.

>little kid, tons of potential
>over 100 years old, way past his prime

Is it really that surprising? Netero didn't have nearly as much to trade as Gon.

me too user

OP is just trying to build up enough meme magic to end the hiatus.
The more anons think about HxH and how maybe the hiatus will end soon, the more likely it becomes that reality will shift in that direction.

Means nothing

Seriously though this needs to stop soon
there's a new thread literally every day and it's always the same discussion, it just never changes

hxh is garbage

How did Togashi make Pitou so amazing?

Yeah, unless the next thread is of a leaked video of Togashi scratching his balls playing DQ, I think we've had enough of this.

How about you post actual Hisoka instead of Ishida's fangirl scribbles.


>69 pages of fucking nothing
What the fuck was Ishida thinking?

I'm still waiting for an explanation, why was meruem so powerful?


Uhh, The Queen eating thousands upon thousands of humans, stockpiling the collective nen to be given to the the Royal Guards and the King rings a bell.

You people need to start paying attention

Netero was old. He didn't have much potential left.
Gon was young and a genius with incredible potential.
Gon had A LOT to sacrifice for that oath&restriction.

Well, I read it a long time ago, didn't remember.

nice haircut, nice hips, leggy, cute shirt
She got boring though.

Why the fuck is the Chimera ant arc so misunderstood despite every single peace of information being spoonfed to the audience? What can't stupid motherfucker ever Google shit they didn't understand?

How is it misunderstood?

because the anime adaption was shit and everyone asking questions hasn't read the manga.

That's the thing, the anime did 10x more hand holding than the manga with is sludge pacing and people still don't get.

>Meruem killed best girl

fuck that bootleg cell

no problem

I hate to hate fuck Pitou.

Then why do it?

take a good guest

Sorry user, I'm retarded. Please explain further.

How big of a power boost is Gon going to get once he gets his nen since the ants were only B tier?

ants were b tier in threat, not power
the shit in the dark continent is more like natural disasters

To put it simply Pitou is top cunt.
>and don't get me started on all those cat puns

But you said you hate to hate fuck Pitou?

sorry small mistype
*I want to hate Pitou

>People still want their super duper epik country busters in HxH.

When will it end


are you insinuating that I want country busters

general chimera ants were b tier
that does not count the royal guards or the king
i could be wrong though
anyway didn't togashi make a point that meruem was supposed to be the strongest entity in the entire series?


but I said that the ants weren't classed as b tier because of how strong they were but because of how dangerous

in the end they're just normal animals/humans that snowball in strength

shit like Ai where anyone can make a wish to become king of the world and then end up with millions of people dead is much more threatening

I thought you were the guy that implied if Gon was gonna get a Yusuke-like power-up because of the ants ranking, my bad.

And I read the explanation of the power ranking in Vol 33, I know it isn't solely because of power

>hunter association could barely handle B tier threats
>wants to travel to the continent crawling with A tier niggas
Why are hunters so fucking stupid?

Let's be real, if they handled it any way that was even remotely intelligent they would have had no issue at all.
>nuke the shit out of them in the first place no questions asked
>send in all 12 of the zodiacs and Netero be done with the whole mess in a few hours

isn't the chinese emperor dude going, counter to their wishes?

>Those hips
>visible tits (B cup)

trapfags will damage control

This. Are you fucks retarded?

He said he already watched the '99 version.
There is no need to strat over except for completeness' sake.

>it's the most complete and the pacing is pretty fast
It rushes through everything up to greed island, and in the chimera ant arc it slows down to dragon ball levels, although admittedly it's just following the manga's pacing.

The real question is

Will hisokucks ever recover?

People need to learn to read, this is so frustrating

They got roped into this because V5 wanted them to hunt Beyond, who was in agreement with the the Kakin emperor to go to the Dark Continent in the first place.

>responding to bait

It's just one faggot who keeps asking the same question over and over event tho they always get answered but he won't listen. He doesn't care about answers, he's just trying to say "your anime is bad!" every time.

not until chrollosers get their shit kicked in too

But their destination is a relatively docile B+ threat.

I haven't read the manga, watched 2011 and loved the CA arc. It was almost perfect. Most of the things those retards don't understand are things you're supposed to figure out on your own like any person with average intelligence, like why they couldn't nuke the palace since the beginning.

Where are they going? Zobae?


I guess this part was pretty easy to miss.

Brion only seems like it's not that dangerous because they're guardians of a place and thus stationary, I bet they'd fuck you up something fierce if you actually stepped foot in that place

fuck it,this now pitou thread,is been a while since we have one

damn OP, just watched this episode for the first time like 30 minutes ago, WTF? I fucking love Gon now

why do these threads attract so many newfags? Even the Naruto thread up right now has less cancer

The entire thing makes no sense.

How does nen/universe know his 'max' potential? Is assumed from where he is now that he trains forever? What if he just stops? Wouldn't it be paradoxical if nen knew he would use this thus his future potential is 0? How the fuck do you gauge someones future potential if you don't already know the outcome?

His rage, desperation/dedication and vow was simply plot-powerful enough to manhandle pitou.

This is also the last time Gon is of any relevance to the series.

Well,16 episodes left before I finish the anime, and by now I know that there will never be more because of Togashi slacking off, so does that even matter?