>3-gatsu season 2 announced
>it'll be on NHK still
Shaft won't find a way they said.
Shaft is dying they said.
I don't remember NHK wanting to greenlight a season 2 for Nichijou.
>3-gatsu season 2 announced
>it'll be on NHK still
Shaft won't find a way they said.
Shaft is dying they said.
I don't remember NHK wanting to greenlight a season 2 for Nichijou.
Are they doing full adaptation or something?
How can they always get away with it?
Shaft is mainstream now.
3-gatsu has been fantastic so far. Honestly revived my love of Shaft along with Kizu.
Seriously, what's their secret?
Turning into a brand
making monogatari to fund everything else
NHK is funded by the government, they don't need shows to sell or do well.
Because Nichijou only re-ran on NHK-e, it wasn't really funded by them, Kadokawa had the final word whether to make a S2 or not. 3gatsu is mainly a NHK project.
SHAFT doesn't fund anything themeselves.
You're right fund was the wrong word. Still, it does seem like they're able to make up for shit sales of their other works with the few super hits they have.
>Nichijou sells like shit when it aired
>didn't get a season 2
>Shaft anime sells like shit when it aired
>get a season 2
What did NHK, a nationalistic TV channel, mean by this?
>I don't remember NHK wanting to greenlight a season 2 for Nichijou.
because nichijou was shit
nhk wants to fund high art to make the world a better place
nichijou isn't high art
The profit from the few super hits, basically Bake and Madoka, goes straight to Jewniplex.
They have nothing to do with this show getting a S2. It was probably planned from the beginning.
Based Aniplex and Shaft working together to save anime.
If they waited 10 years for the manga to be finished, maybe.
How are people not realizing this is /kyo/a/ni/ now
>every single episode had exactly 25 minutes
>the last one didn't
>high art
How can Kyoanusfags even recover?
>I don't remember NHK wanting to greenlight a season 2 for Nichijou.
Well I do.
They're just that talented.