What anime has the best/well done animation?

What anime has the best/well done animation?

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7 years drawing

>I-if I draw more frames I can make up for my complete lack of talent

For realism, Mitsuo Iso, so GitS, EoE.

Akira of course

Classic Kanada stuff, etc.

>leaving your cock so vulnerable

>For realism, Mitsuo Iso, so GitS, EoE.

Or fucking Jin-Roh. Nearly hour and a half of Jin-Roh's flawless animation and Oshii's philosophical bullshit.

TV: Nichijou
Film: Akira

Berserk 2016, no doubt

What's this? Google doesn't show

gurren lagann!

Tracing real life movements and images now is a showcase of talent ?
I have far more respect for generic animu animation than this waste of time, ink and paper.

>Or fucking Jin-Roh.
Yeah Okiura is pretty great when you give him time and something other than a shoestring budget.



IIRC it's an independent short that was done by Richard Williams in his retirement.

Can you really retire if you never actually accomplished anything in your entire career?

Reminder that western animators trashtalk Japanese animations all the time.

Though they are right that Japanese animators never got the basics of human animations right.

deservedly, most of the time
although from what my ignorant eyes can see, animation is deader over there than in Japan

of course, you would say that it doesn't have enough tits in it for your mongrel brain to enjoy

>tumblr gif
fuck off

>artists trash talk other artists

Holy shit Sherlock Holmes you must be onto something!

>Japanese animators never got the basics of human animations right.
You're joking right? It's western animation that can't manage to animate a normal person. They always end up with dancers.


but at least there was enough dick for you to enjoy tanya

Japanese animation was never about making the best animations but getting the most out of a non existing animation budget.

It is a showcase of talent. Three reasons:
1) the motions are smooth and easy to follow,
2) the action conveys an understanding of realistic fighting techniques.
3) the faces are very expressive.

>TV Series (Cell)
HxH 1999
>TV Series (digital)
Naruto Shippuuden
Bounen no Xamd

>Though they are right that Japanese animators never got the basics of human animations right.
Does Miyazaki know it?

The pace of everything is extremely unnatural.

>Japanese animators never got the basics of human animations right.

Jin-Roh, Princess Mononoke, Garden of Words, etc.

Japan consistently shits on everything but old Disney, and Disney never ever made "human animation"

Miyazaki alone absolutely destroys everything western animators have put out.


Miyazaki always got shit from traditional animators. Also got shit by sakuga weebs for streamlining works of various animators.

I think that's a stupid thing to say

SHAFT has consistently shown well done animation.

Some of you jackasses forgot the number 1 goal of animation to begin with, the illusion of movement.
Anime itself does it all the motherfucking time, from ignoring lip-sync by using mouth flaps, to abstract backgrounds to convey emotion instead of through solely characters. May as well shit on the constant filters and gradients too while you're at it, because they aren't "legitimate".

Thanks, I knew it was familiar, reminded me of this, but I forgot the name.

>Can you really retire if you never actually accomplished anything in your entire career?
what are you talking about The Thief and the Cobbler was a big hit .

I've yet to see anything made by those Jap bastards that comes close to beating this






>Michael Barrier remarked that “Miyazaki’s human characters, typically for Japanese animation, are little more than ciphers, their appearance and their actions almost wholly dictated by formulas,” with Thad Komorowski adding that anime “violates so many principles of animation—where’s the squash and stretch? the secondary action?—that it would make more sense to just shoot it in live action,” much of it showing “disdain for what makes animation a unique medium.” One could chalk this up to that characteristically American provincialism but this opinion isn’t uncommon elsewhere. In defending the older generation of Soyuzmultfilm artists, Fyodor Khitruk contrasts them with “those Pokemon”, arguing that at least the Russians mastered the essentials before breaking the rules. Even Giannalberto Bendazzi, an open-minded advocate for animation across the world, has plainly stated that “anime is badly animated” and that, barring a few exceptions, TV animation “requires little attention as far as creativity is concerned.” If any concession is made for the Japanese it’s usually in terms of their layouts and direction, the implication being that those layouts come at the expense of what actually counts. Listen to most intelligent animation writers and you might come to the conclusion that the individual animator is of absolutely no value in the Japanese system.

musashi gundou

Ten. Years. Hand. Drawn.

If somebody says that Miyazaki doesn't get animation arcs, he can go eat shit.

This isn't about quality but about "talent".
I have more respect for traditional animation doing as much as possible with as little as possible to deliver great results, I can be impressed at someone spending days if not weeks to painstakingly draw every detail tracing it from real life and every single frame to make it look as fluid as possible but personally I don't think that's where talent lies.
Doing your best with the limited time and tools given to you is where true talent shines.

consistently or just in limbo like Thief and the Cobbler?

>shiting on something that is purpose
made bad

This looks like fucking shit

Jin Roh movement looks pretty realistic to me, I never saw a western that didn't look exagerated

>"Shiting on something that is purpose"

You ok user? Something snap in ya?

>complains about the characters being "dictated by formulas"
>instantly reverses and complains that he doesn't follow "principles of animation"

As little boy in the early 90's. I always loved anime for the interesting layouts and direction in the sakuga scenes.

While western cartoons were often "flat" in that regard.

You can actually see Redline, so a bit better I guess. Some parts are not as stunning as others, though.

being this retarded

Sakuga Revolutio

>I-if I draw more frames I can make up for my complete lack of talent

>Richard Williams
>Animation director of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
>Director The Thief and the Cobbler
>complete lack of talent

I know this is the anime board, but please do not be this ignorant.

That's two different people.

I meant was it just being handrawn non stop for 10 years or was there things that caused delays?


Fleischer Studios's Superman shorts is still the best superhero cartoon.

It's all presented as one point of view, regardless of who said what.

>violates so many principles of animation—where’s the squash and stretch? the secondary action?—that it would make more sense to just shoot it in live action
Christ what a retard

That are also two different things.

All human characters move the same, while in traditional animations every character were unique in the way they moved.

They're not wrong. Japan has really interesting stories, but the animation is worse than Hanna-Barbera. Sometimes they try to gussy it up by being very detailed, but it's still really bad on the whole.

Are you purposely being retarded?

You only notice it because so many shows are drawn on threes (or fours) and use the fuck out of static frames.



It took seven years to be completed and it does have and incredibly amount of work into it, but from what I know for most of the time they were looking for funding and were working on other things in between.

For Honor gameplay.



Five years hand drawn.

Yes, because a typical Japanese animator regurgitating generic anime storyboarding is more talented than Williams because "he rotoscoped." Look at Aku no Hana and tell me this guy's on that level.

Squash and stretch is exaggerated in every high budget western animation and the reason it looks aesthetically shit, that and the unrealistic speed


>Listen to most intelligent animation writers and you might come to the conclusion that the individual animator is of absolutely no value in the Japanese system.
What the fuck, in all the noteworthy anime productions, the opposite is the case.

just seven that;s is just pathetic

Inferno Cop


Both sides are full of shit as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad I'm not such a plebeian that I think the only thing that matters in animation is... the animation. Animation is a MEDIUM, a means to tell a story, it's not the end-all-be-all, the only goal that matters. So many "animators" just miss the forest for the trees.


I like how this clip always shuts up Sup Forums's studio warriors.


Let's face it guys, the only superiority anime has ever had over pre-1960 Western animation is lighting and shading effects. And most of those are CG these days.

Man, for all the insane dedication and skill Richard Williams has for animation, he really can't make an interesting film for shit.

Seven years of hand drawing frames is a really big deal.

yeah it need more boobs

>Animation is a MEDIUM, a means to tell a story
Sure, but if you're not using animation to help tell the story you should consider using a different MEDIUM and shouldn't demand that people respect your work within the MEDIUM you underutilized.


I thought we were talking about animation and talent ?
Also how about you compare movies with movies and tv series with tv series, it's unfair to just take projects done with all the time in the world and no corporate meddling and use them to bash people who are just earning their fucking living and working on a schedule and set rules with many others.

>shouldn't demand that people respect your work within the MEDIUM you underutilized.
Such as?

not that guy but willian has spent 30 years working on a movie that was a complete flop get on his level

It's already been stated in this thread that anime has fantastic layouts and directing.

The boring flat staging of modern cartoons goes all the way back to the golden era like the clip you just posted, because most of the interest is in the character animation itself (at least it is in the Looney Toons, not so much in modern cartoons)

I miss anime using actual light, as pic related did. Felt more real.

No, that wouldn't be enough. Richard Williams could make boobs boring.

Nichijou hasn't been mentioned remotely enough in this thread. Among the best animation in series. Don't get anything like that anymore.

if you make a film through the use of moving images then you are utilizing animation to its fullest

Most of those fantastic layouts and direction come from the French New Wave of movies in the '50s and '60s.

>all these triggered weebs

Well that's because that shit ain't true faggot

I miss Kyoani actually using different-looking character designs.

That's because TV anime is inherently inferior to movie or OVA anime.

vast majority of anime have terrible layouts, direction, animation et al.
yes, there are outliers, but those exist within the Western canon as well

Was he right?

Case in point, literally the best thing airing this season--overwhelmingly so--is Kemono Friends, and a large number of people (in the west, anyway) with very little emotional sensitivity or experience in anime as a medium would quickly write it off as "lol whats this CG trash", yet it's some of the most heartfelt and effective storytelling to come out of Japan in years.

it was worth the waiting time


Kemono is selling only because of the waifs, just like other shit like 2hu and the boatsluts.


I tried to watch it but I couldn't do it