You guys DO support the anime Blu-ray and DVD industry, don't you? I'm not talking about figures or other things either...

You guys DO support the anime Blu-ray and DVD industry, don't you? I'm not talking about figures or other things either. I'm talking just blu-ray and DVD.

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I think I prefer not buying it and pirate it online somewhere.

I can download that for free.

I'm picky as fuck now. Before I had the internet, I'd buy anime DVDs like a crazy bastard. Was badly addicted and would spend my bottom dollar on just a few more episodes. Didn't care, but now I support myself and need to be cautious about my spending. If I want to splurge, my ass works OT or even a side job to cover everything.

>localized bds
>supporting the industry

The official translators could put more effort in typesetting, but that's not the producers fault. Japan isn't too interested in exporting overseas, and the dvd price can get too high sometimes. I think it would be better if we could pay the studios digitally and rely on fansubs.

Yes, but only shows that I really enjoyed and were good enough to warrent my money and some rewatches. I would never waste my money on garbage like Baka and Test or Chaos;Head like in the OP

Too expensive for me. I remember my dad paying $35 for a DVD (not BD) of Akira at Fry's for my little brother. I told him to return it because all that shit is free online but he just doesn't get it.

No. The anime industry should die for the good of society.

>localized shit
Fuck off.
I always buy my personal AOTS. They are nice collectibles.
Localized shit doesn't have any collectors value at all.

>buy JP BDs
>no subs
>expensive as hell, even if money actually goes to the effort

>buy US BDs
>english subs
>can't play them because europoor

It's supporting the industry of them localizing shit for us.

They should be release animu an vinyl, then people would start buying it.

>buying 2-3 episodes for $100+ not including shipping

I'm not poor. Also the fact that you even got the price wrong shows that you don't know what you're talking about.
>implying I only pay for the episodes themselves
Did you miss the part where I said they are collectibles?

>he thinks that someone not wanting to get fucked by spending well over than they need to for anime is poor

You do know that rich people don't get rich by throwing money everywhere, right? It has nothing to do with being poor.

Yeah, that's why I usually end up just ripping my discs and then slap fansubs on them and watch them from my PC.

No. And I will never support the industry buying dics.

See I've thought of doing this, burning blu-rays and putting them in blu-ray cases and printing out covers for them and everything. But the only thing really stopping me is I'd need a realy good printer and also I really like the DVD menus and stuff so I can't really replicate that unless people upload those on nyaa, which they have before. Also if there are special features like episode commentaries I like having those.

I'm not getting fucked though since I'm paying for something I want without starving.

I buy the Japanese LN's and manga of series I like.

That tends to determine barometers of success more in Japan, plus it is easier on the wallet.


I find that just having them in digital form is more convenient, but I buy the discs basically just to put on my shelves (and so when I rip it I can watch the transport stream and not a potentially poorly encoded fansub release).

>Localized shit doesn't have any collectors value at all.
>if something has no value for me than it must be objectively worthless!
Just to be clear, I never bought any anime BDs or DVDs, and I probably never will.

That's what'd I'd be doing as well. I just like having the physical thing.

>easier on the wallet.
Do you live in Japan or buy the digital releases?

I had to stop importing BD because some incompetent shit can't tell apart China from Japan and bill me with 60% custom fee like on Chinese goods, thankfully manga is so cheap it avoid customs.


The fuck are you buying that made you go through customs? I spent $300 on two figures and customs didn't do shit to me. What the fuck BD is costing well over that? I thought I read somewhere that customs doesn't get you unless you spend like $1k on shit.

>support the anime Blu-ray and DVD industry
>localized shit

You are literally just flushing money down the toilet.

>stop buying anime blu-rays and dvds here
>they stop making them here

really makes me think

I only buy KyoAni BD even their shitty shows because I don't have any other purpose for my money and so they can keep alive triggering retards on Sup Forums.

Good, they're worthless trash and no one should be buying them.

No, I hate physical media.

Please post a picture of your collection so I can use it as a bait image.

I live in Europe they have 40 or so euro cap that avoid customs but they already want to abolish it because muh lost money.

I recently moved to another apartment so I have yet to unpack all my BD and manga.
Pic relates it's the only one I have on my laptop for now.
Also, well, it's partly a lie, since I buy other shows even if they're not by KyoAni.

I occasionally buy American releases. Not to support the industry or anything. American releases are fairly inexpensive and it's nice to have an archival copy of shows I really like ready to go on a shelf for whenever I want to rewatch something.

I buy Discotek releases of pre-90's shows. I don't wanna support the current industry because it only creates moeshit.

>buying localized shit

Might as well burn your money, at least that way you'll see something interesting.

Of course, I preordered the first volume of Kemono Friends that comes with a bunch of other goodies - and I don't even have a Blu-Ray player

>I'm supporting the localization industry!
So the one that has no role in actually making the shows? Why the fuck would you do that?

>Laserdisc 02

That's not laserdisc. That was RCA's CED technology.

Failed horribly. Ruined the company.

I only ever buy anime I REALLY enjoy. I don't even watch them, I just like having them.
I buy localized ones just in case I ever do watch them

>So the one that has no role in actually making the shows?

And why would I do that when the nips have that covered for me?

>Why would I support the industry when other people are doing it?
So why would you support any of them, then? And that still doesn't address why you'd care about supporting the localization industry.

>So why would you support any of them, then?

Because the yellow monkey's job is to support the main industry while the white monkey's job is to support bringing their work over here.

That's not how anything works.

Pirates do it better and it's free.


Not an argument. I'm sorry you're a child that understands absolutely nothing. Nips buy the show over there and support the original creators and whites and niggers buy the show over here to make sure the company (sentai, funimation, ect) keeps localizing the anime that was successful over there.

What if I buy the shows over there too? Am I Japanese now?

I don't know who named the image, but the image itself pretty much says that it isn't. I just googled video disc and that was one of the images I used.

vinyl revival is real, so let's apply it to video as well

Of course. Sadly, in my third world and black country (Argentine) doesn't get too many anime releases. I have:

*Tekkonkinkreet (LK-TEL)
*Avengers Confidential (Blu Shine)
*Iron Man: Rise of Technovore (Blu Shine)
*Spirited Away (AVH)
*Spirited Away (SBP)
*Ponyo (AVH)
*The Wind Rises (SBP)
*Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (AVH)
*Detective Conan: The Last Wizard Of The Century (AVH)
*Galaxy Express 999 [1979] (AVH)
*Musashi: The Dream of the Last Samurai (AVH)
*Space Adventure Cobra: The Movie (AVH)
*The Castle of Cagliostro (AVH)
*Blood-C: The Last Dark (AVH)
*The Princess and the Pilot (AVH)
*Ghost in the Shell 2 (AVH)
*Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (SBP)
*My Neighbor Totoro (SBP) [Mexican import]
*Porco Rosso (SBP) [Mexican import]
*Princess Mononoke (SBP) [Mexican import]
*Space Captain Harlock [2013] (Transeuropa)
*The Legend of the Millennium Dragon (Blu Shine)
*The Robotech boxset with the classic series and the latests two films

There are some Argentine DVD anime releases I don't have are: these are the Cowboy Bebop movie (LK-TEL), Memories (LK-TEL), Tokyo Godfathers (LK-TEL), the first two Robotech movies (AVH), Paprika (LK-TEL) and Howl's Moving Castle (Gativideo).

What if the Western licensor is also the co-producer of the film?

I prefer videotapes (VCRs). Watching films on digital media such as DVDs or Blu-ray is more difficult for a professional fapper than watching them on videotapes because stopping, rewinding, forwarding and, in general, pinpointing a scene is much easier and faster on analog videotapes than on digital files.

My collection of anime sucks because so many of my favorites are unlicensed. Why can I not buy a version of Mind Game with English subtitles? I even tried looking for the Australian release, it's nowhere to be found.

Last purchase I made was the first Bakemonogatari novel, Kizumonogatari, and the complete box set of Azumanga Daioh around Christmas time.

>My collection of anime sucks because so many of my favorites are unlicensed.
Buy the original ones

Does buying secondhand laserdisc help anything?

No, neither will second-hand DVD, VHS nor BD.

I don't think it could work. Laserdisc hasn't survived well enough to be revived in the first place and CED was utter shit.
Plus, there isn't as much of a difference when it comes to input source for video than there is in music so even the snobbiest of the snobs (and the tryhards as well) don't care that much in the first place. Once you reach a certain point in quality (which has arguably been reached with DVD) everything else just becomes a wankfest over who has the biggest definition (which won't make any difference because no one will have a screen large enough for that to change anything in the first place)
Which is sort of a shame because Laserdiscs are top-tier collectibles.

I forgot this one:
*Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (Entertainment Supplies)

Also, I have yet to buy "Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'" (Blu Shine).

>paying for 1s and 0s

>being underage
Must be strange to have internet since the day you were born

>making assumptions about people on an anonymous crocheting forum

Why pay for anything ever?

I'm poor as fuck so I have to really like a show to be dropping 250+ for all the BDs.

>buying localised shit

only if i really like a series, and it's not too expensive.
too bad sometimes you have something like Evangelion where even a shitty 480p version is easily at least 100 dollars, and the bluray is 300-400, which doesn't even have subs

>buying localized shit

Back to /r/anime with you.

>buying stuff you can't understand

Back to /weeb/ with you.

I can understand Japanese though

>learning a language so you can understand childrens cartoons

Not even just that

>learning a language so you can understand children's cartoons AND pay a higher price for them

I also play eroge

>making your purchase decisions based on arbitrary self-made standards about who should buy what
Even aside from that, why do you fucking care if they keep licensing it?

/r/anime please leave.

That and manga. It was worth it

pls go and stay go

of course. i plan to buy pretty much any anime i give a 7/10 and above.

Take it easy, dude.

I bought Lucky Star Blu Ray box set
no regrets

No. I buy figures and dolls.