Anime Couples

ITT: Post your favorite anime couples/pairings


>doesn't start the damn thread



Megumi and Yahiro from Special A


Official sex scene between them when?
Daughteru when? (I've always visioned a daughter for them.)
Marriage when?





Akio and Sanae from Clannad.

>no chemistry at all
>not even a single kiss
>Nagisa, the most boring kitchen waifu
user, I have a feeling you chose the wrong image.

But they held hands though. That is so much more, and I was actually surprised when they aired that scene.


Came to post this. Based user

, and Shiki Kokuto are the top 3 pairing.

I'll chip in honorable mention.


Who dis?

I actually respect their relationship so much that I refuse to lewd Kurisu. I'm autistic, I know.


I really don't understand why you people do this.


>he dates a non-virgin

It must happen

>I'm autistic, I know.
Don't think so, because I feel the same. Either that or we are both autists.

I wasn't shooting for it at first, but over time, it just broke me down.

Looking forward to their relationship getting more development in season 2.

God tier.

Not my fav but damn is it up there, this manga had a couple of good ones

Fuck yeah



Do we really need this thread again?
It was funny the first time, now it's just dull.

Some of the oldest gay

Great taste.

Let's talk about real things

These two surprisingly had one of the most compelling relationships I've seen in anime/manga. I didn't even know Oh Great could write a good romance. Too bad the story wasn't just about this and nothing else.



I prefer her with Mousse myself.

Gotta go with the Jew and the dog

>Tfw you will never swap bodies with the woman you love

She's out of his league. Ranma would push her to become a better martial artist.




I'm pretty sure this is even older gay.


I'm the only one who ever posts these two.

And nobody post them?

Yue > Yukito
Yukito a shit

hahahehe exde




>These two never became official




Nobody posted them because Yuki-fags misinterpret Yuki's character and assume she's in love with Kyon. This is the only OTP.


Rukia and Orihime a fucking shit


I have this

Emma. One of the best romances.





Even if the anime was garbage, at least we got that Kira episode about them.

This better happen

Here is an actual image of best pair.


a ship for ants??

Pic related and Sousuke Sagara and Kaname Chidori (FMP)

Kagura shouldn't have died.


> someone actually unironically posted this, and believed wholeheartedly that its a well-written couple


Takahashi said they might get together when she gets back from America "if they still feel the same way".







What? Didn't Yami Yugi go back to the past?

When are they going to fuck? They're like the only straight couple that matters or is any good.

They actually do couple things together, which puts him in the top percentile of anime couples.

Yami died.

Shit couple for a shit show. You could have at least posted their superior counterparts you shit taste faggot faggot.



Do you think they ever fugged?

>This never happened in the show.

Rock got so fucking cool after Roberta.
and by that I mean he became an edgelord.




t. Taiga Aisaka