Say something op.
Say something op
nice trips but shit taste
swap pana and eli and you have a very good list
> No Yuki
Your list is invalid
>liking burd
lmao. chubby chaser detected.
>maki in pleb tier
way to be an edgy contrarian, op
>Maki same tier as Nico.
Delete please, Maki is loved by millions.
Nico is a miracle. Nozomi is fat.
Switch Maki with ear cancer and it's perfect.
You can say whatever you want because nothing will ever diminish my love.
My daughter Hanayo is so cute!
Hanayo is a sweet girl but I wouldn't want to have intercourse with her.
Her daughter You is even cuter.
Best: Honoka, Maki, Umi
Really good: Kotori, Eli, Nozomi
Good: Rin, Nico
Alright: Hanayo
What's the appeal of Hanayo? I don't get it.
Dream submissive tender girl
>Best: Honoka, Maki, Umi
Swap Umi and Nozomi and Nico with Kotori and it's perfect
aqours is far superior
Zensoku zenshin!
Rin is best girl (male).
I love her.
why do people hate rin tho
she is a genki nekomusume with vaginal muscles like steel clamps
>not liking feminine boys
Eli is so S
>best girl is loved by everyone she's pleb
Way to be a contrarian OP Maki is the sole reason Love Live even got a spin off
rinposters fuck off
Typical Slav. They are master race.
You best girl
>honoka fags
>Typical Slav
Она ведь только на четверть русская, пидор еврогейский
Top kek
What's so attractive about Nozomi? She's one of the worst girls in the show
>on the internet nobody knows you're Riko
I'm not, Zura.
>muh cowtits
that's about it
Nice body.
Cares about her friends.
The one that loves u's the most.
Can cook.
Eli is included in the pack
English pls, Eli
fuwa fuwa made for vanilla
They are all good except for Hanayo and Rin who I don't really care for. I never finished season 1.
Only good genki ever, I love her!
Top tier: Maki
High tier: Nico, Rin
Middle tier: Eli, Nozomi, Umi
Low tier: Honoka, Kotori
Shit tier: Hanayo
Top Tier: Maki
High Tier: Eli
Shit Tier: Rest
Seems you all need to be reminded:
>God Tier
Maki, Umi, Eli
>Good Tier
Honoka, Kotori, Nozomi
Shit Tier:
Nico, Cat, Rice
idk what this show is but i like nozomi and nico nico ni haha
The only reason I negative thing I've ever heard about Nozomi if you even call it negative is that she's fat.
>Maki anywhere above bottom tier
also ugly and a molester
Reminder that Honoka and Hanayo are canonically the only fat girls
Every SOLGE denier is a pathetic contrarian and should feel embarrassed.
I want to impregnate Nozomi
kimochiiiii na~~!
this is the only correct ranking of aqours girls
>caring about shitquors
If you read her as depressed rather than a marshmallow, which squares well with her being the serious idol fan of group or with songs like Kodoku na Heaven, she gets very relatable.
Swap Umi and Nozomi and I would agree
>only caring about old hags
Apparently I'm a contrarian again.
you is really good
I always felt like Nico and Nozomi were more relatable. Well when I say Nico I mean before she joins the group and at the end when they're disbanding
switch cannon and the chuuni and it's good
Kanan is one of the most attractive Aquors but the stupid 3rd year drama ruined her for me
Nico is easily the most developed character in the series
dia best aqours
nicofags are literal crippled retards. pic related.
>Maki pleb tier
I refuse to believe you are this autistic, OP
Lelouch likes Maki though and he is the most pleb. I mean he also like the cuck from Aqours for crying out loud.
I like Maki a lot and even I can't deny shes pleb tier
The Anime ruined Kanan
Proto Kanan:
- Best supporting actress for Chika
- Member no. 2
- BFF childhood friend
- able to drive a ship
Anime Kanan:
- hug
- drama queen
- no interaction worth mentioned aside with Mari
nico nico neeee
>not pleb
I really wanted guitar eri