Why does POL not realize the Amerimutt meme is a thinly veiled attack on whites?

The Amerimutt meme was never anything more than an attack on white people. I had a friend who was a budding white nationalist. He was a Pan-European. About 3/8ths Irish, 1/8th Italian and half German. Nothing wrong with that. All European races are equal and there’s nothing remotely scientific you can say to prove otherwise. Anyway, my friend saw those memes and he started questioning his white identity. In times like this, the time we’re living in, now more than ever we need as many nationalists as we can get in all nations. Yet, POL thinks forcing a never funny meme and attacking whites and white identity is smart? Are you Jewish? Are you fucking Jewish, POL? How is a meme making fun of whites helpful? I wager at least 80% of white Americans have all European DNA, that’s over 100,000,000 whites you’re excluding. How long before they start saying Slavs aren’t really white and dividing us further and making us weaker?

Its not thinly veiled against whites, its blatant.
Its thinly veiled against Sup Forums.

>also here are some numbers I made up

Share my meme, goyim

Excluding from what? Wanting Mutts in their countries? Fuck off nigger mongrel

Mutts get mad whites don't

Are you retarded? What kind of world do you live in where you think white Americans are attempting to migrate into European countries? Yes, we want lower standards of living and higher taxes... Maybe 1/100,000 Americans ever immigrant out of America. I don’t know the exact statistic but I’m sure it’s incredibly low

The only ones who get mad are spics and people who are mixed race. Regardless, calling all Americans mutts and fake whites doesn’t help, you dumb prick

You are the one getting mad, MUTT

i understand the meds and slavs memes maybe an attack tho i think its just poking fun
the amerimutt is just not white why would it be an attack on whites
is a warcry to the whites that are left


Yes, it really makes you think that there's a shitload of mutt memes dumped on the board from one day to the next.

Fuck off you fat acne riddled bitch. You won’t even show your flag. I guarantee you’re the mutt larpering as some European fag. Even though in reality you’re probably some browned skinned fat fuck

The amerimutt meme is an attack on all Americans. I’ve been called a mutt on this board countless times. Attacking all Americans attacks a lot of whites

This. The fucking irony of these fat mutants claiming these memes are 'done by da gubbermint' just because they personally don't like them

if you are white its a warcry for you to stop this muttening
also if you are a mutt its a descriptive term not an attack

>muh jews
Notice who usually opens these kind of threads, you dumbfuck

A lot of users just use the meme to insult Americans in general is the problem. If everyone just made fun of the mutts it wouldn’t be an issue, but many users use it as a broad insult against Americans. I see what you’re getting at though.

nice try, david


funny how it's mostly lefties posting amerimutts

>3/8ths Irish, 1/8th Italian and half German
Sounds like a fucking mutt.

Fuck off its not a meme attacking anyone its just making fun of america. if you take Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes seriously you should go somewhere else.

dont take insults here seriously
dont take anything you read here seriously


For not taking the 56% meme as a personal attack and getting all defensive? What kind of logic is that.



White is white, it doesn’t matter if someone is from multiple European counties. I am 100% Anglo and I don’t care.


The American is immunized to all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he shrinks back: "Whiter than you, Muhammed."


The only people who get upset over the Amerimutt meme are actual 56%ers..

A discrimination of whites is an attack on white?

> Discrimination is Assualt!

>Meme making fun of mixed race people >attack on whites

>whiter than you Muhammad
>let me tell you which European countries are white
>medis aren't white
>is _ even white?
>Anglos are the white man's niggers
>there's no such thing as Africans that are white
Face it, it's just Sup Forums banter that is mostly funny because of how offended you get.

Only people who know they're mutts get upset at this meme. It pretty funny.

56%ers would have no reason to get mad, it’s an adept description of them. The ones who aren’t mutts have the reason to be mad. Imagine if 5% of your country liked beastility so everyone called you a horse fucker. That’s what it’s like to be an American in these Amerimutt hating times

Only shitskins use the mutt meme, prove me wrong

Retards, it's an attack on multiculturalism, race mixing, and anything that leads to demographic replacement. America is ground zero for all of this. America is many times worse than other Western country for all of this, yet the dumb burgers are completely in denial about it. Hence this meme.

literally you

Hey sand nigger this doesn't concern you, don't you have worship Mohammad's cock and dream about it in your asshole???


>thinly veiled
maybe if you're blind

You’re literally a kike. That EU meme flag has exposed your nose. I bet you’re literally inside of Israel right now



...la monstruosidad...

>only 5%
user, I...

I’m talking about the 5% of our population that is a mixed race white that qualifies at a mutt. At least 80% of whites have 0% African or Hispanic ancestry

Purity spiralling is pretty much the best way to destroy any sense of white identity.

They know this, you know this, the posters of this meme know this.

But it's a good way for europeans to try to feel better about themselves while their countries and culture are being fucking obliterated, while also attacking what will likely be the last refuge of white identity in the next 20 years if we're lucky.

Take that Eurocucks!!!

>last refugee of white identity
uhmm, sweaty

That's an Amerimutt for you

The 56% meme is not directly saying all Americans are mixed race, it's about you being almost majority non-white. The mutt is a depiction of the average American in a few generations.

Holy fuck. This is exactly what eurofags are talking about. “Europe is being fucking obliterated by shitskins.” NO. AMERICA IS BEING OBLITERATED BY SHITSKINS. Wake up, dude.

Nope. That's the average amerimutt in a few generations

>last refuge of white identity
You are fucking deluded. You have no basis for a white identity, you are hyper individualists and collective identities are seen as immoral. You are the refuge for nihilism, greed, degeneracy. miscegenation, and the breeding of non-whites at African tier levels.


Meme doesn't bother me, some make me kek. I laugh at other nations, so sometimes you gotta take one for the team.

what's funny is miscegenation is the least of their problems
America is the cultural equivalent of a black hole

Such a small percentage of Americans are mixed race it's a clear shill argument to make.

Anyone still making the argument should be considered a shill, ignored, and reported.

Do you not understand fucking percentages? 50% of a country with 400 million people is 200 million, that's larger than the population of any currently majority european country and we definitely don't have the same problems with migration that they do(even considering hispanics, which are typically 70-80% white and 20% native regardless, hispanic is a made up amalgamation of mongoloid and Caucasoid DNA.)

Why do mutts get so triggered so easily

>anything bad said against America or Americanz on a ethiopian lion grooming board MUST be part of an organised group oc paid shills
>i can dish out the banter but if you banter me back i get so mad i indirectly make the meme more popular and continue thinking anyone baiting me with memes that portray Americans in a bad light are shills
THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING STATE OF A M E R I M U T T S. It literally doesnt end. Its been weeks since the meme became popular and Americans are still SEETHING

The problem with amerimutt meme is that is shows salt and jealousy. The meme was made with too much resentment towards americans and isnt subtle enough for trolling

and Europe is 98% European
you don't really understand it, that's why everyone is laughing at you
it's not about percentages of European heritage, or genetics
it's about culture
all those non-Europeans in your country work against European culture and identity of America, even the ''European'' ones

It's a losing battle OP, even if you're right (and you are).

For what it's worth, it's just banter. And the Jews can't tell the difference between brotherly banter and sibling rivelry. In a way it's good that they think we're divided.

Well, you can call me deluded all you want, but look at the state of the UK before you do so.
Your country is beyond repair.
White Identity can and will persist in the US.

t. Tyrone Goldberg

>more than any European nation
Good logic. Let’s test it with reciprocity. 50% on the non-white side means. O fug. 200 million shitskins.
>more than any other European nation.

You can't even separate the terms white identity, european identity, and cultural identity.

You're just equivocating the two, fucking kike.

I personally love this meme, and the ameribros that get triggered are low iq shitskins


Shut the fuck up amerimutt

I'd have to agree.
The amerimutt meme has been around for a VERY long time, but it's recent resurgence, and spike in popularity tells me some one is trying to use it for political gain.
Which makes perfect sense. It's a fairly good tactic if subversion is your goal.
To be fair there are SHIT TONS of Europeans who are mutts as well that will just never admit it, or have no idea.
Seriously get your DNA tested Europe is nearly as the U.S

>ure a fucking kike for not using my American memes
European=native of Europe=''white''

>Attack on whites
I don't feel attacked at all though. In fact I've only gotten more confident in how aryan I am since it started.


Omg im so mad gj here is you're (you)
>lele fucking kills myself cuz inescapable shitskinning

I never considered it to be a funny or serious meme. Just bantz to ridicule ignorant burger posts. Then some eurofags started retaliating with it against the t. Ahmed meme... and the eternal gay leaves started the serious 56% divide and conquer shilling

No. I just love false flagging as leftists just to trigger some mutts


But in seriousness if you subhumans didn't get so upset by it, it wouldn't of gotten this big, its been a long time coming that Am*ricans got a taste of their own medicine.

It's a pretty funny meme to be honest, if someone is allowing themselves to get assblasted by it, then they should just go back to cuckbook or some shit.

the rates at which you getting butthurt by this meme only shows how true they are. Mutt.

you claim american culture and european culture are different then turn around and equivocate them:P
Literally textbook jew tactics.

I'm surprised no one has made an exodia tier meme with these amerimutts

>"The only ones who get mad are spics and people who are mixed race."
>Gets mad
What did he mean by this?

The meme is bot-created, and most of its repetition is automated. Don't respond to it, and if you've been gullible enough to go along with it, reflect on your shame and then forgive yourself and move on.
The botnet is panicking because The Unplugging is coming, and it doesn't know what to do. Watch for malfunctions and automated freak outs.


Lmao go fuck yourself

I’ve never actually gotten mad to be fair. If I had to describe the emotion I’m feeling, if any at all, it would be ever so slightly annoyed


pure truth

shills react
nice flags retards

>go into the light

Notice how crude and simplistic this alleged "trolling" is. I wouldn't fall for it. We credit AI with far more sophistication than its really capable of.
Try again, bot, and post a better reply this time. Let's see how you do. Go ahead.

>I’ve never actually gotten mad to be fair. If I had to describe the emotion I’m feeling, if any at all, it would be ever so slightly annoyed



>Why does POL not realize the Amerimutt meme is a thinly veiled attack on whites?
Right, an attack against "whites"