ITT: things that have prevented your suicide.
ITT: things that have prevented your suicide
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I guess you could say this motivates suicide, but I find it pretty uplifting.
By teaching you that you'll die anyway?
YKK made me exponentially more depressed after it was over, though.
Writing really edgy prose.
Wuz it good?
It still is, even if there is no good BD version.
Already dead inside.
Cuddling with my body pillow, while imagining it's a cute 2d girl, is one of the very few reasons why I haven't killed myself yet.
Waiting for R3 then I will.
I don't really feel like dying.
I still haven't read the last volume because I don't want it to be over.
Maybe soon, but not today.
Are you me lit-user
It is, And watching the OP in reverse after finishing the series was one of the biggest anime mindfucks to ever happen.
Space Bros gave me a well deserved kick in the ass
Hanamonogatari made me want to get back into running. That arc is just pure self-love fuel
i refuse to die until i see the end.
Honeymoon salad.
For the broken hearted who want to dwell in something bleak but ultimately hopeful.
Yuuki Aoi.
Not even Oda himself will see the end.
Fuck, really? I have one and it sucks, what the most decent for the first season?
Maybe OP will be the first bi-centenarian.
Overrated pseudo-intellectual garbage
K-On! was the only thing that got me through a really shitty contract job while it was airing.
It convinced me to go full NEET, zero fucks given
aria and love live
Sup Forums was all I had left and it's shit now so I'm going to kill myself.
Go to her, user. She's been waiting for you all this time.
My brother.
YKK actually gets better on re-reads, you should finish it leave it for a few months then start again, the mono no aware hits even harder on the second time as you have real feelings of nostalgia now when reading and you'll pick up things you missed the first time.
Garbage bait, but you still triggered me.
It's just a simple, down-to-earth, relateable character drama with some obscure symbolism sprinkled in for flavor. I honestly don't see how you could consider it "pseudo-intellectual", the more abstract elements are never shoved in your face.
I'm halfway through Dokkaan and I'm pretty sure Doremi ending will make me kill myself.
I hope you watched Naisho first
I just want to live enough to raise a cute daughter like Yotsuba.
What's the mindfuck? Am I supposed to be seeing something here?
Of course user. I want the end of Dokkaan to hit like a brick.
Very good!
Hidamari Sketch saved my life.
Why does YKK attract so many suicidal people? And what does it do so people won't want to kill themselves afterwards?
like me, of course
I just remember with each timeskip I got more and more fucked up.
This is curing my cancer right now.
>fighting fire with fire
This this changed my life when I was 16- now 24, still the most important thing i've ever seen
Not because it made me happy, but because it made me realize that I won't be able to experience such perfection even if I do kill myself.
Really? Graduation had an opposite effect on me
If it wasn't for K-On, specifically Mio, I would've dropped out of school and thrown myself off of a bridge a long time ago.
Anime actually drove me into depression
Love the wides
Lack of willpower.
>depressed after it was over, though.
yes some mangas and / or series have that effect. You get so engaged with the characters, their development and world they convey, when you finish them and realize you are back in this reality, it makes you sad, like when you have to part ways with a cherished friend.
A-a-a-a-are you me? Yes, I get totally what you are saying. YKK is one of the comfiest things I had read in a while.
Well, I also get what you mean, but ther is a level of perfection that only belongs in the realm of fantasy. Its ok to enjoy it and to even engage with it, but things can get sour if you engage so much that you forget what you just read / watched is but a made up universe.
Getting detached enough and putting your feet on the ground after such experience is not easy.
>things can get sour if you engage so much that you forget what you just read / watched is but a made up universe
Literally impossible unless you have no sense of virtue. The good that comes from the hope that something like Aria exists outweighs any other alternative.
Can't die until best boy wins.
which anime drove you to suicide?
Various shows user, they made me realize how empty and pathetic I am.
My girlfriend.
She's so cute
i know that feel, user, i really know.. so, that's why i play animu with weed
dude weed lmao
Nais thumbnail, brah.
She's too good for this world.
>reading the manga with the anime's soundtrack playing
>not having the full ost engraved into your brain
Shoulda killed yourself.
I was never suicidal, but starting to watch anime contributed to my decision to improve myself both physically and mentally. It serves as a great way to destress, taking the place of videogames which had begun to just make me angry, and encouraged me to start working out so I could be that /fit/ guy who watches anime and gives no fucks.
The tree gave up
lol, awww ;_;