Shingeki no Kyojin

What scene are you looking forward to the most in Season 2?

The mindless talking?

Endgame right here, brothers.

Anything and everything to do with Erwin.

AM is love.

>What scene are you looking forward to the most in Season 2?
Ymir making her most stupidest decision saving BR plus her goodbye to Hisu

The whole Utgard arc

Reminder Marco and Annie were friends and she cried for him.

>were friends
Nope. And BR cried for him too.

I want to see Rico fighting the Titans. I can't wait!

Anything with Ymir and Historia. Also Frieda and Rod turning into a mindless titan.


Are you so excited that you will cum when it happens?

Not looking forward to that. Although that careful titan head pat was cute.

The introduction of the Beast Titan, and the part where he squeezes that smaller Titan's head.

He looks fucking glorious, ngl

No way, that's just weird.

>they'll expand this scene into a kiss.

I'm looking forward to the music during that scene hopefully its emotional

1337 Sp43k pls

Kek, keep telling yourself that whale.

Mikasa is just so cute in that scene, my heart can't take it!

Are you the person who wants Rico to dom them?

Eren's brofist with his dad's exlover.

are you fucking serious, user?

It would be a bonus honestly, having waiter for 4 years for that scene to be animated. It's still the best scene in the manga


No! That's one of the people that wants to "wreck Rico" or do things with her like that.

can't believe they just showed Mike getting his ass eaten.

the first encounter with the beast titan

Stop this right now.

Jajajaja y u mad tho

If Rico knocked on your front door, wearing nothing but a silk robe and had shaved her legs especially for the occasion, what would you do?

>What scene
The added Mikasa scenes. A plus would be if they removed more Armong scenes and replaced them with Mikasa just like season one

Probably panic.

I truly hope his demise is shown in its full and gory detail.

You let her inside the house. What would you do if she grabbed your willy instead of the door handle, giggled nervously and said "oops my form is quite naughty today"?

I would see her out. That's not an okay thing to do.

You would leave an unattended Rico outside in such revealing garb? You're not much of a gentleman are you?

Just hope they don't fuck it up.

There's not much anyone could realistically do in that situation. Can we change the subject please?

From 1 to 10, how proud are LH of their children?

Honestly the highlight of the entire manga for me.


Would you pursue a romantic relationship with Rico if she had a suitable chaperone?

I think this moment was golden age level of glorious.


Seeing Erwin losing his arm

I noticed they changed the style a bit to the really smooth looking close ups Kabaneri had

I don't think the situation you presented is particularly romantic. And this isn't exactly a change of subject.

Fucking disgusting piece of garbage.

What the fuck happened to Ymir?

The first half of that show is far superior to AOT

dead. Marley won't waste their time with her.

It is old fashioned romance.


Would you shoot Rico in the head if she had been left to perish in the middle of a rainy road by an angry cartel? Her intestines are either side of her and she is missing half her face.

It is known.

That's horrible. And although it would almost certainly be called murder, yes I think that would be the compassionate thing to do.
Can't you talk about something nice?

Okay. What would you like to talk about?

Read the mango

Things you look forward to in S2, what you think of the manga in it's current form. Do you like the spin offs? Stuff like that.

I liked well enough but hell to the fucking no.

Literally this.

There's a lot of gore in the first half that needs to be shown. I wonder how the anime will work around that.

I can barely remember the plot. There were, like, titans. Maybe.

I remember thinking that it was Jean that had been eaten.

I think I am looking forward to many things in season too, especially to do with the veterans but also Kenny.

I love all the spin offs.

Yeah and you should kill yourself disgusting waifufag.

Me too! I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with Kenny's voice. I wonder how he will sound.
The human suppression squads intrigue me too. I like Traute, so it will be super cool seeing her.

Do you know anything about The Harsh Mistress of the City or Before the Fall? I haven't read either, but I can't find anyone that can tell me if it's worth buying or not.

Looking forward to all the added Hisu scenes.

Hissile Missile is best ballistic weapon.

Her eye's are Huge in the anime

Utgard, All of the focus on Erwin, Eren and Historia's bond, Historia killing Rod, Frieda, YH in general, Hanji, Eren using the coordinate

I wanted YH to reunite and for Hisu to do this one more time

Aren't they big in the manga?

I do hope that they won't make Kenny have a typically 'cowboy' voice in the English dub. I usually watch it subbed the first time but if I want it on in the background while doing something else I'll just have the dub. I think it would be cheesy and spoil his character. I hope his voice is quite soft actually, but still gruff. Not overly loud until he needs to be.

I've never read either of them but I would like to in the future. I plan on waiting until it's finished before I buy any of them though. They look quite good but I think opinions have been mixed.

That would be literally the best.

This is the moment my needy body needs.

Armin going psychopath while talking to Bert about Annie?

I can hardly remember any scene of that arc.

>What scene are you looking forward to the most in Season 2?

what scene you think will cause the most butthurt?

Not as big as the animes plus her head looks big too now that I have a comparison image

The animu moe-ified everyone and made them bobbleheads.

I wonder if they'll gradually thicken her eyebrows like Isayama did.

how are Hange's combat skills 7/10? the shit she pulled there was Ackerman like. Not to mention she btfo Reiner whilst being injured, without her glasses and with only one eye working.

Post the edit.

In comparison to the other girls besides Rico, hers are already a little thicker in the anime.

The blu-ray discs for season 2 have been solicited on Amazon, and there are only 6 of them with two episodes each. One cour confirmed.

I think a softer, quieter voice would be good too. None of the Ackerman we've seen so far have been particularly loud, I would like to see the trend continue.

I've only seen a few anons talk about Before the Fall and they seem to be against it. I think I'll do the same and wait.

Well this is how they started off

Not really. She just punched some random mook.


Kek, now she is stronger as an Ackerman? And also the smartest genius around? She is the second comming of Armin.

The manga got a thousand time better just by switching away from the snoozer characters to Gabi and the warriors instead

Well, Hange was able to held Mikasa back.

And then she was crying because muh fist.
She doesn't know how to fight.

Gabble gabble comrade.

Mikasa was holding back herself, and you know it. She could have killed everybody if she got into berserk mode.

Glerb best girl.

>if she got into berserk mode.
trips tho

She didn't cry.

Will season 2 have, or end with the whole "Erin can now control titans" bit, thats what I look forward to most.

I really wanna see that moment where he see's the titan that killed his mom "I think it was going to kill Mikasa? Its been awhile" and he somehow controls other titans.

>when you cum but she still sucking

I think the Ackerman either either fairly quiet or just rather loud, though only when they need to be. I do like the thought of Kuchel being the noisier of the siblings when they were younger though. It would be lovely if the anime showed her alive for a bit rather than dead. I'm not sure whether they will, but since Levi is so popular his fans are probably enthused about seeing more about him and his family.