Have you guys heard of this shit?

Have you guys heard of this shit?
So in the Jewish faith, it is basically forbidden to move anything from a private place (like your home) to a public place (like anywhere else) on the Sabbath.
So to get around this inconvenience, an "eruv" is installed.
An eruv is basically a string that is hung around an area that ritually makes the area inside "private space".
There is currently one that surrounds most of Manhattan.
Pic related: Jews are literally Jewing God.

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they fuck through a hole in a sheet. jews are retarded.

This is why they are so good at law. Masters of the loophole.

They think they can outjew the God.

75% of what rabbis do is finding ways to get around their own rules
not kidding

They are in every major city, not just Manhattan

Unironically this. There's a reason common Jews keep their own faith and only use rabbi for rituals


That's probably every religion, though.
Benedictine monks weren't allowed to eat meat unless they were sickly and needed the extra strength. They got around this by claiming geese and ducks were in the water so often they should count as fish too.

kikes take it to the extreme
look up sabbath light switches


Judaism is just a shit test rite of passage to bring out the true blue jew.

In order to be a good jew you must first and foremost jew yahweh.

The 2nd-tier autistic jews become Hassidics.

It's almost as if their religion is inferior and out dated.


Can confirm. The legal profession was based on the schools of Torah. They bill for everything

That's what the talmud is. Hundreds of pages of writing ridiculous rules about what you can/can't do, and then finding ways to get around them

Jews aren't allowed to press buttons on the sabbath. So what do they do if they need to use an elevator in jew york city? The elevators have special settings on those days where they automatically go to each floor in a cycle, so that no human is technically hitting a button.

When I was in gradschool, my jewish roommate did the whole yom kippur thing and he required all the bathroom lights and shit to be turned on the night before and kept on the entire day, so as not to technically break that rule.

For fucks sake, look at video-related:

Wouldn't that be really annoying in a tall building? If a goy presses a button will it override this program?

actually a myth, not sure where it comes from, goys misinterpreting the laundry jews hung up I think

Jews love Techno

Jesus, so it's a switch that might not work so it's ok. fucking retarded.

The Talmud is practice. They have rules and then they see if you can get around them.
Perfect practice for living in Goy society. Yes goy make many rules! You live by them and we are smart enough to get around them and prosper.

I don't know why but this makes me vaguely disgusted