Do you like soccer anime, Sup Forums?
Do you like soccer anime, Sup Forums?
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It's that time of the year again, Sup Forums.
Once again, the management is running the team's roster poll for the upcoming Spring games, in which Sup Forums will be participating. It is divided into two rounds, with this being the first one - simple player nominations for the second round, which will probably take place next week.
You can find the poll, as well as a list of suggestions and the current roster, in the following link:
Thank you for your time!
>le Sup Forums cup
I cannot understand how anybody cares about this unfunny cringey garbage.
Its something to watch.
Reminder to sack bert.
Reminder to get out of the fucking fetus.
While I agree with your sentiment, I do not agree with your use of "le".
Giant Killing was pretty good.
Divegrass then
Lurk 2 years before posting
this, but you still need to kill yourself for the le
>fetus cup
Is it our year yet?
I do OP, the Cup is coming home
I hate all sports anime but i still posted here to let you know that
When does fetus start?
>posts nichijou
>complains about unfunny cirngey garbage
>tfw in the bottom of the barrel
Meh, I gave up after they removed keit-ai.
to let you know that.
Ask your parents, they have experience.
Kill yourself kyoanigger
To let him know what?
that i hate sports anime
and sports in general
Who the fuck knows. Its super fucking cringey as far as I can tell. I watched a stream over a year ago and the commentary is unfunny "epic meymeys" cancer, they can't fucking do it like proper sports as they have too many fucking people talking and there are too many fucking teams with shitty forced memes as player names. Like honestly having something like (You) as a player is the most cancerous fucking thing in existence. Mods should permaban them off Sup Forums for this re ddit/tumblr tier garbage attentionwhore shit. If you aren't here to discuss anime then fuck off.
Go back to /vg/ you fucking cancer
You fuck off too keit-ai spamming faggot
I dropped days and area no kishi
ginga e kickoff is the only one I finished
What happened after 2016? Sup Forums took over, /r9k/ took over, and now this newfags trying to turn Sup Forums into their new safe space are trying to take over.
I hate sports, but sports anime are pretty awesome
If you want to discuss anime then go to reddit my dude
>newfags trying to turn Sup Forums into their new safe space
It's funny how they call anyone telling them to leave "/qa/". The Raildex threads are beyond recovery, not that there was much worth saving to begin with.
ayy lmao
>Raildex threads are beyond recovery
That has nothing to do with this thread but Raildex threads are back to normal, comfy discussion and fun after all the undesirables left once the dengeki fes ended.
Sounds like someone there hurt your feelings after you tried policing the threads instead of letting things go back to normal naturally.
>policing the threads
Gather round folks, here's one of them. He would scream about people calling out unnecessary ellipses, getfaggotry, and all other manner of cancer. First he called them "no fun allowed" faggots, then /qa/, and now he brings out his favorite phrase "policing the threads" as if self-moderation isn't an established practice on the board in general.
This is what this place has come to.
Self-moderation has already returned those threads to normal, but way to ignore the point and throw all of these unwarranted accusations at me. I'm just telling you how it is. But since you're more keen on jerking yourself off as some kind of savior, so I'll let you be. .
wew jannie-kun, why are you so mad?
It's called football for fuck's sake.
>Giant Killing was pretty good.
At least someone.
I like soccer boys
The only soccer episode I came to like was pic related
What happened to the board-culture quiz thingy before submitting a form?
>safe space
Go back to /vg/. Your clearly a newfag if you think this isn't attention whoring bullshit. Sup Forumsnons 10 years ago would tell you to fuck off too.
That episode was awesome.
>jealous admins of the Sup Forums Cappu expelled Keit-ai from the roster
If you lose, you deserve it.
>What happened after 2016?
Sup Forums memed a reality TV show host as the POTUS and Sup Forums memed a copypasta into the best-selling anime movie of all time.
Next round
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
Good. It shouldn't have ended up there in the first place.
Sack Bert and sack whoever was responsible for last tournament's performance
The fucking disguise thread is here again. Is this reportable? Someone please confirm it is.
Is Sup Forums still tsuntsun for Sup Forums?
I miss 2011 and stealing Sup Forums's GETS. Sup Forums is too fucking reddit now.
>I don't like it so its cringy unfunny shit
It has tradition and has probably been around for longer than you. Just move on instead of shitting this thread up with your worthless opinion
They shouldn't have sacked Keit-ai. We would've been champions otherwise.
If Tanya can't get us out of the babies who can?
So the curse is over for real?
Where do we go from here?
lurk more and find out by yourself
Who was that?
At this rate Sup Forums is going the same direction Sup Forums is.
I don't see why you guys even bother.
Kun Aguero
Blame your manager for reversing the edit I made, which was just to add a link to the page of the curse.