Little Witch Academia

Do you think Amanda ever resents being dormed with the literal autistic kid?

I can imagine that it would be a huge pain sometimes.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Best witch Edition

That's why I love you lads

I wanna kiss Sucy!

A surprised Constanze is a cute Constanze!

I want to kiss Barbara's hand in public

Why do people hate Andrew and why are they always Dianafags?

Only if you're a london, user

Diana is the main heroine. The main heroine gets her character arc last.

When they see your _____

Amanda loves playing with autistic kids

Because he is white bread boring. I would be fine with a love interesting with a different role that didn't overlap with Diana.

What if he's a bismark?


Except that I don't hate Andrew nor I'm a Dianafag? At least in my case.

Hell, my favorite characters are Constanze and Ursula, but that doesn't mean I can't get at least a bit worried about how they are going to handle her character in this cour.

>I expect that episode 11 will force her to recognize she's been in self-deception since episode 2.
you're adorable

He's shit compared to based Frank


How many times has Amanda raped Constanze, with her being unable to call out for help due to her autism?

I remember every thread OPs. It always hurts when idiots reuse the same images.


Magical ability



Would you hug this Diana?

>But listen! She never actually said, "no," -- so it's okay.
>No. Dude, no. She's autistic.
>Amanda. What you did is *rape*. You *raped* Constanze.


Do you think Amanda browses /k/?

Why worry about Diana and not about Amanda or Constanze or that fat girl forgot-her-name, though?


You fucker.


Because Diana has been part of the franchise since the beginning.

I'm sure Amanda gets by.

I do worry about Conze, user and I would love it if green team could get more relevant in the second cour, but I'm having my expectatives at low. And instead of talking about it, I rather talk about the other characters.

And that one user is kinda right with Andrew's role overlapping (to an extent) with Diana's (or what was supposed to be Diana's), putting all that shipperfaggotry aside, that is.

this is her best friend, what do you think

the only overlap they have besides being from an opulent noble family is muh dead passion


I need your lewdest Akko Andrews


That's enough overlap to make him completely redundant.

They should have just gone with their original love interest character, a rebellious bad boy wizard.

why would anyone dance with a retarded kid?


Because his character is hardly any different from Diana's. They're both fairly serious characters. They're both burdened by the reputations and expectations of their family legacy. So if he wasn't in the show, his screentime and focus in the story could instead be spent on developing Diana. As it is, they've both had little development.

And Andrew, being the lesser established character, is the one whose inclusion in the show feels like a waste.

How much different will the second OP and ED be?

>They're both fairly serious characters. They're both burdened by the reputations and expectations of their family legacy
that's it? i thought you were serious

serious and burdened by your reputation and family legacy expectations that is

more dark and edgy

OP: Magical rock and roll
ED: Calm jazz

Are you implying that's not enough overlap?

The Mexican warlock and the scottish (?) wizard from the manga at least gave some variety.
THIS maybe

What do you mean? Of course that's it. Their screentime having been split between them, there hasn't been time for their to be any more to them than that - which is part of the problem.

OP: Abstract Yelling
ED: Whiny Female Voice with high reverb

oh okay sure whatever

Akko will be standing in the ruins of Luna nova holding Ursula's hat, she cries as the camera pans up to a now evil looking moon and the title appears.Scenes of Amanda and Diana being chased through the town by monsters with comedic looks at Hanna and Barbara freaking out and Constanze and Jamika not really caring as Akko appears and blows up the monsters with Arrows of light from the sky in a firework style display

Honestly I wish they'd stay the same. The production already feels like it's spread thin, I'd rather they not have to devote resources to a new OP and ED

I agree. I'd rather have any staff they have left working on the how.

i don't even care either way unless the op is catchy enough for me to want to actually watch and listen to it



>Tattun currently awake and defending himself in twitter

Whoever was the stupid fuck that posted links to these threads outside of these threads needs to kill himself.

>Akko not pinning Andrew

what if the real Chariot is spiderwitch and Ursula is an imposter

>not the crying Diana version


New OP:

Defending himself from what?

Is it dragonfags or the retardmod?


Why is Akko using Shiny Arrow in the next episode? Something like that wont kill a witch

user, Tattun already told us that this picture is backwards, Akko should be flustered and embarrassed at getting caught and Diana shouldn't care

What if Chariot is Akko from the future?


He actually said it should be Diana and Andrew and Akko walking in

No, he said it should be Andrew getting flustered having walked in on Diana and Akko.

If we take that to a SFw route, ot only means one thing: arranged marriage.

but Diana and Andrew hate each other

It was Andrew getting flustered having walked in on Akko forcing Diana.

Give it a SFW twist, it means arranged marriage.

he said it should be akko and andrew getting flustered having walked in on diana

>seven "petals"
>seven main witches

>Seven forms for Shiny Chariot

>that stupid piece of shit that posted Tattun's posts on Sakugabooru ruined it for everyone else and Tattun will likely not come back again
Why are you people so goddamn braindead?

Not that user, but...
Both, maybe?

What is the quick summary of this?


Hit me with a basic gestalt

what? he was there yesterday.

dif don no, brendad??? huhHH wll hoMPH 2 is 2 + 4, to eqal a 5...heh

>those faces

Wait what's happening? Someone explain please?

Is this post lobotomy operation?

They tried, I'll give them that.

I don't get it, are people getting mad that tattun posts here? Why do they give a fuck? It's not like he's speaking for all of Trigger.


is abel_toy someone who goes to cons?

>Oh mistah Aykko, yoh lips ah so full

Some faggot irrelevantly brought up Sakugaboorumod when Tattun showed up yesterday, and the mod interpreted Tattun's lukewarm answers on the subject as a grave and deathly insult, resulting in a 10 tweet long rant trashtalking Tattun and Trigger.

Tattun just woke up this morning and is already having to defend himself from these perceived insults.

do they learn to love each other?

What age are the little witches?

>going off-model even in different art styles

Yesterday we got invaded by dragonfags insulting Tattun and baiting everyone. Some were banned but not everyone.

It's seems that their autism reach beyond Sup Forums


To that sakuga guy he is representative of everyone in Trigger.

Akko looks like 12 or something