El Psy Kongroo

There's a serious lack of madness on Sup Forums. Let's fix that.

Other urls found in this thread:


You know what we need more of? Main characters making exaggerated poses.

So is the VN a real sequel or what? I'm confused.

Beat the VN yesterday. Good stuff.
Why isn't 0 on Steam tho


I wish there was a containment board for shitty shows.


Find a flaw.

Zero turned me into a Mahofag and I hate it, at the end of the story Mayuri gets third-wheel'd which is sad and all but Maho's not even on the map. I thought her internal conflict was more engaging than Kurisu's daddy issues too.


>has a penis
>creepy father and sister
need i go on


>being autistic about a .gif source

>can't find a gif of the most famous scene of an anime in a place other than fucking tumblr

Her story was the saddest of all, if not complete medical nonsense

Has it really been six years?

guys get ready for chaos;child
get ready for cows world

it's me reading steinor


>literally everyone in these threads are Sup Forums crossboarders
>objectively a "Muh intelligence" VN
>Anons who read this drinks doctor pepper and think they are cool

Can we not have these threads on Sup Forums please.

only a few more user
zero anime is coming i know.

What is Okabe's Stand?

>dislikes visual novels
>not animu enough
>thinks everyone who likes them is from Sup Forums


fuck off

Drinking Dr. Pepper doesn't make you cool; cool people just prefer Dr. Pepper.

Dr Pepper is fucking terrible. I dunno if Japan's version of it is better or what.

>he only uses one board

why restrict yourself user?

>complete medical nonsense

Except that it's not complete bullshit. The field of epigenetics suggest that environmental factors such as diet can affect certain genes in their repression or activation. In Luka's situation, two plausible cases can occur. One is that Luka is actually initially a XX male with a SRY gene that was crossed over during recombination. With the change in diet, somehow it could have affected the SRY gene in being inactive and thus he is a XX female with an inactive SRY gene. The other, more plausible case is that he is a normal XY male initially, but through the diet, it somehow caused the SRY gene to become inactive.

Although the probability of these two scenarios happening is infinitesimally small, the probability isn't zero.

May contain real sugar.

I tried the american one and it was just sticky maize syrup.

The euro version has a distinct almond taste.



No, actually he is kinda right

Some of Okabe's antics most likely come from jojo memeing, pretty common in japan

So when did Kurisu starting crushing on Okabe? The anime doesn't make it clear.

I don't know, but I suggest you to listen to that drama CD : youtube.com/watch?v=bynfhNqzP-Y&list=PL7Otw_CQ5XmFtmcsia5mADEXt0IV-2EGL

Who is this midget suppose to be?


Chick from 0, guess she's the heroine of it in a way.

But he's a guy

The VN even mentions Jojo in one of the tips, and the game is already full of memes so it's even more likely


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