I am so fucking triggered right now. Berserk 2016 will get a dub, but Marc and Kevin won't return as Guts and Griffith...

I am so fucking triggered right now. Berserk 2016 will get a dub, but Marc and Kevin won't return as Guts and Griffith. They had one chance to save this mess of a show and they fucked up. I mean, what's the fucking point of making a berserk dub, if you won't get these guys back?

No point in watching it anymore, instead I'm gonna wait for Berserk: Brotherhood (2030) and hope they do it right.

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They never had a chance to save this piece of shit, what are you even talking about?


A new blooper reel would have been nice, and the iconic Marc/Guts scream.

That version was impossible to save and will be remembered as the "you should avoid this one" when people ask how to watch berserk. At least I hope when (if) the manga gets finished a good and complete version will come out.

Probably not, even if we will get an ending to berserk, animating the whole thing would be just as time consuming than something like redline.

Now take that and pay every animator hourly.

It's just to expensive to make. You could only make it with the intent of loosing money.

They should have recorded a new sound effect for the sword.


This is a bait thread, but
kys fag

What's a dub?

Funimation is a terrible company, no surprise.

Why the fuck would you ever want to watch a dub of any show?

>Manga is ongoing and it gets a shitty adaptation.
>manga ends, and it gets a god tier adaptation by a big studio.
>Fullmetal alchemist:
>Manga is ongoing and it gets a shitty adaptation.
>Manga ends and it gets a god tier adaptation.
>Manga is ongoing and it gets a shitty adaptation.
There is still hope. And it wouldn't be that hard to make. A decent studio could pull it off.

>Dub thread
The state of this place gets worse and worse every fucking day

The problem is not the story or how long it is, the problem is that berserk is so detailed and stylish that you couldn't possible do it justice.

If you really think a studio could tho, name them.

Because I don't care for the japanese language. I always pick the dub, because it is better that way.

Yeah, the fucking DUB is the problem with modern Berserk, and not the diarrhea quality CGI, kys OP

no you got it backwards. Marc and Kevins beautiful performances narrowly escaped being ruined by this shitty adaption.

>all these faggots trying to fit in ITT by hating the dub regardless of the fact that it was appreciated by many here in the past

Guess Kevin was a girl who COULD say no

Who gives a shit about the voice acting on any version of it, modern Berserk anime is terrible in all forms. Don't know why they keep on pushing this CGI cancer down our throats.

Man this board is full of fucking plebs. Why even get into anime if you hate Japanese. It's a beautiful language.

Back in the day, I would have said madhouse, but all their good guys left. But I see shows like Fate/zero, attack on Titan, drifters and I see that stuff like monsters, armies and stylized characters are not that hard to make. It's too hard to make is just a stupid excuse for the shitty cgi in the 2016 version. The most important part is capturing the spirit of Berserk. The old tv show had somewhat limited animation, but it was really well directed, drawn, scored and it perfectly captured the true spirit of berserk.

I used to give both subs and dubs an equal chance, back in the day. Now I just go with the dub, because I enjoy it more that way. There are a bunch of other reasons too, but that is the main one. I do watch some subs, like for shows that will never be dubbed. But I just don't enjoy them that much.

You must have shit taste then. Every dub I've ever watched has been so fucking cringeworthy levels of bad, not to mention inaccurate that I could not physically continue watching.

Fuck dubs. Cowboy Bebop has the only decent one in existence.

I'm sorry my man, but I'd rather have an actionpacked stylish actionshow than a melacholic almost nihilistic old boy without action.

I don't know, it's important to establish characters, especially in berserk but I feel like I would rather see guts vs grunbeld than the dialogue between guts and schierke about how the ocean is a link between two worlds.

It's important but not what I WATCH the berserk anime for.

There is a reason why we are two different people. We both have a radical and shit opinion, and neither of us can change the others mind on a Anonymous message board.

Oh, so you like the japanese dub of panty and stocking? Interesting..
What about black lagoon?

You know if you would've said MOST dubs are shit, I would've been on your side, but there are amazing dubs out there.

>implying you can tell if they're wrong


The Berserk dub was pretty good, and the outtakes alone justify it. Sad that Griffith got a new VA so he's no longer a Disney princess, especially after the film outtakes didn't feature any singing. At least we had the return of Guts' fucked up breathing timing I guess?


>watching the dub
>caring about the dub
Off yourself of Sup Forums faggot.

Berserk will never have a faithful anime adaptation and the manga will never end

The P&SwG jap dub is fucking legendary you swine

>Watching the Berserk anime
>Actually caring about the Berserk anime
>Caring about anything Berserk-related outside of the manga

>The 90s series was charming and had a nice focus on the relationships and comeraderie among the Hawks
>The DC game had some interesting parts and was at least partially written by Miura
>The PS2 game was pretty good and remained faithful to the series
>Susumu Hirasawa completely gets Berserk and Sign/Indra/Forces etc are justification enough for the above things to exist
Reading the manga with music from the games/animu is the best way to Berserk

Would Berserk done right even be airable on television? It's pretty X rated sometimes

I have both P&SwG and Black Lagoon with subs, and Cowboy Bepop too.

Fuck dubs. They should be illegal.

That's why the movies existed and those sucked too.

The third was good

I thought this shit couldn't get any worse.

Marc and Kevin probably didn't want to waste their time with this trash, and rightfully so.

Let's just hope we get them in a Berserk Brotherhood adaptation in 2029 after the manga finally fucking finishes.

>after the manga finally fucking finishes

>He doesn't sing in the movie outtakes

To be fair man I did watch it all the way through. Yes I agree the first 4 episodes were shit and they avoided a huge arc. But after that I would say it was decent and did get better. I would say it's mediocre at best but the next season should be better.

Too lazy to read basically. That is the only reason why you would go to dub.

>newfags who try so hard to fit in they've never seen the greatest outtakes of all time.

>The movies sucked

The movies were actually really good if anything they are underatted because nostalgic fags can not get their mind out of the past and appreciate it for what it is.

I like that there are two versions of some of them now we have the film outtakes, like Guts finding Gaston during the Eclipse

>mfw people don't read berserk

I hope Funi licenses the 97 blu ray box

>Beaning to much of a newfag to know about the berserk outtakes

Fucking normie ass weeaboos

Pay no mind to the dubfag losers.

Watch however you like