The Scum Squad is back
Grand Blue thread
This dude remembers me someone from Tokyo Ghoul
>Attempting to stop the Scum Squad when they all have a common goal.
Goodbye you fool
Everyone knows you can only defeat the scum squad through infighting
My sides
Truly a chapter that represents reality more than all manga before it
Why is the assistant prof acting so strange? Are nip assistant professors just students with good grades?
End of the chapter.
2 more until we catch up
He feels he's in charge
He's just drunk with power.
>nichibros all over again
Can any editanons change the letters on the pages to "Reasons why you're waifu a shit"?
>my waifus
You were one of us, Kouhei
Kouhei is a filthy nomalfag, fuck him.
Let's just send him off on a good note.
When he wins the imoutobowl.
first page and it's already far 2real4me
dat escalation
>anything with anime characters on them triggers people
Is that really a thing?
That pose seems familiar.
We better not even talk about it.
There are basically two types of professors in STEM. Those who are chill as fuck and those who are drunk with authority and have a stick up their ass. Usually the ones with a stick up their feel inadequate or insecure about their work, status, doctorate, position or something and demand respect with all they've got (they're the same kind of people who get pissed at you if you don't call them "doctor" or "professor" or "sir").
Too late, be prepared for a ruined thread now.
This speaks to me on so many different levels. This was the life of myself and roommates throughout undergrad
>not the fucking trick multiple choice "all of them are correct only one is more correct" tests
I'm not sure about Japan's uni classes but in burgerland, tests are almost 60% of the classes and lectures/homework is all studying. God forbid you skip a day on some obscure reading. Reports can be done bit by bit and the deadline keeps you focus. Fuck exams.
>it's the reports
That's bullshit, I had an easier time writing for journal publications and my thesis than I did with tests and research. Writing a journal article was like a blessing to me in Physics.
What was it?
They're actually not that dumb, are they?
What the fuck is that pose.
Thats the joke. They're all actually relatively smart and capable people. They're even relatively good looking. They fail anyway due to being scum.
Damn GTO fanatics pointing out how this professor behave.
IS THAT A_________________???
It was that Azusa scene again wasn't it?
I always loved classes that had either reports or essays. Proved I knew what I was talking about and could research properly rather than remembering some obscure fact
And then there's the class I'm currently procrastinating for (Because fuck biochemistry, this prof/class is awful). Only shitty multiple choice tests, no reports/research, and every question has "All/None of the above" as an answer. Fuck this class. I hate my life
It's not going to happen.
I always loved classes with reports or projects because I could procrastinate on them. Never did that well in them because of that.
My favorite method of evaluation (and the classes I did best in) are exams that either are take-home and due next day or where the prof. allows you to bring and use a couple of books.
Felt good to have being an undergrad physics major. All tests were written so you could at least get most of the points even if you fucked up towards the end, and 60% was a C.
Wait, if Chisa went home, didn't she miss the quiz?
I actually just had one of those exams. We all showed up exam day, prof brought out the big stack of papers, and went "Okay, we're behind on material. These tests are now take-home. Show me what you know and not just that you know the vocab". Got a solid 80% with all the resources I had at my disposal, still felt super proud of that grade
I loved that about physics exams. One of our profs even told us "If you don't know how to do the math or something for this, just write the process you would take after getting that part". He would take off a small portion of the points because we didn't get the final answer, but because we knew the process we had to take to get there we still got most of the points
That exam was probably only for the scum squad since they were bitching about his teachings being boring
Wow they actually study, who would've guessed?
College manga make for better shenanigans than high school manga by far, so why are they so rare?
That's if your lecturer is not a perfectionist bastard
My friend kicked out from the physics lab just because he got 1 line wrong in his report and that's not even a major mistake
Now he need to repeat the class because of that
Nips have shit taste
Probably because most mangaka lacks college experience
Our professors didn't teach labs unless it was an upper divison class like Optics, Astronomy, or Solid States so the lower division class lab lecturers were grad students working on their masters, and they wouldn't be able to get away with doing something like that as it could be reported to the department.
Because you can only show alcohol in certain magazines.
My physics professor was one old fashioned and german. It was truly a terrifying combination. No partial credit on anything. It was right or it was wrong. I have never met such a kind, soft spoken demon before that class.
Funny you mention that, my mathematical physics was a soft spoken old German, but he was so kind you had to be a giant asshole to take advantage of him without feeling bad.
I remembered when I did a postgrad in cyber security. I failed a unit because of poor referencing. Meanwhile Pajiet cheats in every assignment and exam and gets away with it cause the uni wants his money.
Last time I checked they only forbid underage drinking, not alcohol in general.
Because you don't need an art degree to be a mangaka, so why bother going to college.
And Iori and friends (not their senpais) is still underage, the drinking age in Japan is 20. I don't know how they're getting away with it right now, good!Afternoon must give no shits.
Funnily enough most mangaka that went to university either did law or business.
Do you even have enough samples to come to that conclusion.
>Catch up in 2 chapters
I don't know if I can stand waiting a month between chapters now that we've been getting them fast.
Because not everyone can make a living out of being mangaka, japanese people usually like to play it safe, so atleast they'll have some shit paper to show on job interviews.
So you gonna source me today? Looks like NTR. Source me anyways.
No, because you can use the search buttons, just checked, you can find it.
such good tastes user
Don't worry the last chapter is gonna give a lot to talk during the month
>the amount of asians (indians and chinks) that cheat
Ok, I'm not the only one that sees it all the time. I thought I was just being racist for only noticing them.
It's fucking baffling how much they do it.
THey guilt trip and ostracize the ones that do honest work too. To them, it's social suicide not to help unless they have local friends and dont just hang around their group.
Just like my lectures
helv editor here. I got your back nig.
I do not miss the academic portion of my college days.
Most of my later classes were based around projects and tests were open ended.
Ah, the pride of being able to crank out a paper despite procrastinating as much as humanly possible.
That takes me back.
Updated it with larger text. Looks better imo.
I remember one indian guy turned in a homework assignment with someone else's name on it.
It's "you're", faggot.
>Implying MOMS isn't babby-tier, even by mechanical engineering standards
Then again, the Scum Squad definitely seem like the types who skate by with a GPA barely above going into academic probation.
love you too.
I don't think the writer has an engineering degree.
He was trying to fail them and they all passed.
As someone who regularly deals with supplier quality at my company, I'm having PTSD flashbacks right now.
I then dropped out the security course and am studying to be a EN at TAFE. Don't study IT all the jobs are taken by Pajiet.