So I just found out this existed and is currently airing but I never saw anyone on Sup Forums talk about it so I was pretty surprised. Let's have an ACCA 13 thread for all of those who saw it.
Is it any good? I heard people say it's fujobait but I don't really see it.
It's got the best OP of the season.
It's really good. It's mostly just worldbuilding and people talking, but it's done very well
the only thing that's fujobait about it is that the cast is mostly male.
there's about one or two threads a week for it right as it airs. then it kind of disappears until the next episode. also it gets talked about in the homo thread, but avoid that. infinity has a thread that's been up since the first episode aired, and it's pretty good for seeing speculative discussion without being spoiled, just stop scrolling down once you get to the next episode air date
I'm really enjoying it. there hasn't been a show that's gotten me this involved in the speculative side of things in years. I'm constantly second guessing everything.
Nice, I'll go dl the entire season so far then, which subs are the best?
It's pretty good. I like the fairy tale-like atmosphere. Also, I think shit is finally going to go down next episode, so it'll be interesting to see everyone's reactions.
I went with Kaitou, but they're a bit slower and they made one obvious mistake in episode 3 or 4, but they're still overall a bit better than Horrible I'd say. Horrible are as they always are. No one else is worth considering
If you don't like it by the second episode, you're not going to like it
Nino a cute.
it's just really good and enjoyable
Coolio, ty user
AOTS imo. I'm just watching 3 series this season anyway.
It can be overly slow and a little boring but is the most stylistic show this season and is comfy as fuck
It starts off very slow. you need to give it like 6 episodes till it gets to the main story but it is worth it.
I'm enjoying it a lot. Art, plot and music all fit together perfectly here.
>I heard people say it's fujobait but I don't really see it.
It's not fujobait as it's not really trying to bait them, but I can see why fujoshi would be attracted to Nino and Jean's relationship.
Or maybe you could consider Lilium grabbing Grossular by the hair bait, I'm not sure. Fujoshi will see bait pretty much anywhere if there's more than one dick.
Hoping he returns soon. I missed him last episode.
>Hoping he returns soon.
He will. You just might not like it much.
I think its more so because the manga is a little more forward about the whole fujo stuff
Of all natsume ono adaptations this is the least faithful, not in terms of story but in themes and visuals
>the manga is a little more forward about the whole fujo stuff
I'm interest in this. Explain.
Nino ad Jean's relationship reminds me of Jim and Ian's but with loyalty instead of homo one sided love.
>If you don't like it by the second episode, you're not going to like it
Not true at all. The first three episodes or so are slow as fuck and mostly worldbuillding. After episode six, when the main plot points are introduced, the pacing picks up considerably. I actually dropped it at ep3 , and picked it back up only recently.
Its just characters getting a lot closer then need be especially with grossular and the lilium. theres also something to be said about the author writing BL doujins
I did the exact same, initially i wasnt gonna pick it back up but i watched saraiya goyou (which is one of my all time faves) and ristorante paradiso which made me wanna carry on acca
I want to bread with Lotta.
Lotta pleases young men for bread.
At first I was pretty weirded out by the strange fixation of food, but at this point in the story I'm pretty down with it now.
Is there only one episode left or am I not reading this right?
2 left im pretty sure
It's 12 episodes total. There are only 5 chapters of the manga left to adapt. The OVAs will probably be anime original.
What even is the plot of this? So far everyone just seems to be talking about smoking and baked goods.
Its about a coup, ties to royalty and stuff like that
There are gonna be OVAs? you got a source bud?
Two left huh. At this point I think most of the mystery is revealed and we just have to see how it all wraps up. I'm hoping we'll see more of the lesser used characters, like the other council members.
Lotta x Rail x Maggie threesome doujins
I think the blonde one will be semi relevant but yeah im with you there
Not him but I saw the OVAs announcement on Twitter. I bet the website or even amazon also list the OVAs BD extras.
No. But I wouldn't mind seeing them sperg out over bread. The bread in their country has got to be laced with drugs or something, the way everyone's so addicted to it.