be honest Sup Forums, who is best girl?
Be honest Sup Forums, who is best girl?
the correct answer is Asuka
why it's Asuka of course
she's perfect
I will admit she has the best smug faces
>having to ask
what are you stupid?
Asuka is the hottest, that is certain.
Mah nigga
Kurisu Makise
Didn't we have this exact same thread yesterday?
We can at least have some creativity in the daily Rei vs Asuka threads
how can we be creative when Asuka is best girl every time?
I am.
Shinji, of course
Asuka is cute! CUTE!
Asuka is very hot. But her personality is so coinceited and bitchy that it makes it really difficult for me to consider her best girl
So either Misato or Rei
Misato and Rei kinda have traits that ruin them too. I can't say I don't love drinking, but Misato overdid it and drunk bitches can be extremely annoying. Then there's Rei who's an autistic clone. I started out as a Reifag but had to switch to Asuka because I realized they all have shit personalities anyway so I might as well go with the cutest one.
Daily fucking reminder that the owner of this website prefers Asuka.