BETA vs Bugs, who wins?
Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv
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To the user who posted that last Lise last thread.
Gg and good night.
Does a retarded Pomeranian deserve love too?
>Ace Combat fag strikes again
Why have there been retarded OPs lately?
>Nearly 90 IPs
Well, maybe lust. If no one else is around.
We're making it friend. Slowly but surely, we're making it.
What sort of trickery is going on? These threads have been on life support.
Out of curiosity, did anyone translate the HOI2 mod for MuvLuv?
Read this thread
It's not really a translation since most of the translation work is just machine translation, but it does make it kinda work on non-JP versions of DH so there's that.
Thanks user. Looks like the translator disappeared due to technical difficulty in 2016. Too bad.
Luv you too. Gg no re.
Any game to simulate the fight against impossible odds in Alternative?
Was there ever anything about Yakuza connections to age?
Debating on Sup Forums
insect levels on EDF4.1 on hard difficulties
>People bully her
>Classmates outside the main cast didnt back her up
What the fuck is wrong with her arc. Such a mess.
I love her
she didn't deserve the suffering
Lacross arc.
But Lacross happens in every Extra arc
It just doesn't end well in Kei and Chizuru's arc
Because she was responsible for the lacross arc in the common route.
Technically it would have never happened if the teachers didn't have their stupid bet
Chizuru did nothing wrong
I found the "REAL" difficulty of the hex tactics game plenty enough.
That requires you to save and load, to live through the possible futures and time travel back like a bratty savior.
Maybe, she should embrace more darkness. It'd be funny if in the end she runs the state as totalitarian as it was before.
No love for Miki-chan?
I know it's younger Beatrix, but really, I liked to think of it as older Katia. It's fun to imagine her becoming bad, bad, bad. Or at least lewd.
How many animeonlies don't realize this creature existed?
Far too many.
Most of them Nice get btw.
Kind of scary. Maybe you should try something like the opposite. Adult Katia who is lewd as fuck.
Pham needs some love too.
Pump and dump Pham
No you.
What would TheoxPham be like? Also, how many kids?
Theo didn't immediately find what he was searching for, so he ordered a coffee and sat down in one of the more subtle areas of the budding business.
The seconds turned into minutes, and soon enough into hours. Near midday, and with the place now having a respectable amount of customers enjoying their lattes, Theo just kept waiting. Eventually, someone approached his table.
"Theo?" The name that was called out somewhat took Theo off guard, as he was zoned out from a long period of not moving around much. He turned to look at the person who was speaking to him, and was placed under a bit of a daze. It was a blonde bishoujo who spoke to him, one with sizable breasts and good hips. Her outfit - a white dress shirt and a skirt - was simple, but a good clean look that wasn't off-putting in any real way.
The woman sat down at his table, and Theo took note of her hair being swept back into a ponytail, a hairstyle that fit the lady well. It was at this moment that his brain registered that Irisdina was in front of him.
Theo for the moment chose to remain in silence, as another round of coffee washed ashore from a waitress.
So does this mean Beatrix/Iris with Theo scene?
Who knows?
Who would win in a fight: Chizuru or Gretel?
Gretel because she'd pull a gun.
But Chizuru's Reinforced suit is actually bulletproof unlike Gretel's. If Gretel doesn't or can't aim right the odds are evened.
>implying she doesn't scrounge up some of Axmann's special Fortified Suit-piercing ammo from the LN
Meganes are for loving not meant to fight each other.
How do I get paizuri from Chizuru?
what's going on with her hips
The dark blue color under the white band is just hard of her underwear.
complement her oppai
Unless she saves better girls, no.
She directly helps Europe and get all of Germany chomped. I'd say that's worse.
Forgive her already.
>he thinks that doggoposting implies hate
That's what bitch- and cockroach-posting are for.
Slave Mitsuki best Mistuki
What the fuck was his problem?
He had a bad case of the Munchies.
I forgot, is that beta just recycled humans or an evolution using human dna?
Recycled humans, I believe
She does. But will oniichan listen? I like to think he would, no matter the path he chose.
Pump your body full of lead.
Dump your corpse in the river.
Double digits at least, I would hope. While still being a top pilot. Hell, she'd find time to even be an aunt to everyone else's kids too. That's Pham-nee.
PUNISHED Anette is for as many between here and menopause as she can try to have, to make the pain and hurt go away.
>Pump your body full of lead
You mean like Pham?
how is /valkyrie/ enjoying their saturday evening?
Still waiting on the re-release of Alternative. I did finish rereading Chizuru's Extra route yesterday morning
you're gonna be waiting a long time then lel
I realized that long ago. At least I have the Win XP install disc on hand
I get that it's Sup Forums, and what Mitsuki did was wrong, but still at least she knows what she did was wrong and tries to make up for it.
I'd bang Chizuru while she's wearing that kimono
But would you have oyakodon while Chizuru and her mother were wearing Kimonos?
>But would you have oyakodon while Chizuru and her mother were wearing Kimonos?
Fine taste, user.
I would too, but I'd like her hair to be down
Does Chizuru know how to entertain?
I should add, as much as telling Shinji to fuck off and breaking up with Bakayuki can be said to be making up for it. Her behavior is better than the VN at least.
Maybe? You'd have to ask Takeru or this guy
>Be inside a party
>Still grumpy
Getting rough and breaking Chizuru are the best parts, just what is this guy saying?
>comparing Chizuru to the Skooma whore
Delete this shit, right now!
I really want to see a thicc Kasumi, did anyone made one, kinda goes well to her deep voice.
not as much on life support as periodically pruned for some retarded reason
See, this is why we keep getting kill. A few of you fucks just don't give a shit, you have to "banter" and snipe back and forth like some old ladies with your same old images.
Fuck you all.
It was going fine until you vomited on the thread again.
>he can't handle it
Let's take Kasumi to the bouncing castle and throw her around until she's dizzy
Generals like this are the reason nice things are getting axed from Sup Forums. There's no need for back-to-back threads.
Sure thing
>at least she knows what she did was wrong
Only after Akane calls her out she starts to think if what she has done is wrong.
Admit it. You felt bad saying that. And you should.
Nice try, but no, you go away too. Whatever reasons you're getting axed are your own.
Anett is beautiful
You do realize you faggots are the reason we keep getting hammered, right? I mean look at this Because you few assholes do this to us, everyone else gets pissed off, and no one can complain when a thread gets nuked. Just fuck off to /m/ already, why can't you leave us alone?
>he still can't handle it
come off it nigga, when a thread gets nuked I just make a new one
Best. Girls.
>not ordering a tea
>hurting Iris before she's even sat down
Well, coffee works too, I guess.
Iris in general is in for hurt, isn't she? Well, unless Bea somehow finds a way to fix this.
How new are you complaining about mods being jerks? Go back to plebbit.
I dont mind seeing Chizuru being posted everyday.
No, fuck you, and as I thought, your OPs suck ass too. Just fuck off, please. Things were much better until you came here. Just please go back to /m/. They do much more of this shit anyways. You can Meiyapost, Sumikapost, Chizurupost, and whatever else you want there without end, they enjoy it. Just leave us, and take the other faggots with you.
I was talking about the anime.
You should fucking stop doing what you're doing. We all like Muv-Luv shit here so that's why we have these threads. But all you do is shitposting without a good discussion. Keep your mouth shut and go back to sucking on tendies.
All the spammers too, fucking stop having this meaningless circle jerk and make something else your reason to live.
what would you prefer then? endless shitposting where people copy and paste shit about sm from mal for cheap (you)s? people posting gems of creativity like that shows up every thread? or the same ''''''discussions''''' of whether or not beatrix/lise/iris/etc did anything wrong over and over?
there's not exactly a lot of new sm content anyways, and the next big release is the alternative translation. surprise surprise, that means people are gonna post OT shit instead of gay gommunist retardation simulator
besides, if you were so upset about the lack of new shit in every thread you could at least create some awful low effort edits to make a small contribution
See, this is why you need to go. Besides the fact it's not a minority that hates your guts, it's that your only response when it's not "lol he mad" is stupid shitposting and edits, and extremely shitty self-justifications that are not only logically wrong, but factually wrong. If your defense is "b-but you guys are okay with Pham pump and dump poster", apparently you've missed people yelling for BR to fuck off for the better part of a year. Oh wait, you did, because you never were active in these threads until recently. We want pump and dump user to go. We want BR "kill all blondes" gone. Just because they keep coming back doesn't mean we should let you off the hook. In case you didn't notice, none of us has mod power, so none of us can actually do anything besides beg you to just leave us alone and fuck off somewhere else. And you in particular can't fucking spellcheck either.
And no, Alt translation is not the next "big project". Eurofront is, and possibly The Day After continuing. So fucking go away if you're just going to shitpost about Extra.
I'll say it as loudly as I can - NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE. YOU ARE NOT FUNNY. YOU ARE NOT COOL.
>gay gommunist retardation simulator
You really do belong on /m/. They hate SM. Go on, shoo.