
New chapter out on the 24th
Volume 38 is coming out on July 18th
Volume 39 is coming out in Japan later this year
Season 2 starts April 7th
Season 2 PV:
Dub premieres on the 20th
Dub clip:

Other urls found in this thread:

Gonna dump all the volume posters







Chapter leaks when?


Probably in 3 or 4 days

My body is ready


>even caring about this series at this point

i just wish for miura's swift death so we will no longer have to deal with the pain.


people still read this?


>inb4 hiatus after 1 chapter


I just hope that before he dies he writes what how Guts kills Griffith in a little paper, so we can know at least that.

I just got my sister in law to read it

My favorite one





>New chapter out on the 24th
As in, in 5 days?

Yeah, it'll probably leak a few days before


Band of the Hawk scanlations when?

Probably a day after the leak


Heeey that's not bad.









how does she like it so far?



Can you tell he went digital?

She loves it, she just doesn't have much spare time to read it though, jokingly she said she'd become 40 before she made it to the end due to her schedule.
I hope to see this animated some day, I was always a big fan of Pirate era Naval combat

Last one

Here's a bunch of uncollected art, don't really want to post 50+ pictures

yes lol

Also the art from the 98 calendar

You know, you can say what you want about Griffith but sending rakasha after rickert just for a slap was a dick move

How long did Puck traveled with Guts before he returned to Godo's mine?

I though he was sent because Locus told him to or some shit. Rickert said that if Griffith wanted him dead he wouldn't have made so much mistakes.

Also, new volume 1 cover

Art Miura did for the 2016 anime


That's all the art I'll post

>I though he was sent because Locus told him to or some shit
I seriously doubt that.
Locus seems like he's second or third in command, after Griffith and Zodd unless he's just a bodyguard. If there's one thing i REALLY don't think anyone who serves Griffith so blindly and revere him as a god would do, it's insubordination.

>Rickert said that if Griffith wanted him dead he wouldn't have made so much mistakes
When? I don't remember that line.

My guess is that pic related hit Griffith like a ton of bricks, and he realized Rickert could be a threat. And, just like in the past, he put on a pretty poker face in public and later turned to his subordinates and asked them to do the dirty-work, like with Adonis and Guts.
Hell, Griffith even sees Rakshas flying after them, he didn't seem that upset or in a hurry to stop him.

Shit art for a shit series

Dub cast

As far as dub goes it's pretty ok. Wonder who's doing guts though

Someone who isn't Marc.

Worst one

Is that the updated animation in the dub? It looks better than what aired last year.

what's the difference between a chapter & volume?

Fuckin sweet


I think it was the better part of the year.

Why is that? Studio beef?

>tfw no more marc as guts

1 volume=many chapters

>pic related

One chapter is about 19-25 pages, a volume is about 190-210 pages, for the past 15 or so volumes they've been about 9 chapters

I wonder how much Miura's art will have evolved...

How the fuck are you on Sup Forums?

This is his most recent drawing


Nice, but then what the fuck was the deal with the last chapter's art?

He's clearly not used to his new digital format

I don't know, I heard it's because he recently switched to digital, but I imagine he was pretty busy when he was working on the past few chapters also since he's a supervisor on the new anime, did new art for the blu-rays, art and interviews for the guidebook

Question is, did he switch to digital for good or is he just experimenting?

I just don't think you can do any better than the old way, no matter how good you are with digital

Is the merloli gonna stick with the group? I can only see her getting brutally raped by apostles since she doesn't fight for shit.

I imagine something's going to happen soon on the island, I would say only the main group is safe, and maybe Roderick

What about based king Magnifico.


He's already dead


What do you guys think the end will look like?

Here is my personal take:

Just before the very last fight with griffith, skullnight appears and tells guts that he's him from the future and that if he fights griffith right now, he will die and become skull knight himself, unable to ever kill griffith. He got sent back in time via the behelit that activated when he fought griffith at that time.

Guts understands, stops and asks skullnight when the time will finally come. Skullnight pulls out his sword swallows it and creates a distortion that leads them to the idea of evil. The idea will then have a conversation with guts, with guts' fate changed as a result of it. He then gets thrown back in time and faces of griffith rips his fucking head off and wins.

It should end on a cliffhanger

Or not end at all

No matter how Miura ends it, it will be underwhelming as a result of the lo
ng runtime.

I don't see Berserk ending for at least 15 years

Am I the only one who can't root for Guts because he's a cuck?

Hanafubuku a sexy!

Is this the coolest thing that happened in berserk?

I want to suck the feminine penis

what's with miura's necks lately?
they all look like their heads are trying to fly off

Yeah, can't wait for the anime to butcher it

Reminder Miura will go back to his roots during the exploration into Casca's psyche, it was feminine for elfheim only, remember this.

Okay griffith, you fuck

Is casca still retarded or did the elves fix her yet

I thought the Idea of Evil got retconned.

They're about to