What is your ideal eye shape?

What is your ideal eye shape?

What does the brain connect animu eye shapes to? Eyes don't have shapes like that in real life, but the brain assigns significance to them in drawings, so it must be crossing those shapes with some other part of the face.

Tsurime are better, but a lot of shows have bestgirls who are tareme if only because there aren't really many or any tsurime.

Tareme 2nd WORST GIRL


I don't really put any thought into shape, color is what's important to me. Blues and greens are my favorite.

Real eyes do that too. Look at your eyebrows when frowning or shocked.

I am very fond of this kind shape.


A big and slightly rounded trapezoid is best

Tareme just tells me a girl is a doormat moeblob lacking personality

>A big and slightly rounded trapezoid is best
I prefer smaller trapezoids but otherwise agree with you

Tareme can be fun characters too, though. In some shows they're practically all tareme, with one or two who are half-assed tsuri at best. In YuruYuri in particular the clear tsurime Ayano is actually more of the moeblob than anyone else, although I guess you can say she's tsundere she is way more dere than tsun.

Yui was molested when she was younger.

Whatever you'd call these

My nigga.

Isn't that just tsurime with exaggerated lashes?

It's a pretty hot look.

Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa eyes, that is all

Half-open / lazy eyes, I guess? Can't really think of notable examples except this and (cont)

Eri's best friend from Seshiji o Pin! to

Hibiki is perfect

Eye love my tsurime eyes.

My nigga.
Her eyes are the perfect balance between the fully-closed ara-ara eyes and regular open eyes with a bit of tsurime

The one appropriate for the expression the character wants to convey







these ones are good

But I also wish that anime would take a more traditional route on eye sizes every now and then

never really thought about it
I know which ones I like though

best eyes

Tsureme's design is so awful, It's so generic and most shows with these designs have low sense of humour, ex. Konosuba, NGNL, Watamote, etc . Same with studios that are bad because of these designs; Shaft, SL, Deen.

Tareme's design is comfortable to look at, but It's mostly used for SoL.

Tsurime Girls are The Best

Updates never


I like a wide variety because having all girls with the same eye shape is fucking terrible considering there's little to tell anime characters apart if not for their eyes, clothes and hair.

I do tend to like girls with droopy eyes though.


>open this to the drop of track 13 of the Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume ost

Good shit

Really though. Master race.





Tsurime has a nice fierce look


Meat a best

patrician taste

normal eyes

Tsurime because it usually means she aint a pushover.



Other eyes can't compete

She was somewhat cute.
Until she went Keikaku Serial Killer on us.

Can we get a chart for these or something?

tsurime eyes because it makes them look more slutty and I'm basically the opposite of a purity fag.




lol it doesn't matter every anime looks the same

Tsurime superior. Also Ryou a shit.