This volume is going to be insane, isn't it?

This volume is going to be insane, isn't it?

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I think Kamachi would have to work harder to make Tsuchimikado breaking into the Windowless Building boring than he would to make it something really out there and exciting. Basically, if this volume is shit, it'll be because he actively worked to make it shit

>he actively worked to make it shit
He's enough of a madman to do that though so we can't even be sure.

I see what you're saying but I really don't see him building up Aleister, his plan, and the Windowless Building since basically the beginning only to actively sabatoge the arc in which it all goes down

Not really, It's just the start

>Tsuchi's paper crane bullshit

Tsuchi needs a power up. I want him to get high on Body Crystal or something so he can heal all he wants and use all his magic.

People have talked about wanting more on Touma's arm, the clones, Accelerator, and the like but what we really need is a Gemstone arc. HP mentioned them and they are basically the reason both magic and espers exist but they don't seem to do anything themselves. Are they going to play a big part in this? Even if they are just a catalyst that spawned the creation of magic and esper powers and not really much more, we still should be told where they came from and why they seem to be rare now

Always bet on Tsuchimikado

>why they seem to be rare now

I think it's less that they're rare and more that they're hard to spot. I believe it was stated that alot of Gemstones are along the lines of "really athletic" or "supernaturally good penmanship" and are just hard to spot as being supernatural.


Best boy kicking some ass? You bet I'm fucking hype.

I'm almost wondering if shit like IB and WR aren't actually upper tier Gemstone powers. Or maybe a special class of Gemstone powers above the normal Gemstones. Kind of like Accelerator and Kakine are a step above Mikoto, if you can imagine that comparison

But how often do people accidentally kill themselves because they don't realize they are a gemstone then they try to use magic?

I don't think so. WR is a result of the Magic God's powers, and IB has always existed.

Plus Gemstones still produce AIM. If it was AIM-based Kazakiri would have noticed.

If they are a lot that are hard to spot, then why did people get so butthurt over it and create magic? Were Gemstones once more powerful and flashy? If so, why are they now hard to spot?

It wouldn't take all that many. Just one like Gunha to make people butthurt and create magic.

>Local bully is extremely good at beating you up
>Learn magic to show him who's boss

p r e t t y straightfoward

Gunha is just one guy. He can only meet so many people naturally, unless of course he paraded his power around (either willfully or under the coercion of someone else) and became famous, just what are one guy's chances of making someone talented enough butthurt enough to come up with magic


You mean "create". It would take almost supernatural skill itself to create an entire system of supernatural shit

How much different would index be if Kamachi actually knew physics and math?

The local bully could be something like the leader of a hostile civilization, threatening your sovereignty, and then it makes sense.

It depends in what context. Nothing with the espers would change considering their powers are limited by both their level, personal reality, and the fact that it may not even be science behind their powers.

The issue is that we don't know how magic was actually created.

What i'm guessing is based on the whole Phase bullshit. The Phases were created by people's beliefs. So Magic was presumably created soon after religion was. Eventually, once enough people believed in a religion, the rituals started actually working and Idol Theory kicked in.

Or hell, maybe they worshiped the original Gemstones as Gods, and used Idol Theory to use a piece of their power.

Some kind war between normal people and Gemstones is about the only scenario that makes sense. It could explain magic creation and the seeming dwindling power of Gemstones

>not knowing math

That still points to Gemstones being more flashy and powerful than they seem to be now. And yes, Gemstones do seem to have something to do with godhood considering Ollerus's hint about Gunha and HP mentioning them

Aleister created AC "science" using Archetype Controller, so it's probably just another form of supernatural power.


It was mentioned a bit in SS2.
>“I know that, if what Academy City creates are artificial diamonds, then Gemstones are natural diamonds created when the exact same circumstances are recreated in the natural world. Given that, what is a Gemstone?”
“We have a few here in Academy City. Deep Blood and Imagine Breaker for example. …But they just don’t seem like proper powers. It feels like those powers lie in a different direction than the easily displayed powers that create fire or electricity or something.”

However, a few sentences later...
>It’s probably best if you don’t put Imagine Breaker in the category of Gemstones. I don’t know the details, but he’s probably something…much more interesting than we think.

I'd say it implies that they are similar, but distinct from gemstones in some way (probably the magic gods).

>Local bully is mean to you
>Pray to your deity of choice to save you
>It fucking works

still p r e t t y simple

Then that would just mean religion is real and those deities are giving out their power.

It doesn't need to be a whole war of gemstones but rather if someone like Alexander the Great was coming to invade your country and you couldn't assassinate him or anything or beat his army even 2:1 because he was as bullshit as Gunha, it would still probably lead to people trying to create magic to oppose the lucky few powerful.

It just means you subconsciously used your religion's rituals and ceremonies to perform magic.

That would still fall under "Gemstone vs normal human, magic is a weapon created to help with that war"

You said a war between gemstone*s* and humans, I was only specifying that there are plenty of circumstances where only a couple gemstones or one really flashy one would lead to people wanting to create magic.

If there was a war between Gemstones and normal humans, it probably involved the normal humans being the aggressors and the Gemstone(s) being on the defensive. Kind of like Accelerator's situation on crack

Sanity is overrated anyway.

It could work either way. In fact, a very flashy Gemstone surrounded by a group of still-flashy-but-not-quite-as-flashy Gemstones could easily both create magic AND cause the Gemstones not involved to prefer being discreetoutright hide, which could explain the current trend of low level hidden Gemstones

You forget that the gods truly exist in Raildex, there are angels and the like around so magic doesn't need to have been created by the gemstones though it is possible that some idiot gemstone decided to make a power that everyone could use but would kill him if he used it himself. the current trend of not many gemstones being known doesn't need to be much of anything and may not even be a change from the norm, it could simply be how rare they are. Much like how Saints are people who just happen to resemble Jesus in one way or another and thus get some power from him it's just a rare occurrence.

>For old gramophones, the waveforms of voices were recorded by touching a needle against a disk covered in a thin layer of wax.
>And the glass in a hand mirror would vibrate when someone spoke.
>If he covered the hand mirror with a quick-drying manicure repair solution that acted much like instant glue and then spoke right into it, the amplitude might be carved into that thin film.
>If Shiroyama Kyousuke had fully memorized a filter glass’s designs, which would be more detailed than a silicon wafer…
>And if he could use the amplitude of his voice to perfectly output those designs…
>Then… What if he peeled the repair solution from the mirror and held it in front of his eyes like sunglasses?
>this boy had used his voice to easily draw out a geometric pattern so complex that even Government had only been able to create 20 of them?
>Altogether, hadn’t he had less than 10 seconds to work with? In that miniscule amount of time, he had caught up to the theoretical defense system of Pandemonium’s armor which had taken who knows how many hours to design and cost who knows how much money to build. How advanced was his mind, his hands, and every last part of him?
Literally weaponized autism.

Those Gods were created by people's beliefs though.

Though there's the odd case of Othinus, who somehow created her own mythology.

But Index said in volume one Index said magic was "created" to catch up with Gemstones. Considering this, though, it's likely magic was simply discovered then and is in actuality just gods lending their power.

Hang on. That would mean gods = have power naturally.

Could Gemstones be children of the gods?

The Pure World didn't have anything supernatural about it.

All of the Gods and Religions and such are phases created by the beliefs of people.

Then could Gemstones be just average Joes from that pure world? Only question is why they aren't phase fucked either

Name of this please

It's fuck off and google

The Idol Theory system was most likely created but it doesn't mean that what they based their Idol Theory on was created.

My Older Brother Loves Maids So Much He Enrolled Me In A Maid Academy!

That's exactly what my post implies?

I think I was going for the post above yours

>a certain magical TEITOKU

The Adventures of Stiyl Magnus

Are you really so retarded you can't reverse image search and get a character name, which googling would give you the series? You can also read the damn thread and get series-specific terms and even other character names to google?

>it took a high budget movie for the CGI cars to not look like complete shit

othinus and her othanus

Stiyl has a cool car
Stiyl is really cool




Go to sleep Zamasu

"The one who touches the territory of god"
Now known as the one who touches the territory of user's monitor

>calling me the name of a jobber villain
He lost to a literal child, literally scrub tier

Stop posting.

I-it's not like I wanted you to notice me, Mariydianon

Hey anons, almost all angels of biblical importance end with the name "El"
K@kine + l = Kakinel

KKK sorcerers when?


K__A__K__I__N__E T__E__I__T__O__K__U
>3 k's
KKK are K@kine magicians confirmed. Dark matter is also pure white, it's absolute pottery

I'd rather see Founding Fathers stuff if we ever see American magic. They'd likely be more suitable for American "mythology"

>political magic
user we don't need Sup Forums here

>renders Carissa completely useless

I was talking less about politics and more about legends, heroics, and spirit. Also KKK magic would summon Sup Forums way worse

Stiyl gets all the bitches

He lucked out with the Othinus lookalike.

Who knew that Stiyl also liked onee-sans?

Considering America (particularly the Founding Fathers) beat England, theyd probably have an advantage over Carissa but it's possible the two would never even meet or could possibly be on the same side. America and England because friends pretty quick if I remember correctly

I feel we won't be seeing Mikoto this volume so the curse thing feels more eery

Whatever founding fathers magic America could pull out probably only works on American soil, same as the Curtana only works in Britain.

Maybe? American spirit is kind of special though. World police, freedom and all that so it may not be as limited as "American soil"

Either this or the effects of the curse will be fully played out this arc

Might not show up until wherever NT ends. Speaking of that, does anyone feel like it's gonna end with Aleister winnning? NT's whole thing has been Touma not catching a single break and getting used to other means, often losing in the process.

I feel like the concept of freedom and being willing to fight for it could potentially pull out some pretty OP

>Americans being patriotic is special
Ok user

I could certainly see a dual science & magic dynamic in the context of Plymouth and Jamestown that ultimately ends with the Civil War. Plymouth representing a sort of 'moving away from Europe to escape religious persecution' and Jamestown being the preeminent 'the new world is Europe's new playground' for the English.

Northern colonies actively persecute and hunt witches, Puritans don't engage in idolatry so they don't perform magic, and eventually conquer the mysticism surrounding lightning with Ben Franklin. The more adamant anti-European elements in the colonies who were for independence & isolation from Europe were in the north as well. With the context of magic being integral part of European hierarchies, I could see there being a disdain for magic cabals.

Meanwhile Jamestown has less of a focus on escaping religious persecution and more on financial gain. With lesser resistance than in Puritan New England, magicians probably are able to thrive more in the south than in the north. As time goes forward, it's the South who have an established aristocracy reminiscent of Europe and who during the Civil War try to get European powers to recognize the Confederate States. In the context of Raildex, that could have been magicians in the South trying to gain support from magic factions in Europe.

Now if the Freemasons count as a magic cabal, that could set things up in an entirely different perspective for the early portion of the nation's history after the Revolution. Although I still think the Civil War would be the dividing line where the US fully becomes a 'science side' nation even if the division doesn't truly exist until AC's foundation.

tl;dr - American wanking

Halfway through NT7. I'm starting to wonder how on earth Kamachi comes up with these twists.

Reminder that his Esper ability doesn't heal him, it just creates another layer over his blood vessels keeping him from immediately bleeding to death

It's unique in the minds of Americans. So in that sense, it's almost like they're striving towards being espers.

Once you read all his works, you start to understand that he can't possibly be a mortal.

Aleister is definitely going to win. The question is what that victory will do the world and how nuclear Touma will go in response to it.
Or if he actually does the absolutely unexpected and welcomes the change with open arms.

>America in Raildex
Katze is so horrifying that when I saw it that I started screeching like a barn owl, running around flapping my arms like crazy, and bouncing off the walls. Then i slapped the shit out of both the ticket taker, and the girl at the candy counter, then the theater walked out

He Nomura, and Kojima all share a dealer

>Touma accepts it
Imagine this fucking twist. It'd almost be in line with what he said before he "died" in WW3. Something about he knows the world is gonna end someday and no one can stop it.

El Presidente is ok.

I just found him being the third hispanic President the US has apparently had odd.


I bet Kamachi is Kojima's only son.

So hopefully, Index Season 3 is happening. Do you guys think we'll see the same sort of production values there as we saw in Railgun S? Since it really was a step up over the previous adaptions.

we better get good Porduction values I dont want shit quality or there will be hell to pay

It'll probably be better. Railgun S was four years ago.

There's no reason for it not to be at least that level.

JC has improved over the years, and when it's a series with a lot poured into it, they can really shine now. The problem may lie in the directing, Nagai was shit with his fillers and what not, but his cinematic style in the sisters arc was a perfect fit for this series. Hopefully they continue to use that style.

Wheres mobileposter

Tsuchianon married her and they've been on a honeymoon. You're automatically married to someone if you fap to them three times in a row.