Why is this god-awful show so fucking popular in Japland?

Why is this god-awful show so fucking popular in Japland?

I'm just gonna assume it's one of them phases that will slowly die out until the next cute thing comes along.

Like Virgin sweater.
Like Hestia.

because the only god-awful thing of it is the CGI. The rest is decent

The stupider something is the more likely Japs find it entertaining, and therefore popular.

Japanese think that retardation is cute.

it's cute

Look at that bowtie!

unironically kill yourself, redditor

Sadly, it seems like it's going to be the next 2hu/Kancolle

Fuck off, cuck-cunt.

for you

Don't you have your KonoSuba meme show reruns to watch?

No, I don't like Konosuba

Not sadly man, they apparently got their own con already.

Im waiting for the inevitable cute animals doing cute shit era of animation with eagerness.

Ah, okay. Well I'm sure there's some other derivative trash you're watching then. tut-tut

Not that user but what?

No, I don't watch Kemono Friends.

if you purple wanted cute girls doing cute things, there are far better things to watch that don't make you want to rip your eyes out from janky 10 fps CGI

This show would be watchable if the CGI was atleast decent.
This looks only slightly better than some MMD video.

It's part of the charm imo, There are times when you can't tolerate it though like sidonia.

People just doesn't understand Kemono Friends. Damn, it was a masterpiece. It moved me to tears.
The '''''''poor'''''' animation is a deconstruction of the future and present decaying of the culture and the growing anti-intelectualism. The cute, ''badly animated''' and '''shit cgi''' animal girls are a materialisation of the desire and constant hate (quote:'animal ears are like heterochromia, just a shit to add to characters to make them seem to have a personality.') of having more animal girls in anime. Everything was made just pretending to be bad, but in reality, is a whole new level of criticism:
>why add animal girl to our show? animal girls are boring
>humans are superior, let's not include animal girls
>animal girls are not cute.
>animal girls doesn't have human rights
>animal girls are yuri

All of this are just OPINIONS, and they are not objectively true. Also, they are an expression of intolerance and racism. WE NEED more animal girls in our animes and THEY NEED more love and affection. THEY NEED more jobs on the industry.
Animal girls are living in a world where they don't get what they deserve, where they can't walk around the city like any other human being without being constantly bullied.

I'm glad Kemono Friends exists, because they opened our eyes to a new perspective.
If you don't like Kemono Friends, it is because you just couldn't comprehend the fucking point of the show, and you should stop shitposting and memes.

fuck off retard

nice roast

did you take a picture and put it on your blog?

Wild guess here, maybe it's not god-awful? But don't quote me on that.

b-b-b-but CG!! MAL and Reddit told me I'm not allowed to like it!!

The nips sure do love anime adaptions of mobile phone shovelware games

tanoshii things are tanoshii

I don't watch it, but I really like the designs.

You want a real answer? It's very cute and can appeal to all kinds of people. Unlike us Japan doesn't really care about how the medium is presented, and the wonky ass 3D is charming and really translates the concept artist's designs, not to mention the backgrounds and BGM are soothing and nice, and they have perfected the use of space. It also doesn't fail telling a simple adventure story. The concept art of different kinds of animals fuels doujin artists. If you like animals, cat girls, pets, adventure, good atmosphere, simple writing with almost no faults, you could give it a try.
You shouldn't judge anything until you understand it.

you're mentioning single objects or persons

this is otaku making high quality fanart, remixes of the OP, GTA mods, buying out merchandise, visiting actual zoos

Those were all just dumbasses who thought being a pseudo-sakugafag would be the new cool hip thing, trying to emulate the sakugafags on twitter, without actually realizing that the twitter sakugafags don't openly hate CG at all, they just generally prefer hand-drawn animation.
The problem of the current generation of dumbasses is that they assume that if someone prefers some kind over the other, it must thus mean that the one thing they like less than the thing they like the most is being hated.

why do people care what other people like?


Are you saying we don't actually care about finding enjoyment in anime and just trying to be hip to be accepted in our little circles since we never grew out of watching these chink shows obviously for people below 20 and need justification as to why we are still watching this kind of stuff?

Because they can't possibly enjoy something that I don't, how would that even be possible?

I like how the same assholes that get giddy over a new MY LITTLE PONY come in here and have a shat in this here thread.

Just spare the rest us and kyselves

Guy that run sakugabooru like kemono friends

It's a genuinely enjoyable show with a healthy side of meme potential. You stop noticing the CG after a few episodes.

it wasn't an adaptation, the game and anime started development at the same time it just took the anime a lot longer to come out

Yes, if you are from MAL/Reddit/the enemy website.

You first newfag.

It's good show if you ignore the weird animation.

Why are you so assblasted, autist?

i think the animation winds up being pretty endearing after awhile

I don't know what's the problem with using 3D. Some "masterfully hand drawn" anime looks worse than this. You should know by now 2D isn't the only means to present cartoons. Yes anime are cartoons from japan, what a shock.

How to they shit the bed so hard that it took 2 years for a now post-mortem anime to come out

The shit flinging over animation on this show reminds me of shitr flinging over the rotoscoping in Flowers of Evil. It does the job. Now douzo and enjoy it

Kemono Friends is good. There's nothing ironic or mysterious about its appeal. Even the presentation, which people knock it for, isn't all bad--the backgrounds are excellent, the music is on point, the character designs are cute, and the voice work is decent and sometimes great. The animation is not always the best, but you can forget about that and still be impressed by the strong points.

Compartmentalization is, quite honestly, a skill you need to develop if you want to enjoy anime. Or anything.

extremely bad handling of the franchise
Fucking Nexon for the boring as game
a uninteresting SOL manga
no offense to Keroro author but his designs doesn't appeal much until you study it.

I mean, it's pretty clear they actually tried with the anime, in terms of writing/setting/characters, so pre-production and stuff like that probably took quite awhile. It's done by a very small team as well.

I think it's more that nexon rushed the game out and surprise, it was shit so they shut it down because no one was playing it and they only care about money.

You know how this site overuses the word meme and calls this and that meme? This is probably the closest thing to an actual meme show.

Not that I'm personally judging it as bad or anything, but look at how people on NicoNico are flooding it with all kinds of mash-ups and joke videos on a scale that is unusually large. You can still enjoy something and not find it bad while getting sucked into the whole "meme culture" of it or whatever you want to call it.

Reminder only 10 guys worked on this anime.

Good music, amazing characters, great world building and excellent story telling.

As others have said, it's a genuinely good show once you can stomach the presentation and tone.

I think this is bait, but honestly I'm not sure

>You can still enjoy something and not find it bad while getting sucked into the whole "meme culture" of it or whatever you want to call it.

True enough, but ultimately--what's really bad about allowing oneself to be swept away once in a while? You get to participate in something and life feels, momentarily, less lonely. To boot, it's a trivial cartoon and not some kind of dangerous religious thing, and most everyone involved knows it will not last.

What's "amazing" about the characters?

Popular and well-liked things generate OC. People genuinely enjoy this show (for a lot more than lewd intentions too), so it spawns all kinds of fan creations. It's fun.

People complain that things are, "killing the anime industry" yet they've never once contributed anything to the, "anime industry". I think shows that garner attention like this are healthy overall.

Those who say that don't know what they are talking about. Stuff that explodes like KF are actually very good for the "industry".

They are quite charming, some have outstanding voices and the great designs behind them have inspired countless works.

I think that should be enough to earn them the "amazing" qualifier.

People are just mad that their favorite anime this season probably won't outsell this and there's more to a show's likeability than good animation.

I agree with him the way you used amazing is wrong. You could have said charming endearing characters that stays with you.

Neo-Sup Forums and their sales/studio wars shit is the worst. Why can't we just enjoy what comes out like we used to?

You're a friend who are not very good at thinking by yourself!

Kvin here.

Is this show good

I'm not denying that and saying it's bad or not, and I'm well aware popular things generate OC.

It's that this show seems to particularly lend itself to memes for a multitude of reasons, from it's style to the animal traits to it's use of CG, so you see countless people spamming すごーい, friends, the bus edits, the opening video edits, etc. A meme show, if you will. I'm saying I don't think something being a meme show necessarily means it's awful either but it undeniably has exploded in popularity simply because of culture and community.

It does after the first episode, it was just too painful to watch Serval drifting around in the first few minutes.

I agree. No one would try this after that horrible episode 1. This is actually a proper meme show that without the OC and spread of this show's memes no one would bat an eye. Now everyone watching is actually invested. They struck gold thanks to internet culture.

The word you're looking for is "likeable" or "enjoyable"
Amazing would imply those characters also have much more substance and depth than your average cute anime girl

>horrible episode 1
To you.

Let us not kid ourselves. The chase sequence was bad. The cerulean stuff was bad. Serval's VA was bad.

I dropped it during the first episode too before picking up again.

So you're just forcing yourself to like it, akin to this post's point.

I kinda have to disagree since I think "amazing" is an open enough word to describe what I had in mind... but I do see your point.

Naturally, we are getting into an ever pointless discussion of semantics, so I'll concede that it would have been better to use "likeable/charming/endearing/etc."

Not him but there is nothing bad about giving something you initially disliked a second chance. Getting swept along a phenomenon isn't bad too.

Yes we could leave it at that. Friends are very polite!

Internet culture was dying with the declining popularity of imas, vocaloid and 2hu. They needed this.

I started watching it weekly after the 3rd episode was online, watched 1,2,3 quickly. While it was a little cringey to start off, it just got more endearing during the third episode and continued from there.

i liked the subtle world building and mystery going on. enough to keep the scenery interesting without taking away from the fun times the characters have.

helps that everything is cute in a nendoroid-sort of manner without it being completely in your face telling you to think it is cute (not sure how to write this).

like coming home from work and playing with your ugly as fuck dog. he loves you unconditionally and his stupid face and wagging tail puts you at ease. it's simple, there's nothing complex going on, it's just fun in a childish sense


It's not declining just reclining. It's just the generation of when Nico Nico exploded grew up and went to their adult real life things. There not much people that has the urge to pick up a pen or instrument and make OC. Some of the old went to become pros and kinda left a void.

Some people just grow up and the spark is gone.

Its the radiation side effects from the nukes

I like it that you understand the appeal to some degree but please use real words.

Wait, so you mean that you honestly believe they created this show because they wanted people to use everything from it as a meme? I don't think there's a word to accurately convey how much of a retard you are, sadly enough.
Then again, in the current status of the internet people who think like that aren't too uncommon. When the fuck did everything go so wrong?

>You purple

Phone posters should unironically kill themselves.

little girls


>why do people like what I don't like

Is it really that hard to believe that people have different tastes and opinions than you?

What are you even basing this on? Kancolle and RoB both had mediocre sales. GBF sold well because it had a ticket for a rare summon or something. No one else even care about shit like Chain Chronicles or Schoolgirl Strikers.