What do the Chinese want in Africa

Pic related is a new road in the capital of Ethiopia, completely paid for by the Chinese. They are also renovating the main airport, and have an unknown amount of nationals living in Ethiopia. What do they want? Is this the same in other countries? Why is Ethiopia still a 3rd world hell hole?

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Raw materials and land and influence. Watch Empire of Dust.

Too many zipperheads in China to feed. Gooks will eat all the niggers in Africa.

Power and money.

Raw resources and generally to increase global influence

Get votes from Africans on United Nation

Addis Ababa is a planned megalopolis to be built in Ethiopia. Apparently the school of thought is to just build useless shit to inflate your GDP these days. For real though NWO has been working hard in Africa recently and plan on trying to bring water from the med down through the center of africa. These future cities are being planned with Chinese investment. China is going to use the belt initiative to gut africa through a land route because China's largest weakness is the fact that the US navy can cut it off from trade at any given moment and the chinks cant do shit.

Colonization. Just like the Indians sold their land for glass beads, the African kleptocrats will sell their countries for cash.




Chinese realize sending (((aid))) doesn't go anywhere but into pockets. That and Africa is completely untapped, but nobody wants to go there as its under Jewish influence.

Watch Empire of Dust, it'll help you understand.

I don't think chinese would even niggers.

They are colonizing you.

Lithium and other natural resources.
China is going to fuck Africa up and it will somehow be the evil white mans fault.

They don't care about the people in Ethiopia they care about building things using cheap credits (that will never be paid back). Land, raw materials. Basically they are selling out to the Chinese.

They want what is under Africa.

Africa is prime for the taking with weak population stability that will collapse as soon as gibs stop. When that happens the chinese will already be in place and white boys won't be able to compete.


Would make sense if this was the Congo or Sierra Leone, Ethiopia has nothing to steal

Chinese have a naval port near Djibouti.


Why no African made products down at the Walmart? I'm good on the lip plates though.

They are slowly breeding out the niggers. Someone had to do it. Or they will rape the Continent and turn africa into a nigger zoo

Natural resources such as rare earth minerals.

>Empire of Dust
extremely good documentary

To own it

They're also taking over my country. Chinese firms have been awarded virtually all the large government infrastructural contracts for roads and structures here. They're coming in by the busloads.In 40 years, all Caribbean countries will have large Chinese populations and strong financial and political ties to China. We're not as important geopolitically speaking as Africa, but people should know that China is infiltrating the Americas as well.

Find “empire of dust” on YouTube. It will answer your questions.

"We just celebrated our independence 50 years ago" make me laugh so much everytime. 50 Years after they managed to keep failing, LAMO

China has developed a "belt and road" initiative which will build up infrastructure in all coastal areas between China-India-PG-Red Sea-Southern Europe

The idea is, in order to grow their economy further, they need all these places to have infrastructure that can handle Chinese container imports, as well as raw good exports to China (such as oil, iron, coal, bauxite and other resources).

Ethiopia/Djibouti, Myanmar and Oman are lucky to be placed in very strategically important locations and will benefit the most. But we Greeks will also benefit from this through shipping.

The problems will start when local politics start to interfere with China's economic plans. What happens if a new government no longer approves Chinese infrastructure development, or the exploitation of resources and pollution. Does China intervene to protect its investment? They're not dumb.

>Empire of Dust
>extremely good documentary

In 2007, the Democratic Republic of Congo struck a $6 billion deal with the Chinese to develop their national infrastructure in exchange for access to Katanga’s unparalleled mineral reserves which are worth more than $50 billion. Empire of Dust is a documentary about the Chinese attempt to build a 300 kilometer road connecting Kolwezi with Katanga’s capital, Lubumbashi, formerly known as Elisabethville.

The road was originally built by the Belgians in the 1950s but was neglected and has deteriorated since independence like the rest of Congo’s infrastructure. The Congolese were incapable of maintaining it. The documentary shows how frustrated the Chinese become with the laziness, incompetence and thievery of the Congolese. In Africa, even the most simple tasks become extraordinary challenges for Chinese engineers.

Great analysis. I was following the sale of one of your ports to Costco recently. The EU has been shitting on Greece so the Chinese are taking advantage of the volatility and stepping in.

wanting one of the largest and most resource rich continents to be highly developed and full of people able and willing to mine said resources (aka not the people living there at the moment) is a decent idea

Chinese want roads for their trucks to recreate silk road so as to increase resources to China. Bigger government think this is charity when Chinese conglomerates are slowly purchasing more land and property in Africa and will push out all inefficient black owned businesses. Once china moves a significant Chinese work force into Africa and they stop needing to rely on black labor it'll be the final nail in the coffin for the African economy

More on the transaqua project.

Another future mega city forming in Lagos.

There are also plans where they are building a green zone of acacia trees on the southern border of the sahara that will be part of creating usable soil in the future.

We hear all of the negativity on Sup Forums about Africa without seeing the moves (((they))) are making. Some countries are undergoing very rapid change like Rwanda that people need to keep an eye on.

Mineral ores.
I've got family up in Zimbabwe working at mines financed by Chinese backers and the ore gets shipped through SA presumably out to China or maybe it is processed in SA before shipment. Not much processing goes on in Zim.

Unsurprisingly Johannesburg is the center of Chinese expats on the continent, loads of them there, largely for mining.

Dunno, but AIDS is all they will ever find

>What do they want?
what does any bacteria want? consume destroy reproduce repeat duh