One Room

What's Sup Forums's opinion on my childhood friend?

Too old

What a coincidence, she is my childhood friend too. She's a bit of a slut though.

Creepy as fuck
Couldn't last more than a minute of it.

I prefer my wife Yui.

My imouto is much better than this slut

Who took this picture!?



Your childhood friend is my girlfriend


What is the masterpiece we are writing?

My brother

Alternate universe love story


>bigger pics never


She has the worst design of all three.

She's not as interesting as my little sister and not as wife material as my wife. She needs to find something to make her stand out more.


You should check

I hope she wears one because cheerleader panties are fucking hot.

>the music agent told her she's not sexy enough
>not realizing he was expecting her to take that top off and give him a titfuck

she's never going to succeed if she keeps missing these prompts


This hurt pretty bad


I want to get drunk with her, tell her everything's gonna be diejobu and sleep on her chest pillow.

Imouto arc was mostly sadness.

A boy falls in love with a girl

>imouto leaves
>go home to your tiny apartment
>eat take away instead of your sisters lovingly home made food
>throw off your clothes haphazardly and collapse in bed from sadness and loneliness
It fucking hurt.

That's my life, only that I guess my apartment is smaller than his. At least it's only 3 minutes walk to Akiba.

And family-friendly boners.

I love my wife Moka


How are those eyes both cute and creepy at the same time?

>best to worst

I want to breed.

So we have been trees and metal bridges. Can we turn into a bra this time?




Moka is the room I want to be in.

Why does she look like a potato house character?