Kemono Friends

Haaa irashai!

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do some friends have two sets of ears?

Youkaisou madness

Dozo dozo

Next episode in 5 minutes.

I wonder if the serval likes all this attention it's getting.

Please don't let that happen anymore.

I want to hold hands with that alpaca.

Shitty low quality version.

I hope this one stays.

I can't believe it

It's a cat, it doesn't give a fuck.

Kemono Friends threads are now banned.

For hearing.

Penguins ain't got nothing on these legs and hips

PSA: Avoid using trigger words in the future, unless they are clearly ironic. Some of us are pretty sensitive.

I want to have sweaty intercourse with Shoebill

Do you think they ever let the serval out? I remember the first time I saw a real serval the zoo was doing a demonstration and had it walking around on a leash and doing tricks while its caretaker talked about servals.

Bag's bag contains a portable HF rig.

The serval is in the cage forever, it will never know freedom

Which edition is this thread?



Just like otaku!

These need to be banned too.

posting in a dozo thread

Get help.


>Who the hell is WOOP WOOPing in the backround

Lar Gibbon

I hope someone tells Lars Gibbon to tone it down


Has that ever happened? I mean a show that started a following so poisonous that made the mods remove anything referencing it?

serval ni kuwashii oniisan

Just don't make mistakes like that in the OP again and they'll be fine.

Who is this guy?



This fucking guy.

Oh yeah, I guess I'll post again.

Looks like the best cat ever has a friend version. Can anyone confirm is she made it into the game?

dozo edition

No, but I wish they would do it to the JoJo threads.

Nezumi furenzu

> be Japanese zookeeper
> suddenly crowds of greasy otaku start turning up to take pictures of your serval


No, she's the latest Friend and was made during the airing of the anime.

Naruto threads got really close.

When is the game coming back?

>with visible erections


5 minutes.

>cutting the boyoyon off


Погладь кота

She must have a good carpet down there too, just think about it.

Dem servals.

I want to shear her after winter with sexual results

OP of that thread here. It was supposed to be ironic.

Sorry guys, I'm a friend who can't do anything right.


I want to shave it.

Don't bring your ironic bullshit from Sup Forums here

Irony only works with context user!


It's ok. If there's one thing you can rely on in this world, it's the mods being retarded.

Me too.

Big fat cat tats

Servals have sensitive ears, right? I don't think it enjoys that monkey hollering.

I want to marry this cat.

>What kind of friend you want in the center of your zoo famm?
>You know that scene in Dumb and Dumber?


it's ok serval still loves you


With my teeth

No worries friend, we all make mistakes.

It's sandstar
I ain't gotta explain shit

That's something you never really think about when you go to the zoo, what the animals think of the loud and smelly neighbours they're stuck next to for the majority of their lives.

I want to rub her belly.

Can we agree that lion is the fluffiest friend?

I can't believe, Serval, Kaban, and Lucky are fucking dead.

I'm worried about her, she hasn't adventured much since the last episode aired.

Afraid not.


Someone in Japari Park is a rapist!


That would be Alpaca, friend

I bet it's that goat fucker.


I want to rape Giraffe


Grooming time

You have one friend to choose from the whole Kingdom of Animals, Which friend do you choose?

I like that sound when bossu walks

Ah, sorry, that was me.


I hope none of you are posting on that bait thread.

I need a doujin where Wolf has her way to Giraffe for her newest work.

Ah, that was a good rape

>little girl asking for Kaban-chan

Children really do watch this show!


Damn, are you serious? That shit would have been a shitstorm of spectacular proportions.

>Serval camshow