Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? has tropes never before seen in the 70+ years of mahou shoujo...

Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? has tropes never before seen in the 70+ years of mahou shoujo. The show itself parodies modern moe and mahou shoujo tropes extremely well while still being humorous. The animation is done very well, having some of the best censoring anime has ever seen. Which brings us to the fan service. The fan service is very well done and not at all over the top, featuring the underused form of fanservice of the over-sized shirt among others. In spite of how well it is done it is still not reliant on said fan service as its selling point. The show is handled very carefully; it is clear the staff is working hard even on details. The combini door sound, the constant variety shows on TV, the amount of people in public and their reactions to the characters, it's almost like a satire addressing how most anime forget to add the little things aside from the gratuitously overused school chime. The cast features a competent harem lead with a harem that doesn't sit around thinking about his cock all day. In fact the harem members play games with themselves and go out bowling. The show itself, while primarily being a comedy, still shows us an interesting plot with a refreshing premise.

In contrast Madoka tries hard to make the same old tropes look different with shaft style and grimdark for the sake of grimdark. The animation quality is absolutely awful; the entire show is off model. It is clear that the pacing and directing are handled by an amateur. One episode Homura is saving Sayaka from Kyoku and the next episode Kyoku is saving Sayaka from Homura. The character development between Homura and Madoka was atrocious. The writer is a one trick pony who couldn't write a decent scenario to save his sick mother's life. This twist has been done before many times, and done better.

Overall Madoka is a terrible show handled horribly. Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? is a well crafted anime handled extremely well.

Any questions?


Can i get a quick rundown

Homura>>>>>>>all Korean Zombie girls combined


If you think there's anything doing anything new, there is without a doubt there is some weird 1970's manga that already did it somehow.
Plus Madoka is just Kamen Rider Ryuki squashed to 1/4 the run time.

Can you honestly tell me what it's like having such abysmal taste? I can't imagine every hour of my waking life being attracted to complete and utter shit

>comparing two entirely different series

Anyone else remember the first Zombie threads? There was this one autistic guy who kept insisting Eu couldn't heal her zombie and shouldn't be allowed to wear plate armor.

You mean the plated armor discussions? It was a running gag for the whole fanbase.

Is this the bait user-kun always warns me about?

IIRC it was a running gag because of that one autistic guy. He was literally in every single Zombie thread for months.

What about Nanoha?

How you reached that conclusion is beyond me considering that topic was one of the best ways to start a fun topic and a lot of fans joined in. Dyson fan gags/puns were also similar, but on a much smaller scale.

The threads in the beginning were a lot more angry than fun. Before the series even came out people were bitching about how he didn't look like a traditional zombie and whether or not he could be called one

Mahou Shonen are best Mahou Shojo


>Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? has tropes never before seen in the 70+ years of mahou shoujo
66 was 70 years ago.

And eitherway, both are shit. The only good modern mahou shoujo is Cardcaptor and Doremi.

I completely agree.

I wish I could watch Korean Zombie s1 for the first time with Sup Forums again.

Haruna a shit

Korean Zombie's one of the best harem comedies ever made, but can it really be considered a mahou shoujo?

Thanks for your opinion.

Korean zombie desk car isn't a mahou shoujo though, it's specifically a masou shoujo

Get drunk and pretend it's 2011 and get halfway through the anime before you're too drunk to care and go on Sup Forums to wildly shitpost

Can someone post the Madoka graduation paper?


>The threads in the beginning were a lot more angry than fun

I don't remember any of that only people non stop posting pictures of that damn dyson fan.

a shit

I love her. She is adorable.

Korean Zombie was the anime that made me realize that DEEN was secretly great.

Best girl thread?


I want to watch this series again now but the Nyaa torrents are fucking dead and Bakabt sold out. What do?




Fuck, I really need to get a membership with them at some point.

Just get a time machine

I know taste is subjective, but I did enjoy Zombie a lot, in the other hand, I tried to watch Madoka, and dropped that shit after the 3rd episode, I thought it was pretentious.

You could watch it on a streaming site as a last resort.

70+ years? It's only been about 50 years since Sally the Witch.

It's not too hard if you know someone who has an invite.

Yeah it was really nothing to lose your head over.

I don't see how you didn't watch it considering the number of threads back then, especially after episode 3

They can be when they try. Just like Shaft can be when it tries.

original -good
A's -Goddamn god
str -meh
vivjo -no
fuuka -yes!

Agreed, it was supposed to be completely new, and groundbreaking after the "dark" turning event, but instead I thought it was amusing.
Funny thing is that the reason I watched it, was because Sup Forums convinced me to, grave mistake.

Fuuka the cutest

Madoka is a poor man's Utena

The weird thing is that it was actually a really good looking anime too. Both it and Sankarea had great visuals (although Sankarea was ass).


I've been getting back into Nanoha recently, is it worth reading any of the manga?

For fuck's sake, Madoka is MAHOU shoujo, not MASOU shoujo. They are different!

Yeah, go read Vivid then watch Vivid Strike.

Not really. There's some cool designs every once in a while but none of them have a story worth following.

I'll do that then, cheers, now I'm even more curious about the Vivid anime though.

That's good to know, I guess I won't put them on the backlog unless I desperately want more.

>claiming some haremshit is better than one of the all time greats
I am surprised this is not copy pasta.

>Comparing something as grand and great as Madoka Magica to some slightly above average harem comedy show
Seriously? Kore wa Zombie doesn't even have 1/50 of Madoka's popularity for good reasons.

Also this

The Vivid anime never finished, there are rumors it's finally getting its second half but no one knows if that's actually happening. Vivid Strike is its own thing that takes place after Vivid.

>all time greats

Madoka is popular because it's a normalfag anime. It's garbage

>bashes madoka
>while posting evashit

Not him, but those madoka generals were full of pretentious speculation attributing what they thought were genius references to shinbo.

I like her missile shaped tits


All generals are full of cancer. Is this your first week here?

No, and I was one of the driving Sup Forumsnons that got generals banned in 2011. But madoka generals were a new level of horrible pretentious bullshit.

>Hating eva
>Perhaps too deep 4u m8
Unironically liking shit for normalfags

Eva's even more mainstream.

first of all Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? is a nice funny parody for the first arc.

That's when it gets dull and repetitive. Frankly anyone who could sit through all 2 seasons deserves a metal or a dominatrix as they're a world class masochist. This is the perfect example of a show with a fresh concept being dragged down by dull, trite, cast of characters, a plot full of retread ideas and stale writing.

The only thing KoreanZombie had going for it was an absurd and amusing concept, but it was so poorly executed that once the concept got stale the show became unwatchable (or story became unreadable, depending on which medium you are consuming).

Madoka Magica was a straight magical girl show (it was not a deconstruction) with a dark take on the genre. It was a refreshing show to watch but it was no masterpiece, and most of the fun of watching it was watching it on Sup Forums, while we deciphered the runes, and analyzed the Faustian quotes left in graffiti on the walls of the witch dungeons. It was a fun watch, a strong show overall. While Madoka isn't the best magical girl anime out there (maybe top 5, I know I can think of 3 off the top of my head which were better, there probably are more) it is far superior to koreanzombie which isn't even a top flight comedy, or shounen, let alone magical girl show.

yeah then hate the fandom not the anime

most fandoms are shit thats just the way it is. doesnt make madoka any less great

DEEP wideface moe is anything but normalfag anime.

Madoka was a slasher series disguised as a magical girl series. The story and characters had very little actual substance to them, and the main plot hook for the majority of the story was waiting to see who was going to die next (see: Mami's entire handling as a character). Madoka herself not actually becoming a mahou shoujo until the very ending is particularly telling of this, as it keeps the protagonist powerless within the story. The Homura flashback episode told more story than the previous 10 episodes combined, and gave a glimpse of what the series would have been like as a proper dark mahou shoujo.

Can it really be specifically called a mahou shoujo parody? I'd say the series is more like Seitokai no Ichizon, but replacing eroge with otaku anime trops in general. The existence of the plot is mainly just incidental.



The main hook was trying to figure out what was actually going on. Given the stakes, Madoka couldn't become a mahou shoujo until she (and the audience) at least knew what the other characters did.

The flashback episode could've been longer, but from the previous 9, you were given enough info to fill in the blanks.

Apparently you do it everyday so please send us a report of your life.

This makes me legitimately upset.

Korean Zombie Deskcar was a good series and it's going to piss me off it ends up being turned into some kind of forced shitposting bait.

Season 1 is underrated as fuck. Shinbo Nanoha was a masterpiece.

Oh shit i saved some


KoreZombie S1 is pretty bad. S2 was loads of fun.






This image doesn't really make sense because Madoka is in the Top 5 of best anime of all time


Did you by chance save the Dyson fan edits as well?

Nope, sorry

False alarm. Elysium's 720p torrent is dead but the 1080 torrent is still good.

Not to mention Madoka is OUR Goddess. Literally.

This is the last one

Damn. What about plate armor pool one?

Who gives a fuck.

This is the last thing i have


