Do japanese people really take their shoes off when they get into a car or go into a house or is this some sort of...

Do japanese people really take their shoes off when they get into a car or go into a house or is this some sort of anime meme?

Yes and they also have to take off their shoes when they have to get on the plane as well.

Trust me, I already said this to my imouto.

Wait, they have to? Is it a law in Japan that you have to take your shoes off everywhere?

I know you're baiting but I'll just bring something up in case anyone else is too stupid to catch it.
This is a screencap from SZS.
This tells you everything you need to know about the statement.
With that out of the way, let's make this a nice SZS thread.

yes most people outside japan do this too

>not taking your shoes off when you enter a house
Even if you have hardwood floors, you're a fucking animal.

Agreed. If you're going back in for a second to pick up something you forgot, I think it's fine, unless your shoes are wet/muddy/have snow on them, etc. Then you take them off, even if it's for a second.

Do american sleeping with wearing their shoes on bed 24/7?

Why should I get my socks dirty? It makes no sense to take off my shoes since there's mud and shit and dirt on the fucking floor.

And the reason there's mud and shit and dirt on the fucking floor is because you don't take your shoes off

I think there's bigger problems at hand if there's mud and shit on your floor

>There are people who don't take off their shoes in the house
Fucking animals

It's amazing how these kinds of things have to be pointed out.

well now it's on my floor so you're saying the solution is to just take my shoes off? That's fucking stupid. I might as well leave my shoes on and not get my socks dirty.

animals go around barefoot 24/7. Humans wear shoes to prevent their feet from getting dirty. Those that insist on going barefoot everywhere are more like animals than the civilized, shoe wearing class of humans.

>there's mud and shit and dirt on the fucking floor
You what?

>Humans wear shoes to prevent their feet from getting dirty.

That's not why humans wear shoes.

>Humans wear shoes to prevent their feet from getting dirty.

They also keep their environments from getting dirty. Which includes taking off your dirty fucking shoes when you go inside.


enjoy your rotting feet you filthy fucking animal

> Drags in mud on his shoes
> Wonders why his floors are covered in mud
Go back to Africa chimp.

They also take their shoes off when they kill them selves. Or maybe that is just when they jump from buildings.

Vacuum and keep your damn floor clean you animal, then you won't need to wear shoes.

Not even close.

Why is there mud and shit and dirt on your floor? Do you live in a fucking tent in the middle of the forest?

That isn't true though, its just a meme popularized by some shows, trust me i read about it on Detective Conan

No. Why do you need a law forcing you to do things?

>there's mud and shit and dirt on the fucking floor.

does your head hurt when you hit it on the wall?

What could you do to prevent that?

shoes off at the front door... why would i seriously wear them anywhere else in the house - besides, I've been wearing shoes all god damn day, why would i want my feet to stay in my shoes where they're going to stink any longer??

>well now it's on my floor so you're saying the solution is to just take my shoes off?

No, the solution is to clean your damn floors like any other civilized human out there.

I grew up in a house with an old wood floor that gave you splinters every once in a while if you didn't wear you shoes inside. Other than that you should take off your shoes inside.

Flip flops exclusive for home use is the way to go.

>Why should I get my socks dirty?
This. The host should at least provide some slippers.
