Why is she so dumb?

Why is she so dumb?

Why are you such a bad person?

Don't you mean why is she so brilliant?

or why she is so underhanded?

or why she is so evil?

Why she i so autistic?

Yes you are


She's literally me 5 years ago.

I mean she dumped all her stats into strength and agility like some retard

She's dumb only because she wants to be, needs to be. The whole thing's a farce to give meaning to her existence. Truth is, she's empty inside. Being a devil, she knows that life and the subsequent afterlife is meaningless. Trapped in such a pointless world she invented her deviant persona to provide mental catharsis. One who lives either suffers or strives.
Jk I'm just autistic. She's dumb because she's best.

She's evil? See that's where you're right. Evil is always the loser. It's the victor who has justice. The victor being the last man standing. And how you win in battle is irrelevant.

Hows being the queen of hell going user?

I want to look exactly like Vigne!


She looks great when she's all grown up

You might become the recipient of numerous rape attempts and/or marriage proposals.

Because she's the cutest!


a doggo stole her brain

What brain?

No! Chuunis are the embodiment of hope. When a chuuni goes normal, we all die a little.


No, that would be Satania.

>every time we bully satania we are killing ourselves

>we are dying and it's all Satania's fault
Her only job in life is being genki and she fails even in that. What a useless and worthless girl.

For you.


Why is Satania so fuckable Sup Forumsros?

literally autistic

But that's how I express my love for Satania. Bully her until she cries then treat her well and make her feel loved. That's when she's at her cutest. Pic related.

fuck you faggots stop bullying my daughteru

Because she's an infant

>Nice body
>Red hair
>Legal loli

That's pretty much it.


Stop calling her your daughter when she is in fact your casual fuck buddy.

Are you saying she can't be both?
