This is why I do not give a fuck about saving the white race anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Women are the race

But the race of Man is Men.

Women are children, you do not get mad at a child for throwing a temper tantrum, it does not know better.

You do not get mad at women for behaving like degenerates, they don't know better. Get mad at men who allow them and men who gave them rights to begin with.

I agree wholeheartedly leaffriend. White men are just as much to blame for their women being like this.

are there ways to throw your life away for a good cause if woman?

white people can't dance


>Women are children, you do not get mad at a child for throwing a temper tantrum, it does not know better.
>Get mad at men who allow them and men who gave them rights to begin with.
This. Sharia Law when?

The one girl had really big tits. And I like that.

But she obviously rides the BBC

Only white women can create white man though. There lays the problem.

This sort of thinking would be correct if laws and public opinion were not anti-reality.

Also a large portion of men are equally pleasure and comforting seeking dogs who will gleefully lead women into further ruin.

The problem with this line of thinking is that we already gave them the right to vote

“Women are children” can’t be used as an excuse now that they can singlehandidly shape the future of the country.

Up vote

I only saw 3 seconds of that and I could have gone without it

maximum cringe

I was grinding this chick at a nightclub when some sot-head tried to intercept, after giving him the look he stopped and said
>you two, veri good to dance

But yeah, whities are bad at this type of dancing. Probally the most bonerkilling twerking I have ever seen.

>Sup Forums is too autistic to realize they're doing this ironically
They're still dumb whores though

True, we never should have given them the right to vote or treated them as equals in the first place. We're unable to put them back in their place with the current system and they've already damaged themselves beyond repair, so fuck em.

And it's not like children can't be punished either.



Very true. I don't think people will actually realize how good another 'world war' would really be for the west.

> World war occurs
> People have to be drafted, resources are thinned
> Because resources are thinned, no more degeneracy can be tolerated
> Everyone forced to 'regress' into their former, more natural roles
> Women are women, homos are shunned, criminals and Marxists get capital punishment, etc

Women are a mirror of society.

If this upsets you, you're pathetic beyond belief. An hero autist.

>artificial wombs
If you want something done right...


>complaining about videos they see online
>assuming everyting about dey women from AMERIKA
>tinking social media hoes rep fo' all wh*Te womyn

as a proud italian, you faggots need to shut the hell up about how much you hate women
its like every single thread is either about how spics or mongoloids are better, or how slav(e)oid subhumans are trad and based

why can't we have actually nice threads on this board instead of complaining 24/7

You mean 1/64 Italian?

Whyte womynz are the probleeemmm!!!
Mom! I told you to bring my fucking tendies!!!


>memeing about tendies

You've given yourself away, r/the_donald
Back to plebbit with you

the tendies meme is from /r9k/, newfag

>Women are a mirror of society.
wimen are a society of mirrors

Women's rights were a mistake.

>This is why I do not give a fuck about saving the white race anymore.
yeah, it must be that, and not because you're a weakass faggot.

>whitey gets sent to die while tyrone fucks your wife at home

War is not a good option

The last two world wars killed of all of Europes finest men, it was especially good at killing off the decent patriotic ruling classes, but also killed of all the strong decent working class to.

We do not need another world war.

Call them what they are. They’re not women’s rights. They’re women’s privileges.


I see this all the time on American social media. It reminds me of that quote by Jung about Americans being highly negrified.

If it was true back then, it's doubly true now.

Your education system is retarded.

Ugly fat American bitches. Why would anyone care about such people?

This. Rights contain responsibilities.


>white people

every single time

will this burger fashion of hoodies, trainers (sneakers) and baseball caps just fucking die off already. it's been around for like the last 30 years and it was shit when burger niggers did it.

White women will be the downfall of what is left of our civilization.

It came from niggers. America is completely negrified. They are all niggers with straight hair. Unironically.


>i'm disgusted with my existence
then do something about it, cunt

We technically need a revolution and/or separatist movements, not a world war

I agree

She will be mine.


It's too late now. Women live longer than men and women vote far more frequently and consistently.

Too late to be mad at whoever gave the toddler the gun, now it's the time to punt the toddler across the field because he's pointing a loaded gun at you.

No, only white men can create white men.

Women can create white children.


women are so fucking disgusting

*american women

If you ever find an American woman who is an unrepentant degenerate, she will most likely have germanic blood and be a twiggy slut not because she lives a healthy lifestyle, but because she starves herself for days on end whenever cosmo tells her you need to weigh less than 110lbs to get the dick.

The good ones are anglo and a little thicc. White women, unlike asians, naturally put on weight when eating healthy diets, but not living highly active life styles.

The photos that get posted here are like ten years old. She is likely married and has children now.

>be looser
>look for others being loosers

Dont forget to sage cuckthreads

>a snake bit me, so I dont go in the woods

>a snake bit me, so I went into the garage and cut up all my hoses. snakes BTFO amirite?
user you cant fight twenty years of enemy programming. meet some normie grill in the gym and red pill her slowly over time