How has anime influenced your time on this world?

How has anime influenced your time on this world?

It's been an interesting journey. I learned a lot and enjoyed myself. It kept evil women away (and the others) but I don't regret my devotion to this medium. The emotions and realizations I've experienced through anime have been powerful. Though I lack many real life experiences, those I've known have been deeply influenced through anime. Without it, I think there'd be a void of sorts. A gift never received that should have been. It's been positive overall.

It's helped me take it easy. Real easy

If I still played videogames I'd just be a loser, but now that I swapped that for anime, I'm a loser who's getting pretty good at Japanese. I'd say it's a positive influence.

Badly. I lived the delusion of being a special snowflake for too long until I realized that I'm not entitled to receive good things or get involved into interesting adventures just by being nice and basically just existing.

I think I might have realized that more or less on time but I'm now struggling more than the rest because I suck at actually taking other people seriously.

It's made me masturbate a lot.
Though I was doing that before anime too, just to different things.

Shallow Japanese cave paintings mix into the greater blur of disillusionment. Reality feels less interesting even when everything is clear skies and smooth sailing. It'd be nice to just drift and exist again.

It made me want to be the little girl.

Probably saved me from being totally awful, actually. Anime has a lot of faults, but ironically, despite being aimed at introverted losers, is less expressly evil than a lot of mainstream Western media in that it generally doesn't encourage the institutional destruction of civilisation and nationhood as a moral imperative. Literally all my old high school friends have become insufferable social justice types and I can't help but feel that burrowing myself in a form so generally sentimental and apolitical was a good move.

This thread is cringe as fuck.

This one especially.

just let people have fun and enjoy themselves user-kun

Weak ass millennials like you would have killed themselves 1 year into the 80's. I bet you also pace around the room when something awkward happens in a movie. Fucking fag.

Pic related it's your face right now.

It taught me how to love something I'll never have, I don't regret it though because I never would have known about her otherwise, I just believe I was born in the wrong dimension.


it sure made me waste a shitload of time

apart from that it has not influenced me at all

Oh no. Oh god. You just pointed me to some normalfag board. I'm so threatened right now.

This will totally stop me from replying to your garbage posts.

It's kept the suicidal thoughts at bay while working a very high stress job.
It got me through every college exam period, keeping a 3.9 GPA all the way through.
It's helped me realize that I can't take myself too seriously.

It's been a source of extremely hedonistic and disassociative pleasure that has kept me from the edge a lot.
It's made me feel like a part of some sekrit club that only a few were involved in, and then I realized there are a lot of closet weebs about, and it felt even more sekrit.

It's been a cushion for a long time.
Thank god.

T. St. Patties level of fucked up, pls forgive typoes

It's been a huge waste.

Why, what could you have been doing with the rest of your "valuable" time?

I predicted this response, which is sad because if 'not wanting my country to be destroyed' is Sup Forums, then what isn't? No mentioned of da Joos or 'degeneracy; I even praised anime for being apolitical. Meanwhile, the BBC just parachuted reality TV warrior princess Stacey Dooley into Japan so she could lecture them on how anime is for paedophiles or whatever while literally thousands of English girls have been raped by foreign criminals. I long for the day when being asked to be a hostess is the worst thing that could happen to a girl in London. The way we think in this country has become morally outrageous, and anime absolutely inoculates me from it.

It's made me a lot more emotional about things and given me a softer heart.

Anime is the one uniting factor of humanity. When I go to cons or talk anime with people, I notice all our energy, be it enthusiasm or anger is fixated on anime. Anime bridges the boundaries of race, religion and ideology. Nazis, Commies, Muslims, Christians, Asians, blacks, whites, you name it, we stop fighting in the name of Chinese cartoons. Anime unites mankind.

That is why anime worlds are perfect despite having in-world conflicts. Anime is my escapism but also my inspiration/

That BBC3 hitpiece was pure drivel
Anime is completely unknowingly nationalistic
Because the japanese are similarly unknowingly nationalistic
They express their nationalism directly and without remorse or correction or censorship
Because that's the way it should be.

the fact that a brit can try to impose national ideals from their nation on another is ludicrous
the japs will perish before they forego their culture, and that's how it should be

Fuck the EU

makes me wish my time in highschool was better. Anime makes it easier to deal with

It made me a total wuss. Im breaking apart doing call center customer service because I'm too sensitive.

Yeah, this is part of, admittedly more of a part in recent years, of why I love anime, I'm not sure if it made me love it more or just more aware, but I'd like to avoid modern western sensibilities in my anime.

Japanese are far more sensitive and respectful of everyday workers.
Americans and most Europeans, as well as South Americans are abrasive and impatient
Japs know how to be polite, because they expect a basal level of courtesy in every interaction

Epic ftw (for the win)

Don't you a have a kemono friends general to be shitposting in

Nah im waiting for the normalfags.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

It helped me escape from a string of shit experiences, it became my safe space I guess. It progressed and became my get away from life in general, bad days and good ones. I could just kick back and relax and enjoy the stories. It helped when life hit its downs, and helped bring me up to its highs. Also helped me start learning Japanese and develop an understanding and appreciation of a culture I used to hate. All in all, I'd like to think that it has done more for me than almost anything, with very few exceptions.

i just say yare yare instead of good grief a lot more now


Nice meme, 10/10 meme points!
Upboat for you my fellow redditor!
Straight to the front page!
Wow! Upboat, upboat!
I'm sharing this with my prof, because of how witty it is!
Haha! Lel, *(like lol but from Sup Forums BECAUSE, i'm "edgy" but no le-dora my good man)
Once again, well memed!

Has made me more liberal

yea its a bad habit but i camt help it

>not saying itatata when you hurt yourself or sugoi when appropriate

i am here just waiting for the sweet, sweet release of death

It filled real life experiences that I never had, made me reflect about them finally learning how to appreciate the spontaneity of every moment.

So I'll say it made it more less shitty, it's just that the fact doesn't drag me anymore.

That picture is me, except I'm a man.

This post sounds like the exaggerated persona a normal person would imagine a Sup Forums user as and that's what I hope it is

Coupled with Sup Forums, it made me a lot more normal
I could funnel all of my autism into a few hours a day away from normal people

So it was for the best

Coming in late I had hoped it would get better later but I was mistaken

Honestly you sound very miserable.

Most people are.

With that being said, that doesn't excuse people not being self aware about their misery, trying to pass it off to women or normies or whatever.

How do you infer that? Countless posts of people taking about how anime is an escapist safe space from their internal problems and you zero in on the guy who has an external problem with his country's media. Interesting.


It made me a fucking degenerate

Soccer moms were right

Wasted it.
Fuck all you cringey blogfags.

>Doesn't contribute
Sausage Ayy

It's the same stupid thing user nobody cares

He already knew other people were miserable, dumb shit. I don't know if you're projecting, trying to awkwardly crowbar in a pol argument or just being odd, but pls stop

The internet has really broken you

>It's the same stupid thing
Not him, but it fucking isn't. It's like "nigga" and "nigger". I love being called nigger, fuck that.

I was asked a question and I answered it straightforwardly without really talking about my personal feelings. Again, what I said is not really Sup Forums, so you're either clueless or you're being disingenuous in an effort to criticise me without engaging in discussion.

At first it really just made me more introverted because my so called friends mocked me for liking it and they would always try to show me how dumb and cringy it was in really cruel ways. I ended up buying their shit like the stupid teen I was and the situation went as far as not being able to enjoy anime any more. But somehow I could never stop watching it. In the end I relized it was something I loved and hiding it was nonsense, so I ditched them, got new friends and all is well now.

i've been drowning myself in fiction since before my age reached double digits and anime's a hell of a lot easier to throw myself into when drunk off my shit than reading books is

i drink my way through life as it is, anime is just the right distraction for the time between when i get off work and when i pass out drunk. it's not good but i make my money and get by.

I want to throw homosexuals off cranes
I want to stone impure women
I want to film myself beheading diversity lovers while shouting GOD IS GREAT

And I want to do all of this without converting to Islam


Right you're just jibbering

If you have a point forget about his post and just lay it out

Kyou looks so beautiful with her heart broken and torn to pieces

>I want to stone impure women
I can get behind that

no lewd allowed! this includes hand holding

>it's the same stupid thing, user; nobody cares
How new are you? Do you not know the connotations behind "normie"? Do you use it because it sounds "better", or because it doesn't have a "fag" in it? Are you worried that you might offend someone? If so, what the fuck are you even doing here?

DId you forget the question mark, you son of a bitch?

It's different enough from Hollywood that you don't have the same knee-jerk response.

it kept me alive as a child. The thought of killing myself, went away when i watched it. I learned some lessons that i take to heart, i admit there are some stuff that i find stupid in anime. But for what its done for me, im happy that im able to be alive because of it


You are trying way to hard to be "alternative". Normie.

Gave me some role models as a child. Made me take my pride as something near-sacred, I suppose. Gave me fun times and let me talk to some good people.

A little more every year until there's nothing left

It's been 10 years, and I'm hardly considered an oldfag



Anime has given me a completely unrealistic expectation on girls but I am okay with that because 95% of girls are shit anyways. And anime also gives me motivation to be healthy so I can live a longer life cause I don't want to miss out on a good anime. (Also I think I will have to live for a long long time if I want to see a season 2 of HxH)

Normie normie normie!

A few have
Manga has had a much bigger impact


By watching plenty of Slice of Life anime, I've realized how shallow and empty my own life was.

Has made more reactionary

Much more real than you know. Anime has been a significant part of my life. The shoe fit and I wore it well.

It ruined my live, anime was a mistake.

It's how I learned to stop worrying and love the nips.

Some things are important to some people, even if their real social, cultural, or economic value is rather low. We've all had influences in our lives, and where they come from is inconsequential in the face of the effect they have.

Basically, fuck off.

>Weak ass millennials like you would have killed themselves 1 year into the 80's.
>Millenial is typically defined as 1980-1996

I want to die

I don't know
I think I've grown taller after I started watching anime

Anime made me overcome depression, taught me another language, how to cook, inspired me to better myself in many other ways, and helped me find my passion in life.

Either you're a millennial yourself (in which case you're a hypocritical shitposter) or you're way too fucking old to still be shitposting here old timer.

kys newshit

Kill yourseld newshit.

It has made it much, much worse. I became even more stupid and socially handicapped than I was before watching it. I decided to stop watching chinese cartoons and go back to university. Best choice I ever made.

The only reason I'm still on this board is to see some fun threads. By the way, blogs were a mistake.

Anime saved me. It gave me the escapism I needed to keep going.

Kept me from going insane when I was in college I think. I was dirt poor and didn't have many friends that I could hang out with and didn't have much to do.