What does Sup Forums think about dark skinned people in anime? would you like to see more of them?
my opinion: ABSOLUTELY!!!
Dark skinned anime girls
brown is delicious, all anime girls are welcome in my book
Only the ones that are not literal Africans.
They're almost always side characters or there to be jokes. Real shame.
I like this tiny tropical qt.
Doesn't matter, wanting isn't going to make more of them anyway.
Just be satisfied with the occasional rarities that pop up sometimes like Kuro.
Brown lolis are the best.
Brown anime girls are basically the same as white anime girls but with darker skin, there's literally no reason to dislike them
Man this show was such a wasted potential.
I don't really think anything, they can be good sure but are usually sidelined in most cases and just there to look pretty, and in the case they aren't then like with Nadia it's interesting to see people acknowledge their skin colour, for example when she couldn't take refuge at his home because she's black.
Oh yes.
Are there any other black anime girls that actually look black?
You're racist user, Asians don't even look Asian in anime, therefore you're high af
It's just a classic example of what happens when you change directors mid-way through.
And the second guy happens to be a colossal fucking faggot.
Yeah, fuck this cunt.
Silly me. Dreads are such a common hairstyle in anime. All those cute Asian girls and their dread locks! There's no way that girl looks black at all.
As long as you understand your mistake.
Brown girls are best girls.
This is as dark as I will go.
Coke is getting really desperate in their adverts
Got a problem with Goliath?
I'll take F2, D6, and B9.
Too light.
>pale nipples, like cokes, knows the best Star Wars is Phantom Menace.
No A2?
>best Star Wars is Phantom Menace.
I didn't think anyone could be this fucking plebeian.
The only girls that look like anime girls are korean girls with plastic surgery
>Keith David
I'll take 'em all
We need to go darker
They're delicious qts
>the best Star Wars is Phantom Menace.
It's not as bad as people say but that's pushing it a little.
I forget the anime a7 is from
Any further and she becomes dark matter.
There's a 13th column now.
Yeah, it's at the end of the list.
What the fuck? I made this edit like 7 years ago.
Remember when we used to photoshop girls brown? Good times.
Victorian effort. Polite, innocent, and at the expense of filthy peasants everywhere.
A fine figure.
I had that also, albeit in lower res.
Now, you see, THIS character actually looks black. Not like the one in the OP. It's the nose.
This thread needs more brown lolis
Alright OP, I've hated being half black my entire life. I've had to deal with /pol fuckheads ruining brown girl threads in anime. There is actually no reason not to want more of them, unless you hate the brown skin aethstetic. Trying to apply race to anime is actually retarded for so many reasons. Having more would be great, but if not, it really doesn't matter.
The way brown girls are usually approached is that they're just "exotic", and usually racially ambiguous. Maybe some kind of Indian or Southeast Asian/Islander if they ever wanted to be specific. Otherwise, they're aliens like Nadia.
That's the entire point. Ambiguous. The only reason they're there is to either 1. appeal to a larger worldwide demographic, hence the extreme diversity in anime character design so more people will watch it, or to just make a manga or show more colorful. That's the only reason. Mangakas have been interviewed about this, anime producers have been interviewed about this, but people have to project their own racial complexes to a medium in which creators have little to no understanding of "race" because fuck niggers.
Nobody was mentioning race before you showed up. Fuck off back to Sup Forums
I'm projecting my own hatred for my race into /a sorry. Basically all characters are great is what i'm getting at
Sup Forums is not your blog. Fuck off. No one gives a fuck about you or your pathetic insecurities about whatever faggot race you are.
What a zinger
that's just anime style, why would you expect black folk to be drawn more realistically?