Dragon Ball Super

From trying to kill someone with a giant pinball machine to helping them with their pre-childbirth kegel exercises.

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toyo a shit

Toyo a best


Who voices the semen demon? I thought she sounded kinda familiar. I want to check it out.

genkai toppa × survivor single fucking when



SSG is best form, "Beyond God" fanficfags need not reply.


Toyo is an amateur and toriyama is a senile old nigger faggot.

Will Merged Zamasu's monster form have chin spikes?

>is this another "assblasted toeishills doesn't understand a manga for kids so they think it's being inconsistent" day

Every fucking month.

Ai Sasaki

I haven't gone to bed quite yet despite what happened in an earlier thread.

Wasn't beyond god retconned in the anime too? It doesn't make sense that Trunks could match a beyond god super saiyan 2 with his own super saiyan 2

So do Bulma and Goku not remember Pilaf and gang or just not recognize them?

Just put Bulma in the time chamber for 5 minutes vegeta.



>Bulma is getting ready to give birth
>Doesn't invent a machine to teleport the baby out

Reminder that Goku's name is "Gokou"
Beerus is "Beers"
Buu is "Boo"
Mr. Satan real name is "Mark"
17 and 18 names are "Lapis" and "Lazuli"
and nobody knows Turtle Hermit's name, same about his sister

Nice fucking meme faggot, both are for the grown manchildren that watch it.

Right on the mark.

"Dont get bent so out of shape Beerus Sama"

Oh he sure did.

>mfw Dunkey guest starred as Beerus

>Earlier today I was supposedly "assblasted"
>now the toeifaggots get assblasted
feels good


lol are you ok after being molested by an user?

More like forgotten than retconned. It was just a failed marketing attempt to push base form merchandise to begin with anyway, so it's not surprising they don't bother anymore. Super Saiyan sells, and they need to get over that fact.

giran or jiran

There's just absolutely no consistency to Beyond God at all because you can't visibly gauge it.
We don't know how much of a boost it gave or when their Base God boners are erected whatsoever.

Captain Ayy Lmao

aah yes, perfect. Thank you very much.

(it seems I've never heard of her: so, my alarm was wrong. nice to check it out)

That kindof stuff doesn't bother me too much I've been on the internet too long to care about that, it's just that in that scenario if I stuck around I would've perpetuated the user who was attracted to my character to continue typing out lewd stuff which doesn't belong here. Either way I'm fine though, thanks for asking.

I really like how SSG and SSB are pretty much the same god form but one gives you more strength while the other one is more "stable" about the energy (as SS2 and SS3 except gods are more balanced each other and use both forms actually works). It's like they need stop being a morons and be more strategic if they want to handle god's power properly.

>inb animefan shitposting
It's OK if you enjoy more the anime version or just the "beyond god" thing, I don't care at all, I'm just saying I like some idea. Be happy and let me be happy.

That Gi is ugly.

This is the second time Vegeta has sent Goku to the hospital

>tfw the opening already forshadowed SSG vegeta

>You can't just "train away" a weakness like that.
I hate the manga too, but you can actually train away stuff like that. Goku did it with Kaioken and SSJ, and now in Super he is doing it with SSB Kaioken too. Training can get rid of a lot of shit. Still, Toyotard's fault for adding the stupid 1/10 rule that shouldn't have been there to begin with, and adding SSG Vegeta now while completely forgetting Vegeta could have used that to deal with Hit.

She's a fairly new voice actress from what I can tell who has only been voicing minor or background characters so far.

>reaching this hard
And that's what toyofaggots are doing to toeicucks

Pilaf helping Bulma out again
and mai getting the pregnancy exercises her future counterpart will probably need soon too

Reminder that the name is "Geran"

I want to fuck preggo Bulma.

That Gi is ugly.

>let me be happy.
No, I gauge my level of success with how BTFO you are.

The problem is SSG is an universally hated transformation because it was boring and lazy. They hyped it so much and it ended up being a red Goku with a faggot face that doesn't even have the SSJ hair everyone loves.

Toei did good by removing that trash forever.

But do you not see how smooth Vegeta looks when he's using it? It doesn't look that good on Goku, but for Vegeta it's a perfect fit.


>time for one last spurt

>mfw I come for the fights and everyone else comes for the '''new''''''' saiyan transformations
>mfw the fights aren't that good

Leave Goku and Hit to me

Ayy Lmao


>goku legit doesn't respect him anymore

I don't like Vegeta's face with SSG. Vegeta is supposed to be a badass, SSG gives everyone a faggot face, it's ugly and lazy. I mean over time it doesn't seem as shit as it did at first because we probably got used to it, but when it first came out, it was one of the worst things to ever happen to Dragon Ball.

pilaf was bra's dad all along

Holy shit these threads were okay when we were watching the episode but then they went back to shitposting. I really think we need separate threads.


Smugpup you do realize you're chivalrous and considerate to a fault and somebody is going to take advantage of that one day and you're going to end up severely hurt for it right?

I've really enjoyed Toppo so far. Can't wait to see the Grey and the rest of the team.


Smugpup is a jobbing faggot.

>injured and tired Goku BTFO a God of Destruction candidate


Hah you don't need to remind me about it, I've almost gotten myself killed because of it several times and yes people have taken advantage of me even more times but I'm seriously too autistic to change. I'm a bit of a massive manchild ok - I mean that's why I'm still watching Dragon Ball Super. I might be going to bed for real now, so you guys take care.

I really hate more the stupid faggot face than the recolor itself. It makes the Saiyans look like fucking kids.

This isnt your blog, we arent therapists, fuck off

Im loving the new soundtrack...does anybody have the OST that plays during toppo and goku's fight? It was on Buu vs Basil too


Would you guys enjoy DBS more if Kikuchi's classic Dragon Ball/Z music was used instead of the current composition?

k seeya later

fyi I like talking with him which is more than what I can for a lot of the people here

Yes. It's been improving though.

>muh badass Vegeta

he's still a badass, you're just an insecure faggot like the rest of the people bitching about vegeta.

>get accused of shitting up the thread
>admit you don't care about the thread, you just like reading some furries in-thread-blog

the ironing


>the face is any different

ok pedro

This pretty much.

>Vegeta has probably been fucking preggo Bulma everyday to try to jump start the labor

I don't think so really. I really enjoyed Kikuchi's score but Super is so fast paced that I'm not sure it would work well.

Vegeta looks good winning anyway
its like back when he was styling on Namek on Dodoria and Zarbon

You know, before his life of cuckery

>SSG is an universally hated transformation because it was boring and lazy
Fucking toeishills I swear

not really, wouldn't fit the current softer look but then again this artstyle is a mistake in the first place

He doesn't look like a toeishill, though

You guys maybe think it might be the pupils that makes Vegetables seem younger or is it his small twink-like stature ?

semen demon when

DBS doesn't DESERVE Kikuchi's masterpieces. Let old Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya keep what the master made.

Any Universe 7 shills here? I'm gonna beat your ass

Maybe if the anime used it more, I wouldn't mind, but we only had it for about 20 minutes in one movie.

Goku never respect him


Didn't help Toriyama didn't like it after seeing it in animation.

Go ahead.

SSG in the movie was way better than SSG and SSB in the whole series

Why are the manga and anime battles STILL going?

No one's gonna talk about the latest episode?


beerus was lookin real QUALITY this episode, almost looked like a dog in a few scenes at the end

How much longer till Beerus becomes the next Roshi (strong character with a quirk for comedy's sake to full blown gag character)

They should just bring back SS4 and forget the god crap ever happened.

SSG is just an extremely lazy palette swap. The colors are too bright, it's painful to look at. And Goku seemed too skinny in BoG for some reason.

SSGSS is a lazy as well, and its concept was convoluted as fuck. Did we really both red and blue god form? They should've just sticked to one. The name Super Saiyan Blue is anticlimatic as fuck, and SSGSS sounds retardrd.

Vegeta should have been blue and Goku red, it would have been cooler to have different forms of SSG, but Goku's entire body shouldn't have changed colors.

Fuck I love how cute Zeno is. I have the biggest grin everytime he talks.